I am so ready for September and you want to know why? One word. Football. I love football, everything about it. Not only do I love actually watching the game but lets talk about the food, fun and travel that goes along with it. I have a trip to LSU booked already and I can’t wait to be NOLA bound this Fall. Did it seem like the longest week btw? I am so looking forward to this weekend. I have a ton of things I need to get checked off the list and hopefully I can get it all done. That sunset picture btw was taken last night on the beach in Sarasota. Straight Florida living right there! Let’s get right into these favorites.
Favorite Song
Do y’all see by now with my snaps where I find all my songs? Clearly by driving and listening to bpm. This one has been one of my major favs right now. Coleman Hell – 2 Heads (Your Turn Remix).
Favorite Recipe
Almost done with my huge jar of almond butter from Costco. This recipe helped. Thai Peanut Sauce Spaghetti Squash full recipe here.
Favorite Workout
Y’all know I love a good booty workout.
Favorite Purchase
Have y’all gotten a black maxi skirt yet after reading this post? Well if you haven’t you may be considering it after you see all the ways it can be styled for travel.
Favorite Funnies
When they try to hand me another patient chart when I thought I was done
Your internal thoughts when someone eats your fabulous leftovers without asking
How I feel most days when someone asks me how I manage to get it all done
When Mark tells me dinner should be ready by the time I get back home from barre
Finally. When I finagle the perfect online ordering combo in order to get the free shipping but not go to far over the amount.
Alright it’s time for you to tell me your favs from the week! Also, I wanted to tell you about a fabulous class I just signed up for. Helene has a FREE yes you read that right, free webinar about how to make money blogging. She is always leading the pack with it comes to blogging innovation so do yourself a favorite and sign up before it fills up. It comes with free printables and ideas about how to market yourself to brands. I can’t wait for it to go live! I hope y’all have a fabulous weekend! Tell me what you are up to.
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I don’t have that black maxi skirt yet, but I need it in my life. I am using a couple of things as incentive to stick to a health plan I’ve recently started. I’ve suspended shopping until I meet a certain goal. I can do it!
That sunset, gorgeous!
I can’t even wait for NOLA, but you know who might be more excited than both of us – our husbands LOL!! Loved the snaps of the beach last night – so gorgeous!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
My no butt definitely needs to do that butt exercise pretty much all day every day. And yes to finding the perfect online ordering combo! It always feels like the biggest win to figure that out! Happy Friday girl!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
You took the words right out of my mouth…FOOTBALL! Can’t wait. We are pretty obsessed with football here in Texas ;) I am so excited! Hope you have a great weekend!
Alexis @ http://www.chemistrycachet.com
my husband is the same — he’s all about football (he’s a hardcore patriots fan) so he’s pretty excited for the season to start.
The hubs is ALL about football! lol. And seriously, I feel like running a victory lap when I also figure out a way to get free shipping without going way over the minimum haha. Happy Friday!!!
Those booty exercises, I faithfully do three out of the four as part of my routine. Yes, I feel they work! Squats are the killer. Thanks for sharing your exercise picks, always good to switch things up a bit and not have to do the research. LOL
AMEN to the longest week ever. I was wandering around Penn yesterday afternoon thinking, “Dang. These kids are studious. First week of class and all up in the library on Friday afternoon…” and then I realized IT WAS THURSDAY. I’m missing my nephew’s senior opening game tonight… and I might be a little bummed about it. :(
i’m so sad it’s football is back already. Didn’t we just have a season last year? I don’t understand why I’m being punished. Jk! While everyone enjoys the games I’ll be in my corner crocheting lol. Happy Friday!
Trish – tales from trish
Thanks for hosting the party, have a great weekend
good old basic butt kicks – those things never get easier. Classics are always the best
YES to football!!! With the right color top you could easily wear that black maxi tailgating! Have a good weekend!
Woohooo football!!! I am so ready! I am digging this song, and I pinned that recipe earlier this week. It looks delicious!!!! I hope you have a great weekend :)
lol that girl running over the boy w/ lil car. that is me when i go on a date. every time. what i want to do rather. ha. loving that recipe you posted! adding to my list. of a million recipes i never have time for lol. happy friday love! thank goodness it’s finally here!
xoxo cheshire kat
Yum! I definitely need to try out that recipe. Perfect for fall and I love a healthy version of Thai food!
That sunset is beautiful!! Those gifs… I mean.. That one about dinner being ready, yes that’s what I do when Chris is in charge of dinner and I’m at work. And ahh Honey Boo Boo!!! LOL. I thought of you on Tuesday because I did an at-home workout. Really because I didn’t have enough time to go to the gym and make it back in time to go to work. Not out of laziness haha. Anyways.. thanks for sharing that butt workout. I’ll add it to my workout routine. I hope that you have an amazing weekend too lady!! :-)
But really, yes. I do want to run over Freddie every time I come home excitedly to eat leftovers and….they. are. gone.
That Thai peanut spaghetti squash looks so amazing. I need to give it a try!
That workout will definitely be happening in the living room tonight! And that sunset photo is gorgeous, I can’t imagine living anywhere else <3
Happy Friday gurlie – hope you have a fabulous weekend!
You always have the best funnies! I signed up for snapchat so any advice you have would be great! I think I only have you and Biana on there so far to follow (or whatever it is called on there)!
Have a great weekend!
FOOTBALL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL!!!! Making that spaghetti squash recipe this weekend. Spaghetti Squash is totally the way to my heart :)
FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I’m so excited too. Mainly for the food, err, I mean games. Love your funnies as usual. I also juggle like Honey Boo Boo hahaha!
That sunset picture is gorgeous! Love all of your different maxi looks! I have a black maxi and always wear it the same boring way, so thanks for the ideas! Hope you have a fab weekend lady! xo
love the song, as usual. #duh. god i need to do some squats this weekend. have a good one!!
Yay football! I’m so excited that it’s almost that time of year again. I love going to any football games whether it’s for the local NFL team to college teams to even the high school team that a lot of my friends siblings still play on. It’s always a lot of fun! That picture is so gorgeous! Also, I need that black maxi in my life!!
Have a great weekend! :)
-Chelsea | http://catsandcappuccino.blogspot.com/
Booty workouts are my favorite. I need all the help I can get. Happy weekend!
That last gif is SO me! I never want to pay for shipping, but it is hard to add an item that is going to add the needed $5 sometimes. Can’t tell yo uthe amount of times I have added socks ahahha!
I’m wondering if that kid was injured after being ran over by a toy car!! I need to get a black maxi skirt, my sister has one and it is so versatile! I’m sending her your post! So excited for Fall and Football!!
LOVE this song. so good. i think it’s on my get shit done playlist haha! your snaps lately have been so beautiful- jealous!!
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for posting about my webinar. you are the best. your support is so awesome. I owe you big time!
I do the same thing when shopping online to get the free shipping!! Just did actually on Amazon this morning. Cracking up at the leftovers GIF!! Love how the maxi skirt can transform into different looks. I recently work a bridesmaid dress like that.
Love that song, hadn’t heard the remix! And yes… FOOTBALL. #whycanteverysaturdaybegameday
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday! Let me know if you need any New Orleans or Baton Rouge recs, I’m a homegrown local and LSU grad and I love showing off my city. So ready for football as well!
Loved your post about the travel outfits and I am definitely breakout out my black maxi for my next trip! Have a great weekend!!
Excited for that webinar, thanks for sharing! I am in need of that maxi skirt for sure!
You’re a much better juggler than HBB! I am definitely trying that recipe this week, that reads straight up cracktastic!
What a great end of the week round-up! I’m with you on looking forward to September and football. And I love this spaghetti squash recipe! Such a great alternative to pasta, you don’t even miss the carbs! Have a wonderful weekend!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde’s Moment
YES TO FOOTBALL SEASON! :) :) :) Jared and I are trying to figure out if we can fit an away game into our schedules this year- fingers crossed! And I just stocked up on some awesome favorites from Ulta, scored the free shipping AND still could use a discount code- score!
YES. seriously I love that happy medium where I get free shipping but I’m not $20 over haha. such a good feeling!
that gif with the leftovers is seriously terrifying. is that real life?!
Honestly, it still blows my mind you get all you do done. And I just know a handful of it from reading your blog. Which ironically is one of the many things you manage to get done. (; You always have superior quality and never complain. I’ll be a reader as long as you’re around. Have a great weekend and try to relax. (;
That spaghetti squash sounds amazing! Happy Friday!
Her Heartland Soul
SOO pumped for football, college AND nfl! Currently watching the Panthers/Patriots! That picture is just gorg, I would kill to live in Florida. Xoxo
Haha I love the juggling one. I watched it probably a half dozen times.
When people eat my leftovers I am MUCH more violent.
I always love the music on your snaps – they are the best songs to get me moving! Thanks for the heads up about Helene’s webinar, too. Hope you had a good weekend!
ok, that Thai Peanut Spaghetti squash looks incredible. I’ll be trying that one out. Thanks for the share;)
I absolutely love how you styled your black maxi, so many great options! I can’t believe football season is here but I am not complaining at all! Happy Monday, lady! Xo, Stephanie
Forte frumoasa lectura , chiar mi-am regasit o parte din temerile mele de adolescenta in care nu stiam ce decizii sa iau in anumite momente. Dar fiecare invata din propriile greseli pentru a putea da sfaturi copiilor care nu inteleg pozitia acestora in diferitele lor probleme. Intelepciune si liniste!