Happy Friday. Can you believe this is the last one in October? This week seriously flew by. What are your plans for the weekend? Are you dressing up? This is one of my favorite vintage posts about Halloween and dressing up. For the past few years we have gone up and been with my sister and her kiddos but this year, flights did not work out. Definitely will need some FaceTime of those cuties. Let’s get right into those favorites!
Favorite Song
New favorite running song, awesome for HITT training. Adventure Club vs DallasK – Crash 2.0. I love her voice in this one!
Favorite Recipe
One of my go to roasted pumpkin seed recipes. Original pin here.
Favorite Workout
At home barre workouts. Just need a counter space to hold onto. Original pin here.
Favorite Purchase
Shopbop has a ton of mark downs right now. I bought this striped dress and it’s incredibly soft, oh and on total sale. Need some styling ideas? Check out this post on how to transition those striped dresses to the Fall.
Favorite Funnies
When I finally get home after working all day and then teaching barre.
When you’re starving at brunch and someone at your table asks for a few more minutes before ordering
Trying to teach the elders about what hashtags are
My thoughts when someone tells me I should join them for a Crossfit class
Finally. Next week when everyone brings in their leftover Halloween candy to the office.
I hope everyone has a safe and fabulous holiday. What are you dressing up as? What are your plans for the weekend? If you want a really easy last minute costume. Grab a pair of fuzzy earmuffs, throw on a glitzy outfit and be Chanel No. 3. How easy is that?
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Okay now it’s your turn! Stop by and tell me your favorites from the week.
All of your “funnies” had me giggling. This year, I’m staying home and hoping that we actually get trick-or-treaters. Halloween isn’t a big deal in Australia, and last year I had NO trick-or-treaters and I was a sad girl.
I can NOT belive it is the last weekend of October, how crazy! But, yay holiday season!!!!
Love your funnies, as always! Making me smile early in the morning! Happy Friday!
I can’t wait to roast pumpkin seeds tonight after we carve our pumpkins! We get hundreds of trick or treaters so we always do something fun and simple to dress up! Oh my gosh, that baby elephant…the cutest! They are my favorite ever! Happy Friday!
This month seriously flew by, I can’t believe the time changes this weekend and it’s November on Sunday. Crazy. Haha yup, totally dressing up as Chanel #3 for Halloween. J/k! But too funny! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
We bought a pumpkin but just didn’t even bother carving it this year – no pumpkin seeds :( I’m actually going over to my sisters house tomorrow to see the kids get dressed! I can’t wait! Hope you have a great weekend girl! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I’ve pinned the at home barre workout, I’ve never tried one before! x
I’d totally forgotten allllll about pumpkin seeds!! And girl–your outfit post this week was AMAZING! <3
Oh my.. I almost died at the waiting to eat funny! Happens all the time. I think everyone is ready but there is always someone that needs a few more minutes hehehe. So funny! Happy Friday!!!!
Loving the halloween decor in the first picture! We usually do the same thing where we spend time with the niece and nephew so I know it’s a bummer that you are missing yours! Kids costumes are the best to see too! Loving the gifs, as always! I did crossfit for a few months and it is definitely like the gif but yet very addictive, ha weird right?!
Linds @ Not A Mom
No I can’t believe it’s the end of October! Where did this month go? Have a wonderful Halloween weekend.
i can’t even handle that it’s the end of october and we turn the clocks back this weekend!!!! it’s way too dark in the mornings and night now :(
How cute is that blue striped dress?!
Her Heartland Soul
That’s 100% how I feel when starving and people say they need longer to look at the menu! I haven’t made roasted pumpkin seeds in far too long. That needs to change this weekend!
Um…how is October over??? Didn’t we JUST start 2015? Yes, to all the blue and white stripes! I want them all! Happy Friday!
Chanel #3 LOL! That is a great idea. Those earrmuffs I mean….what in the world? I loved the first few episodes of that show, but it can be a bit over the top. That baby elephant! That is so me on Fridays!!! And the crossfit and brunch is so true too! I will have to try that at home barre workout next week. Hope you guys have a great Halloween and that you get to facetime the kiddos! I will probably be doing the same with mine.
I saw that elephant video yesterday on Facebook and about DIED from the cuteness!!!
How are your gifs always SO on point?! I mean…slow people reading menus = DON’T MESS WITH ME. Ha! I love that.
I think I’ll wear my striped dress today because of your inspiration. Hair flip.
give me all the pumpkin seeds thank you! ha. chanel #3 is so rad – a good easy costume for sure! have a great weekend girly!
xoxo cheshire kat
Not only when you’re hungry at brunch, but when you’re pregnant too – except I pull that look EVERY TIME someone wants more time to order, haha! Like, can I place my order at least? Can I have some bread? Oh there’s no butter? How about I order for my friend… ;)
you always have the best gifs! the brunch one is my favorite because that is so true! I love the stripped dress. I think I would need a belt to cinch in the waist. Trish – tales from trish
aw sorry you won’t be able to be with your sister and kiddos girl!
that striped dress, still so in love. so sad. i need it!
that elephant is priceless. yes.
i cant wait to roast our pumpkin seeds tonight! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Your funnies are always on point! I love them. I commented on Biana’s blog that I cannot believe this is the last Friday of October. I feel like i was just reading the end of September! I LOVE pumpkin seeds. Happy Halloween!
What is that thing running up that thing in that Crossfit related gif?! A dinosaur?! Love that brunch one too because that is so annoying. Funny how that is Caroline Manzo in that gif and I’m saying that it’s annoying haha. Anyways… that work out looks great I have been most of this week and haven’t been able to make it to the gym. Tomorrow though for sure!! Love that striped dress too. I hope that you have a fab weekend lady!! :-)
I love this post and your vintage post. I am big fan of Halloween but it is hard to find a costume that is not totally inappropriate. I have definitely fallen victim to this in the past but try to keep it class as best as I can. This year my husband and I are going as Steampunk characters and I am excited because I get t wear pants! Glorious pants! ;) I also thoroughly enjoy all of your gifs! They always make me laugh!
I have never successfully made roasted pumpkin seeds, and it irks me so much. I’ll need to try this one you linked. Happy FRIDAY!!!!!
You never fail to make me laugh with your GIFs. :) Happy Halloween weekend, friend!
I am so obsessed with that elephant gif. It’s too adorable. Happy weekend!
It’s so strange that it’s almost the end of October! I have to try that at home Barre workout asap and that elephant gif is too adorable. – Svetlana @Life With a Side of Wine
love your funnies!! my halloween will consist of following around my niece while she trick-or-treats… getting wild this year ;) happy weekend friend!
love adventure club. they’re so so good!! hope you have an awesome halloween!
I posted that baby ellie too…but under different circumstances :)
Love your striped dress still–it’s perfect for Fall! And your funnies are on point, as always. Especially about the Halloween candy–gimme gimme!!!
Hope you have a great weekend!!
I need to roast some pumpkin seeds soon! It sounds delicious! :)
I’m so excited for leftover Halloween candies!! Roasted pumpkin seeds, yum!
Chanel No. 3 is an amazing last minute idea! You have to let me know before you come up next time! I was in Madison last night and thought of you ;)
That pumpkin seeds recipe – yum! Sorry you don’t get to be with the kiddos this year, I’m sure they’ll miss their aunt, too! Happy Saturday!
I love love love pumpkin seeds. I’m apparently just opting out of all things Halloween this year & other than the fact that I’ve been so busy & all over the place lately I don’t really know why. I didn’t carve pumpkins, I didn’t decorate, I don’t have a costume, I’m not going out (well I have a date but that’s different.) I’m going to have to make up for this next year because I was ok with all of thus until about 30 minutes ago… I hope you have a fabulous Halloween.
Yes to roasted pumpkin seeds! And love your GIFs, especially the brunch one! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
How funny is that brunch gif? Like I always know what I’m going to order. Typically before I even get there. (; Seriously cannot believe it’s November already! At least these first few days are going to be in the 70’s. It’s freakishly warm for Ohio, but I’ll take it. (;
Those funnies! Ha!!! No dressing up for this mama. But Remi dresses up and I wore something other than PJs so that counts right?! Now I want to carve some pumpkins just to make that recipe!