Happy Friday! I don’t know about y’all but I am so ready for this weekend! I felt like I was just talking about my birthday and so exciting for July to be here and now it is wrapping up. Can we just push pause for a second? I think I need a little vacation or something to really soak up the Summertime living down here! This weekend is going to be jammed pack and I am really looking forward to it. Before I get into it, I want to talk about my ultimate favorite right now. Can I just tell you how much I am loving snapchat??? At first I was all, isn’t that what teenagers used to send bad pics to each other but it has really evolved. It is total real time with no editing. Follow me along @meetatthebarre Leave me your name so I can do the same. Now, let’s get right into these favorites!
Favorite Song
Now that I have my fitbit and my sister is beating me every single day. I have gotten back into running and I have been loving it! This song has been top of my running playlist this week. Zedd – Beautiful Now ft Jon Bellion.
Favorite Recipe
For the perpetual grab a handful of cereal with my coffee on the way out I’m always looking for quick breakfast recipes. This Overnight Vanilla Cake Batter Protein Oatmeal is my newest fav. Check the recipe here.
Favorite Workout
Do this 3 times in a row with a 2 minute break in between. You will be sweating.
Favorite Purchase
The Rachel Zoe Box of Style Summer. Did you see my full review here? I am loving every single thing in this box including this purse.
Speaking of this…..let’s talk about…..
Favorite Social Media Shoutout
I mean this is totally major right?
Favorite Funnies
Isn’t this the straight truth?
When I try to wait for one of my Docs to finish their clinic so I can actually make a barre class after work
At 3pm when I look in the waiting room and it looks quiet and then 10 minutes later when I’m trying to leave early……
My internal thoughts when a friend asks me to do Crossfit with her
Then they promise me it won’t be that bad and I’ll totally be able to do it
When one of my girlfriends calls and says she needs me
Then I’m all like don’t worry
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! Make sure to follow me on snapchat @meetatthebarre if you also need some further entertainment my brother has a “cooking show” on there that is quite hilarious/entertaining. Follow him at chuckbutta I promise you will crack up on the daily. Now tell me your favorites from the week and your snapchat name so I can follow you! xoxoxo
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Isn’t a fitbit great motivation? It always makes me want to work harder! Have a great weekend, Amanda! :)
Your funnies this week …. fantastic! Loved your article on fitness, no excuses to not get up and move! Enjoy your weekend.
This month just flew by so fast, I have no idea how we are almost into August. NOOOO, stay longer summer.
That oatmeal looks amazing!
Girl, I’m right there with you. July went by way too fast! And that cake batter oatmeal? YUM! I still haven’t gotten a Fitbit. I’m going to let you tell me how much we walk in Charleston haha! Have an amazing weekend love!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
I tried really hard to figure snap chat out last night and I just couldn’t do it :( I’m very excited for any breakfast that looks like that!! So happy that Rachel Zoe liked your post – winning!!! Have a wonderful weekend girl! xo, Biana
Wait….hold the phone. Cake batter oatmeal?? That pic looked delicious!
Love the funnies–especially the Karen one, and Ramona one–you are the best type of friend :)
Hope you have a great weekend friend!
P.S. After our talk the other day I downloaded snapchat lol
Seriously though, where did July go? I feel like just yesterday I was getting everything ready for the 4th of July and now I’m in my last week before vacation. I remember counting down to vacation when it was 80 something days away haha!
Happy Friday! Yeah, in my 40’s I cannot drink em’ under the able anymore, ha ha! I wouldn’t want to though, the occasional cocktail is enough for me. I’d rather be doing your workout, the burpees kill me. Ha! Zedd’s music is so awesome. May your weekend be fulled with love and joy beautiful Amanda!!
Totally saw the RHONY episode where Ramona brings her own glasses and wine. They were all like, “Why is she carrying wine glasses in her purse?” Love that clutch in your box of style!
LOL! I love your gifs! I can only imagine that waiting room situation. You think you’re going to escape for the day and a storm of people show up!
trish – tales from trish
I don’t even understand SnapChat. I tried to get my 13 yr old niece to explain the point of it to me – I still don’t get it.
Hahaha that’s totally Brian writing the most detailed notes ever. I love that song and just pinned the breakfast oatmeal to try!
Oh goodie, I needed a new running song!!! And cake batter oatmeal? That sounds so fun!!! I have been trying to stay away from grains during the week….but if I go back I am totally trying that! That hangover cure is so freaking true. And it makes me so sad LOL!!!
haha you crack me up girl. i won’t deny it – i hate snapchat BUT i appreciate how it’s helping people in the blog world! i tried it last year and just. couldn’t. loving that song – i need to get back into running myself. a goal this weekend! aka i’m gonna walk and maybe jog for 30 seconds at a time :) better than nothing! and try your workout of course. lastly, um that shout out!? dying! happy friday love!!
xo cheshirekatblog.com
Totally obsessed with that song!!! I have it on repeat!!! And helllllooooooo that is majorly awesome that you got a like from Rachel Zoe!!?? Whaaaat!!! Week made, right!??? So awesome!
Loving those gifs as always… So hilarious! Happy Friday girl!!!
Added you on SnapChat (@MLGilling) I can’t wait to follow along, I’ve been a long time snapchatter. Also I totally understand the step war- when my office did out step challenge this spring I was constantly walking in circles to rack up more steps like a crazy person. We didn’t have FitBits though so I couldn’t see what other people’s steps were, which meant endless circle walking haha!
Southern Belle Secrets
OMG… so with you on needing time to slow down, lol… but those gifs just made my morning!!!
That certainly is the best cure for the hangover!! haha
That quote about hangovers is SO true. I can’t drink that much anymore nor do I want to. Chris’s buddy does CrossFit and he’s really into it. I’ll have to check out that song and that is SO awesome that Rachel Zoe liked your post!! :-)
I hope that you have an amazing weekend lady!! :-)
Yes, very cool that Rachel Zoe gave you a like! I read your review of the box and sounds like you got a great deal! Your funnies this week were great! Have an awesome weekend!
Totally going to follow you on snap! My name is owen_ross… be prepared for far too many pictures of babies, dogs, and drinks. Happy Friday lady!
That birthday cake overnight oats, gimme gimme gimme!! I’ve been seeing snapchat amongst people our age everywhere lately and I just joined this morning…mylittlehea is my username and I just added you! Have a great weekend!!
How awesome that you got a little shout out from Rachel Zoe! You totally deserve it. Great roundup as usual this week, girl – that oatmeal looks delish. Have a great weekend!
ummm a like from rachel zoe?! NICE! and idk where july went either…this summer needs to slow down. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
That song is perfect for working out! Happy weekend!
I’ve had that overnight oats recipe pinned for a while but I haven’t tried it yet. She has a peanut butter cup one we love! Happy Friday XO
I still can’t get over all the goodies you got in that box. So great!! I love my bags from Cambridge satchel. My favorite one being the one I got in London and had it monogrammed. If it’s moving, monogram it. Lol. Have a great weekend.
I need to check out that overnight oats recipe! I love making that, and am always looking for ways to switch it up!!
LOL that would be my exact reaction if someone asked me to do cross fit. No thank you! That overnight oats recipe looks so good, need to try that! I’m starting to get bored with my cereal every morning. Have a great weekend!
I am seriously in love with that box. I need to order the fall one.
Happy weekend!
Being under the age of 25 is definitely the best cure! That’s exciting that she liked your post!
hangovers after 25 ARE a whole new level. what are they going to be like at 40!?!?? omg and add screaming kids into the mix. HELP US
That is some hangover truth right there. So cake batter oatmeal is my new favorite thing that I’ve never actually had. And yes, a like from Rachel Zoe is totes major!
I can’t believe Rachel Zoe liked that!!!! that’s amazing! and love that song- i’d never seen the video!
Yes. YES that is maje. LOVE it. RZ is pretty much life-confirming-status when she likes something haha. That smoothie looks so fantastic, as does the RZ box. Happy weekend, miss!! xx
That overnight oats meal looks so good! Yum!!! And BEST SHOUT OUT EVER!!!!
hahaha yes when one of my friends is like can we get together i’m like yes please and lets drink a lot. lol.
ooooh rachel zoe liked your stuff how exciting! that workout – i don’t even know if i can do 1 burpee let alone 15! oy vey! have a good weekend girlfran!
Where did July go? I’m trying to figure that out myself! That protein shake looks incredible!
I love that song! And that dog trying to jump the fence! haha Happy Friday!
Her Heartland Soul
Yessssss!!! Lovin’ snapchat and totally feel 14! I just followed you! I’m krisray3 Have a great weekend!
whaaat? you got a shoutout/like from rachel zoe?? so awesome :)
LOVE this post. I’ve missed reading your blog, lady – so glad I get to have a catch up!
LOL to feelings on Cross Fit. So many of my girlfriends do it, and I just cannot work up the motivation or the courage to even attempt. Congrats on the Rachel Zoe shoutout – that is HUGE!
I swear to you, ever since I turned 25 I can’t hang anymore. Two glasses of wine can give me a hangover (okay, the pours are maybe the equivalent of 4, but STILL).
Awesome post!!!
I seriously can’t believe July is already over! Totally flew by! But let’s not press pause until… October, mmmmmkay? I would love it if August and September flew right by because then it’s BABY TIME! I’m kind of over being pregnant in this AZ heat, ha!
I’ve been hearing so much about snapchat lately and I’ve been wondering what all the rage is since I thought it was the same thing about teens, etc. Ah, I’m already so addicted to social media (mainly Instagram) how will I find the time to add a new one in? Ha ha! I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to download it (although I do have a few gems that I think people would die of laughter if I posted, especially of Mia!)
Definitely going to try that oatmeal recipe- we love overnight oatmeals!
And I can’t WAIT to add that workout into my routine after baby… I miss planks (never thought I’d say that) In fact, I just miss abs, ha ha!
I love a good subscription box, I will have to look at the Rachel Zoe Box of Style! It looks like a great one. Hope you are having a fabulous week! Xo, Stephanie