Happy Friday!!! I am so looking forward to this weekend! Excited to spend quality time with family and just relax. Was it just me or was this week crazy? I swear I kept on thinking all day Wednesday it was Friday. I can’t wait to share all the new and exciting plans I have for this space over here. Definitely check back because I will be talking about it soon! Let’s get right into these favorites!
Favorite Song
I literally cannot get enough of this song. Definite windows down, sun shining on your face kind of jam. Wyclef Jean – “Divine Sorrow” ft Avicii.
Favorite Recipe
Made this for dinner and it was man approved. Chopped Thai Chicken Salad full recipe here.
Favorite Workout
Bathing suit season is calling my name. Time to get working on all those plank variations. Full link to this workout can be found here.
Favorite Lust Piece
Can these be on the way to me please??? Aren’t these fantastic for the Summer?
Favorite Funnies
Pretty much me 98% of my life
My friend sent me this one and it’s just so true especially here in FL. No escaping bathing suit season!
When you walk into the room and clearly interrupt someone’s conversation
When you get the ball rolling on those online shopping carts and hesitate before that last big purchase but then you……just…..hit…..purchase
How I feel when I read people’s amazing weekend recaps and mine just mainly involves lots of food pics
Finally. Pretty much how I feel about raiding my niece and nephew’s Easter basket this weekend
Time to link up and tell me all your favorites from the week! I hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend!
Follow me on!
Those wedges…oh my! I am such a sucker for bows! And that otter meme made my night!
OMG. Those wedges though. All the heart eye kitty emojis!
I will definitely be making that salad. Those wedges are perfection!
I seriously need to do that workout. I didn’t go to the gym once this week and bikini season is definitely here. In fact, that otter is definitely me. I’ve been eating candy for breakfast… at least every day this week. Stupid Easter candy!!! Obsessed with those wedges! They’re so pretty!! Have an amazing weekend love!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
Cheers to spring, Easter weekend and time with family! And those wedges :)! Have a great day, lady!
Those wedges are adorable and perfect for Spring. Have fun with the family this weekend!
This week has gone by super fast!!! Can I just lay in that chair in your first picture!?! Those shoes are fabulous and I could see them on repeat all spring/summer!!! And that salad looks yummy like the one I had last week. Hope you have a great weekend!!!
HA I am right there with you about weekend recaps. Maybe I did something but all I can think of is where we went to eat? Hard to be sure. Whoops! Have a great weekend girl!!
Thanks for the workout suggestion! I’m desperately looking for things to change up my strength training routine. Have a great weekend!
Those wedges… *swoon* beautiful! And YES to sunshine, this weekend is supposed to be beautiful. I won’t have time to get to the beach, but I will be soaking up pool time for sure. And loving those plank moves, perfect for toning up my mid-section since it seems like it’s full on bathing suit season now :-D
Happy Friday gurlie <3
Pinning that salad right now, and I am loving those wedges! Now can it please warm up enough for me to wear them?! Happy Friday!
I had the opposite problem. I thought Wednesday was Monday so Thursday felt like Wednesday. It was all so very confusing!
I need to print out that arm/ab workout… summer is coming… these arms are NOT ready for sleeveless
Omg I want those SHOES!!!
I really need to up my plank game at the gym – I may have to try out the ones in this post! Those wedges are seriously perfect for the coming months – they would go with everything. Have a great weekend!
That chopped salad looks awesome, that workout does not. Haha! I’m rocking a sore body from yoga last night, I need a rest. Have a great weekend!
that thai chicken salad looks yummy. i love it when the lettuce is smaller pieces rather than big hunks! and those wedges. LOVE! happy friday :)
That recipe!! You always post the yummiest looking pins ever ;) I’m thinking of going to Target on my lunch and grabbing a few “Easter things” for my man ;) we didn’t do baskets last year but I think it’s so fun!!
Ok, UGG makes wedge sandals?! Not just cold weather shoes?! Shows what I know. Can you just come and cook for me? That salad looks dabombdotcom, serioulsy.
And that chick in your fave workout TOTALLY stole my yoga outfit from yesterday’s IG post, no?! What a stalker! ;)
lol i’m glad you included the gif we talked about! love it. and that song is my jam! here’s to spring and wedge season! now you’ve inspired me to go online shopping. this could get dangerous. ha. have a happy weekend!! xo
Ohhh man. That Thai Chicken Salad looks delicious!
I’ve been all about the body weight exercises these days. I need to try this workout.
And I’m swooning over those wedges. Happy Friday, friend!
That salad looks awesome! I may try that out since it’s man approved :) Those wedges are super cute too. I’m really wanting some this summer. Have a great weekend, Amanda!
Just pinned that salad and can’t wait to make it! Hope you have the best weekend! xoxoxo
Yeah I need those wedges fo sho! Great workout to add to the rotation!
Yes to sunshine being the best accessory, you really can’t go wrong with it! Those wedges are so cute!! I’m dying over the meme of the guy tripping over the chain….my weekend recaps usually involve a lot of food pics too so I’m in the same boat. Have an awesome weekend!
Last gif, is me when I get to leave work two hours early today. (; Have a wonderful weekend Amanda!
Everything on here! yes yes yes!! I want summer SO badly and to be wearing those shoes!
the kygo “stole the show” is my current jam right now. he’s my new avicii!
I’m SO not ready for bathing suit season! I need to get on the ball with those workouts!
That salad looks awesome! And that ab workout. I’m hurting just looking at it!
Have a fab weekend love!
Sorry for the late comment. It has been a busy day. Anyway… love those wedges and those gifs.. LOL. Thanks for sharing that workout too, definitely saving that!! Have a fab weekend lady!! :-)
Those wedges, yes please! Xo, Stephanie
Those shoes!! I wish I had a little kid’s basket to raid…I might just have to hit up the store tomorrow for my own candy.
i cannot believe those shoes are uggs, they’re amazing. and that workout – yes please, bikini season will soon be on us! lol. hope you had a great weekend :)
That recipe and those wedges. I want them both!!
After the way I’ve been eating this past week I need to make that salad – it looks incredible!! Who knew that Ugg could make something that cute – love those wedges and they would look incredible on you…long legs and all!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
That salad looks sooo good! Those wedges are the cutest sandals I’ve ever seen. Too bad I have to stick to flats with the kids.. xo The otter gif haha it’s so true.
That salad looks delicious! I always crave salads when it starts warming up!
The online shopping….yep that is so me. Also I should write things down!