I think by now you all know that I keep myself quite busy. You cannot turn anywhere lately without reading about how to avoid burning out and keeping your creative energy flowing. The common theme that everyone discusses is “feeling okay with saying no” and protecting that mental health. I totally get it. Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew and I’m cramming at the last hour to get it all done. However, as I sit here looking over Paradise Valley in Scottsdale and listening to the live music streaming in over the pool, I am glad I said yes.
Off the shoulder dress MLM label find here
I am the biggest pro/con list maker and be the time I am done with them, I have usually talked myself conservatively out of spur of the life moments. If it has not been calculated, planned, and fits into my life plan, I usually gracefully pass. However, with 4 flights in the past 6 weeks I am so proud of myself for all the yes’s I have said lately in my life.
If I hadn’t said yes, I wouldn’t have been able to see my favorite band play at Red Rocks. Read my Denver recap here.
If I hadn’t said yes, I wouldn’t have been able to take on a huge blog opportunity with a company I fully support and live it up in Vegas for the Life is Beautiful Festival. Read my full recap here.
If I hadn’t said yes, I wouldn’t have been able to have the most relaxing and recharging weekend soaking up all the desert rays in stunning Arizona (make sure to check back on Wednesday for my full review).
I have heard so much chatter lately that “blogging is dead” and everyone is all about the quick rewards, Instagram, Snapchat etc but I still love the ability to share my life and experiences with everyone. Plus, I love being able to catch a glimpse into your lives as well. I can wanderlust from all my abroad friends, I can learn DIY projects, or a recipe, a product to fall in love with, a new fashion or styling inspiration, or just a great life check in. So I encourage everyone to say yes to something that you automatically would just say no to and document it on the blog for all of us to read. I have completely recharged from all my travels and I have tons of ideas and content to share with you!
What have you said yes to lately that has made an impact on your life? Are you blogging burnt out and looking for inspiration? What has been a recent trip you have been on or planning to go on? Tell me and let’s get a discussion going.
Glad the desert is treating you well! I think it’s a wonderful place to refresh and recharge! I still feel like I’m recovering from 10 states and 2 continents in 4 weeks but I’m getting excited for our next adventure. We’re headed back to Europe at the end of November for Christmas markets!
these pics are incredible! Lovely photographs!
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge
I think saying yes to things you normally wouldn’t can lead to really great things!! I’m a pro / con list maker as well!! We decided just to go to Nashville because we knew if we didn’t we’d never go! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I love this and couldn’t agree more! Saying ‘yes’ and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is such an awesome chance to really live life.
haha yes i’m always looking for blogging inspiration. more like a swift kick in the ass. ;) xo
Girl, you have been all over the place lately and I am definitely a little jealous of your weekend in AZ! It’s absolutely gorgeous out there and so nice you got to just relax with your sister! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Amazing things can happen when you say yes! :D
Yes definitely can lead to more adventures! :)
I get tired of hearing people say that blogging is dead. Clearly it is not since we have a huge, supportive community still chatting it up with each other every day…am I right?! You have gotten to say yes to some awesome experiences lately!
So happy you’ve had so many great experiences lately. Your pictures are stunning and I’ve loved following you on social media and seeing all of the fun you’ve been having. I go from being blogging burnt out to getting some ideas, and I have definitely felt the whole “blogging is dead” mentality. I still do it though, because it’s fun for me and I enjoy keeping up with many of the blogs out there – even if I don’t always get a chance to comment.
Such amazing trips you’ve taken recently! Arizona looks gorgeous and makes me get all kinds of wanderlust to get on a plane and explore more US cities. I hope you had a blast taking in all that beautiful scenery!
I am so glad you took this opportunity to recharge with your sister and get inspired! It looks so beautiful there! You always inspire me to dress better, be a better mona and a better blogger, keep it up! I have been getting a lot of “Didn’t you just move?” I sure did but I stumbled across a house that will make me a happier person,better cook and gove me more freedom to blog. And it was a whim, sometimes you just have to say yes for sure!
That should read woman up there, not mona, lol.
It definitely looks and sounds like saying “yes” has led to some wonderful opportunities for you lately ♥ Four flights in six weeks?! That is crazy but so fun!
It’s definitely a lot at times to say, “yes”, but some of the experiences are SO worth those last-minute cram sessions! I just had two huge (for me) freelance projects, and they were very quick turnarounds, and I thought I was going to have a breakdown, but in the end I am so glad I did it (and the money will pay for a trip I have planned!), and could show these clients what I can do. So fly away, girl! These look like some amazing trips!
What a great perspective!! I feel like I can’t keep my head afloat lately so sadly the blog is the first to get cut on my to-do list but I still LOVE reading about amazing things happening in the lives of all my favorite “blog friends”. Traveling is my passion and we had to cancel a trip to Grand Cayman next month thanks to Zika… my doctor said it was a no go! Also the IVF process definitely pumps a damper on all our extra travel money. Oh well, TOTALLY worth it! So for now I will keep living vicariously through all your amazing travel posts ;) Xo!
sharing this post. You are honestly one of the bloggers I admire most because of this. Thanks for this awesome perspective and attitude.
What a great post! I don’t think blogging will ever die ;) I know I will always love logging in and catching up on posts from my favorite blogging ladies – and I still get excited when I find a new one that sparks my interest! xx
I spent a year of my life profusely saying YES to things I would normally say no to and it was truly the greatest experience in my life. I feel I’m in that space again right now and simply need to start saying YES! Thanks for the inspiration.
i totally agree, it’s great to say yes to things just as much as it is great to say no to things. think of all the things you’d miss out on otherwise!
no trips on the horizon here, except for NZ and Aus next year. looking forward to it though!
I think saying yes to experiences like you’ve recently had is a must. I’d never say no to something like that. I’m more of a “say no to smaller things” type of person (like play dates every day of the week, haha). But opportunities to travel, I never say no to.
I don’t think blogging will ever die. I love catching up with people and find so much inspiration through blogs. Really great post my dear.
This post is so inspiring! You definitely have been living it up lately, and I think we all can learn from you. I know I need to be better about saying yes more often. Looking forward to your Arizona recap!
This is me giving you a huge round of applause for this post. When I see people right about “how to say no,” or “how to take a break,” I give a big old eye roll. Like you, a part of me sort of gets where they are coming from, but the serious part of me laughs because I think to myself, do they have a job, a family, kids? I’m the type of person to say “keep it coming,” in the office and sometimes getting more than I can handle is exciting. I like having company over, cooking for many, and staying up late to wake up early. Sure, sometimes it’s “a lot” but it’s living. It’s enjoying life and skipping that “off time” of nothing-ness. I hope those valley views and good music put all of living into perspective for those around you as well. Live every day to the fullest! (:
Loved this! Glad blogging has brought you so many great opportunities!!!
I love that this is all about yes instead of no! I feel like everyone always says to say no, but saying yes just does so much more for your life and it looks like it is working out really well for you doll!