I have to let y’all in on a secret. Mark and I went for sushi last night and came home slightly hungry. I was rummaging through the freezer and found some leftover frozen pizza. I remember reading something about how to heat up pizza in the microwave. I have tried in the past placing it on a skillet so the crust would get crispy but the cheese would still be cold. I know this is such a problem right but seriously how do you heat up leftover pizza and still have it taste half as good as when you first got it? Wait am I the only person who freezes pizza? If so….please disregard this post we will catch back tomorrow.
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Okay so here is what I did. I took a mug filled it halfway with water then I put a piece of pizza in for 2 minutes with the cup of water. While the water heats up and boils slightly it keeps the crust from getting all dried out and nasty. I was very hesitant when the microwave dinged but the cheese was melted perfectly and the crust didn’t look dry. The final verdict was Mark who has a comment for all of my “creative cooking”….I got a “pretty good babe”. Success!!!! So there is my random cooking musing for the day for you. Heat up pizza in the microwave with a cup of water and you will not get a dry crust. Boom! (do people still say that?)
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Yeah it has been cold and rainy in Florida so I get to wear my Hunter boots!
I am going to start a drinking game with that show 100 days of Summer. I know I’ve mentioned this show before but does anyone watch that or am I the only one sucked into that awfulness (well Mark is as well!)
Take a drink every time Ray says “Hustle”.
“Chicago Summers are so short you gotta Hustle”
Shot every time Tara mentions “weddings”
“I mean I have 90 days to lock him down so we can get married and I can pop out some babies after we get married in my parents cabin and Honeymoon in Africa”
Shoot this girl gives me anxiety….her BF needs to run….for real
Drink every time Pascale mentions “being home again” or that she’s so hot she doesn’t know why girls hate her.
“I mean being back…everything is exactly the same since I moved back from LA to start my jewelry line”
Give me a break….you lived in LA for one Summer! Enough with your “epic” return back. One summer is like not even long enough to call it a summer abroad. I’m not kidding it’s like every 5 minutes.
Shot whenever Jay tries to drop snarky comments and gossips
“I mean I heard from a friend…who’s a reputable source they saw a blonde girl coming out of Vince’s building carrying her shoes in the dress from the night before….I’m just saying”
Chug a beer when Vince talks about his past conquests or how he describes his perfect girl
“Yeah I’ve had a foursome…I had one crazy summer. I like my girls one meal short of an eating disorder…..”
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Take a shot every time Phillips makes this face
What do you think? Want to watch an episode and play along with me???
Some closing remarks for you. I hope no one thinks this about me during a class when I teach! I kinda felt this way when my alarm went off at 4:50 in order to teach a 5:30 am class this morning.
Don’t mind me later tonight after my early wakeup call.
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Hope you have a fabulous day! xoxoxoxooxo
i always use the water in a cup method. it’s also good for heating up rice :) if the rice is really dry, just sprinkle a few drops of water on the rice and zap it. works every time.
Vodka and Soda
I’ve been watching 100 Days of Summer too – I love it! Ron used to play for UT YAYYYY! But seriously if you take a drink everytime Tara says weddings, you might die :)
If we were to drink every time Tara mentions marriage we’d need to go to a clinic for addiction – girl is CRAY!! As for the me wanting to punch the instructor during the thigh workout…try during the entire workout – but it’s a love/hate relationship lol!
P.S. not even sure how you came back hungry after sushi – I think I have an overeating problem haha!
Ha ha ha!! Thanks for cracking me up:) Ok, so…that is pretty brilliant about the pizza. I’m impressed and I wouldn’t have thought to do that. I think I would just put it in the toaster. Funny about the thigh work…I feel like that a lot in hot yoga but that is the sign of a great workout, right!?
I’ve never watched that show, but you still crack me up.
Finally, answers to your questions from the week: eggs, I just buy whatever is organic and cage free. leggings, I’ve been getting the Marika platinum at T.J. Maxx. They fit perfect (not too short) and I love the fabric. At T.J.s they’re about $25…I bought about 5 pair over the past month.
XO, Gina
I only watched the first episode of 100 Days of Summer but I think I may give it another shot.. with alcohol involved of course! Love your Hunter boots! I got a pair this week and I am obsessed with them!
That is such a good idea! I never thought to do that. Although I never have leftover pizza so I have no idea when I will be able to use this. :) Also, love your gray polka dotted sweater!
I’ve heard of the cup of water trick before but I forgot about it until I read this! I’m gonna have to try and remember for next time!
ok based on the first episode of that show you are going to be pretty tipsy pretty fast, SO it’s great that you have a trick for heating up pizza (ehh yah i always want pizza when im drunk!) anyhoo love that polka dot sweater! v cute. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
OMG brilliant! I’ve tried adding water to leftovers before, but never thought of the cup method. I need to order a pizza and not let hubs eat it all so I can try this. :)
Haha I’ve definitely been sucked into that show as well. And great tip on the pizza!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
hahaha I may or may not have got sucked into an episode of that show during a snow day last week! I’ve never thought to freeze leftover pizza! I always heat up day old pizza in the microwave and my husband thinks it’s so gross but I love it!
I’ve never seen this but clearly I need to! Anything for a good drinking game ;) I’ve heard about the pizza tip but I always forget to try it. Good to know that it works!!
wait this sounds life changing. i can’t wait to try this. and why do i alwys get hungry after sushi?!
i have never seen this show but if you have a drinking game i’m all ears!
Um… Amanda. My pizza never makes it to the leftover phase :) I’ll give you props for your MacGyver moves in the kitchen though. Very crafty. I woke up at 4:45 for a call and feel like I’ve already worked a full day and it’s only 9:15. Bring on the afternoon face plant!
i’ve never seen this show, but i do love me some bad tv!
AWESOME. I am going to try this technique with leftover pizza next time, although how you came home hungry from sushi I don’t know. I eat so much sushi when I go!
Okay,I have never watched this show but from this post it sounds like GOLD! The things people say…I just don’t understand. Also, jealous you got to wear your Hunters!! They are predicting rain tomorrow… I can hardly wait!!
Hahaha best drinking game EVER!! And loving your Hunter boots! They’ve been absolutely needed here in Florida the past few days, I feel like I’m drowning!!
Mug of water is genius! Also, stovetop can do the same but cover the pizza so the steam heats up the cheese (Thanks, Buzzfeed!). Happy ALMOST weekend, lady!
You freeze pizza? Do tell me more.
I’m definitely a pizza freezer too haha…thanks for the tip, I will definitely try it out soon!
Yeah, it’s been disgustingly cold these past 2 days. Did you see it’s supposed to be back in the upper 70s this weekend? SCORE! And I love the pizza in the microwave tip…but where did you eat sushi and come out hungry? Did you not like what you ordered?
Ha! Love the 100 Days of Summer drinking game. That show has also somehow sucked me in…I can’t look away!!
i just started reheating my pad thai on teh stove w/ like a tablespoon of water. i turn the heat up to medium high and the noodles get a little seared and it’s soooo yummy. i started to watch that show but they all annoyed me!