Welcome to January. For those of you who have met me in real life, you know that my planner is attached my hip. I “X” out days like I’m back in grad school counting down the days until graduation. Except, at this moment in my life there is no particular “end game” that I am bidding my time until. When the month of December started I remember glancing to the last two weeks and thinking in awe what I was going to do during all that time off from Christmas to New Year’s. That time has come and gone and now January has started.
I don’t make resolutions at the start of the year but I do make goals. One of my goals I have written in pen is that I am going to be more present, less multi tasked and not be always scanning to the future. I feel like time is always flying because I pack so many things into one day. Always running from one thing to the next and just surviving till the weekend. The weekend, where I make sure to set my alarm to wake up in time to get a work out in and then still have time in my day to “not waste it” and still get enough accomplished. Do any of you feel that way as well? Habitually over scheduled and usually running late?
I think I just really enjoyed this time off, this very much needed break. No papers to grade, minimal classes to teach and blogland pretty quiet. I had tons of plans to get ahead and be prepared for when the work week started but here I am watching Sunday night football and clicking away on my Macbook.
Things don’t change for the over scheduler.
Here is the difference though. I slept without an alarm today. I finished a book and I wasn’t even on a plane forced without wifi or the ability not to be able to access work. I didn’t workout, get ahead or finish cleaning. I just enjoyed the day with Mark, didn’t get out of stretch pants and had my human app alert me periodically throughout the day to get up and stretch. I did this all because I know that today is Monday and I will be back to the crazy grind of it all. I smile though and know that I got the recharge that a crazy Type A over scheduler needed.
Cheers to the start of the New Year. Did everyone refresh and get some serious R&R in? Are you still on an extended vacation or back to the grind as well? Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Do you set goals for the New Year’s? I had such a wonderful past year and cannot wait to start blazing out into 2016 with full steam.
I need weekends like that too, to just reset and relax. I think they’re so important. Happy New year, girl!
Those days spent just relaxing, those are so nice! And difficult as well if your type A and always on the move. I am back today after two weeks off, time that I took to really unplug and not try and get any work done other than relaxing and wow it felt amazing! Now back to the grind but at least we feel refreshed: ) Happy New Year Amanda!
Happy 2016!
I’m already back at work after a week off for the holidays, but Christmas break ends next week. So not ready for classes to start back up. I was starting to get used to all the downtime.
Definitely trying not to overextend myself and learn how to say no!! Here’s to a great start to 2016 for you girl! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Love this dress/look!
I think your goal of being more present is awesome, and one that we could all strive to do more of!
Happy New Year!!!
Cheers to the new year!! I struggle with being present too and always counting down the days until my next big thing. Glad you got to enjoy some R&R in be in the moment. It’s so good for the soul
Cheers to an exciting 2016 ahead friend!
I think I tell you this a lot, but you have more on your plate than anyone I know, and you balance and manage it all so well. You should do more posts on that, because I feel perpetually over-scheduled, stressed, out of balance, etc. etc. I hope this is a calmer year for you, but I know you can handle anything! Happy 2016 pretty lady! xo
I’m so Type A too and totally have to stick to a schedule! That’s definitely something I need to work on! Loved this post and LOVE your dress!
what a fab idea! and something we all need to do more often. next year, i’m taking 2 weeks off the blog around the holidays.
I feel the same way when I am over scheduled. Glad you took a day off and just relaxed! Happy New Year!
Good for you taking a much-needed break from everything!! I feel like I’m a total over-scheduler, too and can’t keep up with it all annnnd you still blog regularly so…I really don’t know how you do it! Cheers to 2016!!
Can’t believe it’s already 2016! I don’t like making resolutions either, I prefer goals. I definitely want to spend more time in the moment this year. I feel like even on vacation I spend so much time taking the perfect pictures that I don’t enjoy fully what’s all around me! Not to mention a few other goals like getting back to the gym which I haven’t done since Sept… eek! Happy 2016! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Yes to being more present! I had so much blog content I wanted to get done over the weekend, but I spent more time with fam and Stephen and it made such a great difference! Love this dress and yay for 2016!
Southern Style
I’m so glad that you got to spend some time just relaxing and enjoying being in the present, friend. I think sometimes we spend so much time overscheduling ourselves that we forget to really enjoy where we are now! I’m slowly learning that not everything needs to always be planned and that I can take time every week to enjoy some me-time without having to worry about everyone and everything else. I hope you get to do that too!! xo
First off, love that outfit. I hear ya on not wasting the day. Whenever I have a weekend day off I’m like must wake up early and get business done before fun stuff. Haha. Yes to being more present too!! I’m glad that you had a nice and relaxing weekend and cheers to 2016! :-)
Good for you! I think we all needed to step away and recharge a bit. I’m with you that I need to stop looking forward so much – I always feel like I miss the present then, and there’s so much to appreciate in the here and now. In other news, love that dress on you!
I am constantly pacing my days and weekend full of stuff in order to feel efficient like I’m making the most of my time off. Scott hates it. This weekend I pretty much didn’t leave the house and I’m so glad that I have myself some downtime. I’m not ready to be back at work….ugghh
We had a busy weekend out of town with family this weekend, and I so wished that we had a day like yours where we didn’t do a whole lot and just relaxed! I feel like if we all took the time to spend a day to decompress we’d be a lot happier!
Oh man. Isn’t sleeping without an alarm the very best? My alarm was a rude awakening for me this morning… but I got up, poured myself a cup (or 3) of coffee, and put myself together. It’s always so nice to have a break.
I am not a big resolutions person either, but I love the idea of being more present. I am a planner and organizer too, so it’s hard! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
This is so great! I cannot even remember the last time I read a book and just relaxed! Definitely trying to be less over scheduled in 2016! Happy New Year!
Xo, Rachel
A Blonde’s Moment
So glad you got some good rest in! I’ve also stepped back from the nonstop social media and blog commenting and it was so nice! I’m just doing bare minimum and enjoying my new baby and calling it a day.
Sometimes it’s hard for me to relax too, especially when there’s a lot to do. But I always feel better prepared to tackle the madness after decompressing and chilling out for a bit.
The struggle is real for us Type A’s. I can never relax and that is a goal of mine for this year as well. I treated myself to a binge of Making a Murderer this weekend to try and just sit on the couch but I kept pausing it to go do whatever. Good for you for taking a rest, I need to do that more often! And the skipping workouts, my sister reminded me on New Years Day when I was going to leave her house early to get a PB class in, “You don’t need to go everyday you know!”
I’m totally co-signing you with the being more present. I need to put the phone down, and stop trying to document everything and just “be”. I also think it’ll help time not fly by as quickly, and we can just overall enjoy life more. Awesome goals, cheers to 2016 <3
Green Fashionista
Sadly I too have my planner glued to my hand. I make lists every single afternoon for the following day. Typically I do this on my lunch hour. On the weekends, when my little one goes down for a nap, I run around and clean anything I can get to. I meal plan, I organize. I never ever just sit down. Saturday afternoon, the kiddo begged me to take a late nap. I wasn’t going to deny her. Instead of laundry, instead of organizing my shoes, I sat. I just sat on the couch, watched Netflix, and allowed myself to succumb to the fuzzy blankets all around me. It was much needed, but sometimes, we have to let ourselves do those things. (; Happy New Year Amanda! Hope your back to work day goes smoothly!
So glad you were able to enjoy some relaxing moments over the break. Hopefully 2016 will bring you more moments of peace where you can sit and savor the things you love daily without the stress of the schedule and calendar.
I love the idea of goals instead of resolutions. so smart! so glad you’re able to relax a little – i know how busy you are!!
It can be hard to just take a break and rest. Especially when you are on the go all the time. Glad you got some time off. Loving your striped dress, perfect look!
Whitney & Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
I’m a people pleaser so it’s hard for me to say no too. Good goal to work on this year!
SO glad your time off was relaxing! As nice as it is to work ahead, it’s just as important to get in that down time, too! Cheers to 2016 – can’t wait to see what’s in store for you this year! :)
i basically did the same things all weekend, stretchy pants and all. needed the recharge for sure! happy new year girl!
Happy New Year! I’m not much of a resolutions kind of gal more of setting goals and living in the moment. It sounds like you had a nice break. Loving the striped dress.
I love that you just relaxed on Sunday. It’s important to take time for your body and mind to detox. I have always been an over scheduler as well, but after having kids that totally changed. Cheers to a great first week of 2016!
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!! I think everyone could stand to be more present. It is great for the spirit and the mind. Cheers to a fabulous 2016!!!!
I actually forced myself to relax a bit over break too, when I’m usually attached to my laptop and/or phone. However I tend to just do aimless stuff like scroll through Twitter instead of getting things done. So I’m hoping to make my “work” time more productive so I have more “fun” time. Hopefully that plan works out! :)
Cheers to a brand new year! In love with that stripped dress! So pretty!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Being more present is a GREAT goal to have! What always helps me when I feel like I need to stop being so plugged in, is literally not even having my phone near me if Pete and I are on a date – even if it’s just sitting on the couch watching TV together. It does wonders for the mind!
Sounds like you spent your last day in a pretty perfect way and will be recharged. In this day in age it’s so hard to be “present” and not multitask.
We have that in common! I really enjoyed break because I was able to step back and totally recharge. Enjoy your time! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
Cheers to new beginnings! It’s good to live in the moment sometimes and enjoy your company. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me. Hope you have a successful but less stressed year ahead!
You are absolutely right, cheers to the New Year! A break to refresh and refocus is always the best! Xo, Stephanie
I’ve been on vacation the past week+ so playing catch up. I love your goal for the year!
Being present is a perfect goal. I know I’m not nearly as busy as you are, but I can relate. After too many days of feeling rushed from one thing to the next or trying to get things done, I start to get very crabby! Happy new year by the way! :)