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Blogging Photography 101 – Working With Shutter Speed
February 23, 2016Back at you to complete the triad of manual settings. We have talked about aperture to achieve that blurry background, ISO to find the perfect lighting balance and now we are finishing up with shutter speed. I insist you read the two previous posts so that you are up to speed with this tutorial. Remember I am completely self taught. If I can do this, so can you. My goals are for you to stop shooting in automatic and really get out there and practice in manual mode. Seriously, it is so exciting to finally get those pictures that you have been striving for!
Okay first things first to understand working with shutter speed, really think about what those words mean. How fast or slow the shutter is going to open or close on your lens. There are so many ways to think about how to play with your shutter speed but I want you to think about light coming in. If your shutter speed is opening and closing fast (say 1/400), the less light will be able to come in. If you have your shutter closing more slowly (1/60), you will have “more time” essentially for light to come in.
Working with Shutter Speed: Using Your Camera on Manual Mode. Pin me!
So let’s put what we have learned together. If you have a fast shutter speed (1/400), less light in. If you have a high F-stop (f22), less light coming in (i.e. think sunny days), and if your ISO is low (100), then you aren’t adding in any additional brightness. Makes sense? Now the flip of that. Slow shutter speed (1/60), more light coming in, low F-stop (f 2.5), more light coming in, and high ISO (800) you are adding that brightness.
Now, you know about the light capabilities of the differences in your shutter speeds. The other part of shutter speed is playing around with it in order to “freeze” things. If you want super sharp pictures, you want your shutter speed to be high (1/400 for example) but remember if you are having your shutter close that fast you will have to adjust your other settings to compensate. Your shutter speed won’t be allowing in that much light so you will need to lower your F-stop or increase your ISO.
Let’s see this in action. I will note these were taking on a tripod with a 2-sec timer delay. I will tell you the minute I got a tripod, my blog photography drastically improved. It really enables you to have the sharpest pictures without the natural shakiness of your hand holdings. I got mine on Amazon here.
Notice how you can see the droplets of water frozen here? If you look closely on the left side, you can even see them bouncing up off the fountain.
Shutter speed 1/2000, F-stop 4.0, ISO 200
Now look what happens when you slow down your shutter speed. See how the water flows together and is smooth.
Shutter speed 1/32, F-stop 22, ISO 100
How I like to play with shutter speed is to capture those gorgeous nighttime scenes. If you don’t have a tripod with you, you can always rest your camera on a ledge like I did here in Santorini.
Nighttime shot of downtown Fira.
Shutter Speed 1/4, F-stop 22, ISO 100 with 2 second delay timer.
Versus daytime shot of the exact area
Shutter speed 1/320, F-stop 22, ISO 400
Now here are some blogging pictures and what I had my camera set to.
Shutter speed 1/200, F-stop 3.5, ISO 100 (taken outside on a rainy day, Mark was actually standing under an umbrella!)
Dress Joie on sale here ||| Pumps on sale here
Shutter speed 1/320, F-stop 3.2, ISO 100 (outside and cloudy)
Grey Jacket BB Dakota here ||| layering long t-shirt here ||| Black leggings here ||| Boots Stuart Weitzman 5050 here mid range on major sale here ||| Sunnies Karen Walker here ||| Purse Tory Burch here here and similar here
Shutter Speed 1/100, F-stop 2.5, ISO 800 (My back porch at 6pm trying to get this shot with some natural lighting, I increased the ISO to get that brightness of the marble top)
Shutter speed 1/400, f-stop 2.5, ISO 400 (about to rain outside, so it was cloudy)
Shutter speed 1/100, F-stop 3.5, ISO 800 (Inside of a dark cafe)
Last one. It took me forever to get the lighting right in these so you can see the fluorescent paint details.
Shutter speed 1/250, F-stop 5.0, ISO 800.
skirt exact here on sale in black here ||| sweater exact here (on sale)||| booties here ||| on sale slightly different here ||| sunglasses here
[bctt tweet=”Learning how to shoot your camera in Manual mode. Must read for how to improve your blog photography!”]
Okay there is the final installment of the three setting in order for you to shoot in manual mode. The next tutorial I will have coming at you, is what shooting with different lens looks like! I hope you really enjoyed and learned something from these. Now get out there and practice! If you have been using these tutorials to improve your blog photography I would love if you would share this post, pin it or like on bloglovin! Thank you guys! I have received so much positive feedback from these and I can’t wait to continue on with teaching you how to improve your blog or photography in general!
You’re making me want a new camera (or at least a new lens) to play with! I love messing with the shutter speed, especially when water is involved! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Once again I love this ! It’s so helpful. Thanks for sharing.
I love your series on photography! I really love playing around with the settings on my camera and seeing how different everything looks! Thanks for sharing :)
Alexis @ Chemistry Cachet
Loving all these tips – totally pinning this one for later!
Christina :: Simple and Delish
Once you master manual mode you’ll literally never want to go back to automatic! It’s so nice to be able to control the settings!
Always so helpful with all of these tips. Now I just need to get my DSLR out and start practicing :)
Wow, so helpful! I’m looking into investing in a DSLR so I will definitely come back to these when I do! Thanks for sharing!
xo, Lily
I want a new camera so bad to put these tips to good use but I have to pay off all my debt first, which is coming! Pinned and liked as usual! Hope Napa was fabulous!
The water fall is the perfect example of shutter speed.
Its fun to use it for people dancing as well :) Keep one couple still & get others around moving (walking, dancing) … a cool shutter effect :)
Too cool, lady- you guys have this DOWN. I need to brush up on my photog skills. :)
Le Stylo Rouge
I so need a new camera! I can’t get over how gorgeous that fountain pic is <3
Green Fashionista
That is a crazy different between the fountain pictures! I will be saving this for future use :)
Learning to shoot in manual is one of the best things I ever taught myself!
I LOVE photographing water at different shutter speeds because it helps me visualize what is happening inside the camera. :P Love this series. You rock!
Nice work! Can’t believe that Mark took the one in the black dress in the rain! You can’t even tell!!
Great tips!! You’ll see this in tomorrow’s post- but somehow my ISO got turned up (to 6400!!!) at my bridal shower and all my pictures are grainy as hell. Ugh. I will be paying much closer attention now!
You are inspiring me to do better . . . now I need to make it happen. The most dramatic thing you explained was the shutter speed with the water droplets. Cool.
Really awesome tips girl! I wish I could set my ISO to 100 more often! We just don’t get enough sunlight here most days in the winter, haha! Loving this series!
Another one book marked! Thank you again for breaking all this stuff down in a way it’s simple. Some forums are all over the place! (;
once again, ADORE these posts and pinned of course. you are spot on with these tips!
That’s so much for sharing! This is so important! I have no idea how to use my DSLR! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
Wow, so much great information! Thanks for sharing! Xo, Stephanie