I can never really decide what my favorite season is but if I had to choose it would be Summer. I just love the laid back feeling, hair a little lighter, skin a little tanner, flip flops, windows down kind of mood it creates. Summer has it’s own dress code, feeling and products and I wanted to give you my top list of Summer Essentials.
Protecting your tresses and face with this sunhat. All about minimal layers on your skin with tinted mineral sunscreen. Don’t forget about your body! I absolutely love spray sunscreen. SPF 40 and absorbs very quickly. Making sure to keep those eyes protected with these mirrored sunnies.
Gorgeous Summer print maxi. The most comfortable and neutral flip flops that I seriously live in all Summer. Essential pair of white shorts. We just started carrying this line at our studio and I am obsessed with this Sea, Sun & Sand tank. It sold out the first day we got it in. Finally perfect pedicure color with this Butter nail polish.
Did you know that SHOPBOP (which has amazing customer service btw. Two pairs of Tory Burch sandals stolen off my door step. They sent me replacement pairs without even batting an eyelash) is now affiliated with Amazon?? Of course they are. Hello two day Prime shipping. You could have those sunglasses by the weekend…..just saying. Of course free shipping and returns!

Need all the Maaji stuff! I like the rainbow maxi dress and I’ve been digging the shorts with the pockets sticking out underneath lately.
Love the tank! Perfect for a vacay!
I have the maxis and aviator trend covered. I love the spray sunscreen too! Great picks!
Tieks are totally on my radar too – just not the flip flops – I don’t like how they feel haha! That is terrible about your TB sandals but way to go shop bop…that’s some amazing customer service!! Bright nail polish and a fun maxi – totally on my summer essentials list!!
Oh, that maxi dress is gorgeous, I love all those colors. I picked up another one at Target the other day, and I was thinking of you. I really need to cool it with the maxi’s, but I can’t help myself!
That maxi is beautiful!! XO
Been coveting Tieks (flats and sandals) for a while! I want everything on this list…my poor bank account.
I got the black top and wore it last weekend, I loved it as much as I thought I would. I also really love that necklace you picked out.
I love those bar pendant necklaces, do that is definitely on my list. As are max is and jumpers (if I can find them long enough). Oh and floppy hats for sun bathing that I shouldn’t be doing. ;)
I can’t get enough of that Maaji top. The colors are gorgeous and I love the back straps!
Love that maxi and those sunnies!! Also my white shorts have definitely been on repeat this summer!
All of these essentials are right on!! Obsessed with that Maaji top and you can never have enough sunscreen!!
<3 Shannon
Summer is definitely my favourite too! I want those shorts! But first, I need to tan…
I can’t even tell you how bad I want that tank, perfect for once we move. I love it! Maxi dresses/skirts are my go to. I have super white legs that just don’t tan well, so I don’t wear shorts often, dresses are nice and cool though :)
These are fabulous picks! I’ve never ordered anything from Shopbop, but that could be dangerous with the Amazon affiliation now.
Summer just makes me happy! I want that bar necklace and the maxi and the sunglasses and pretty much everything here! And yay for amazing customer service – I had a similar situation with Amazon and I had my replacement package in 24 hours!
Love that bathing suit top!
I didn’t know shopbop was associated with Amazon now! Make sense that they’d have great customer service though.
Well if this whole post just didn’t make my wallet cry a little bit…. haha! I love everything on here but especially that maxi, UGH!
summer is my favorite too! love those flip flops + black bathing suit top! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Love the bag… and the maxi… and the sunglasses. Ugh!!
Love those white shorts and the beige sandals. I’m in desperate need for a pair of neutral but comfortable sandals. Those just might be the ones I buy!
xo, Jen
Big hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, self tanner, bright nails, go!
so stinkin cute! I love those sunnies! I am on the hunt for that!
well some of that is totally cute! great taste, my friend. also i’m not sure i can agree that summer is my fav. maybe fall. wait we don’t have a fall. summer it is :) xo
[email protected]
super cute! I wish my tatas would fit in those bikini tops! They are adorable.
I’m loving all the wrap/cut out bikini top styles that have come out this year – I think that may be the next addition to my suit collection!
I love love love that BB Dakota maxi!! Seriously dying! And those bikini tops… yes please!
<3, Pamela
i need that black bathing suit top like whoa!!! so fabulous
That dress is fabulous! Love this little list you have going.
Almost pulled the trigger on that maxi yesterday! Can we say not-buyer’s remorse!? YES to bright nail polish, nude flops, Ray Bans… well, the whole list is pretty much spot-on ha.
Great picks! Like always, I need that maxi dress!
oh I love Butter!! And I’m addicted to maxi dresses. Oops.
That maxi dress is so gorgeous!
I want those mirrored sunnies ASAP! Love sweet Summertime :)
I seriously might just die if I can’t get those Ray Ban’s this summer or at least the flea market version:)
Adore that maxi dress!! Summertime clothing is the best!
I neeeed to get a sunhat. Love your essentials list! I’m with you on everything about summer. It just feels… better :)
I love that Butter polish! I’ve never actually tried them… does it hold up pretty well against chipping and whatnot?
I have a love/hate relationship with these posts. I LOVE them because you always find the best things, but hate them because it makes me want to go buy all of it! haha That beach bag is gorgeous!
Um yeahhh I’ll take everything on that list. ;) love these posts.
These are all so great!! I just finished typing up my “what’s in my beach bag” post, and now you’ve got me lusting after new summer products to add to that bag! Lol
Just now catching up on yesterday’s posts! Long week I tell ya. Anyway I love love love that maxi and the hat and sunnies!
i did not know shop bop and amazon were besties. love it. should not have found that out…