Jimmy Choo•Locale St. Petersburg•Loft•Minted invitations•Rose Gold bracelet•Wedding Shoes
Weekending – Holiday Fun, Moving & Wedding Updates
December 22, 2014I honestly felt like there were 10 days in this weekend. I am sitting here trying to recap the weekend and I just said to Mark “dang we got so much done!”. Linking up with Biana and Meghan for this random weekend update.
The weekend started off with a going away dinner for one of Marks friends on his softball team. As I was washing my hands in the bathroom there was the most epic full length mirror and I really wanted to get a picture of my hair and outfit combo. The only problem is every time I tried someone walked in and then I felt like a complete idiot. At one point I even said “sorry I’m a blogger I swear it’s for the blog“. Then I immediately wanted to go hide…..forever. Seriously though how great is the lighting and angle. I mean I was trying to show off these fabulous new houndstooth leggings (btw they are 50% off right now).
They looked so perfect tucked into the black boots that I won’t stop talking about.
See totally got caught.
Friday I was off from work but finished up all the grades for my class. Put another semester in the books. Then I got my nails did. Definitely happy to have gone with a sparkly holiday color. So festive! I also think I should have cut back on the salt this weekend…..yikes
Then I ran like a million errands. On my tour of the mall for some online returns I did find this stellar little rose gold cuff stunner from Kate Spade. It is definitely not as fabulous as this one but it is fitting the bill (like literally because it was right around $30). Also totally digging this one and this stack set which is 40% off.
I rounded out the night by stalking my poor Fedex guy. Seriously why does he deliver to my condo so late??? I was staring out my blinds like I was waiting for the arrival of Santa. I heard him walk up the stairs and threw it open before he could knock with a “FINALLY!!!!!” I think I scared him. I had good cause though. My wedding shoes arrived. They are utterly fabulous. I am not easily excitable but these make me genuinely giddy.
Saturday we finished our guest list and ordered our invitations. We used Minted and I can’t wait to share them with you when they arrive! Then all day it was moving and cleaning. Combining households has been interesting but we managed not even to raise voices this weekend. Even when I donated the coordinated sports beer glasses……..
That night my brother and wife came up and we checked out the newest trendy opening of the Locale market in downtown St. Pete. Full review to come but it completely reminded me of Eataly in Chicago (on a smaller scale naturally).
Went up to the top of the Birchwood hotel for a drink it was beautiful up there at night.
Sunday consisted of very poor but delicious food choices and more packing/moving. Yes you are correct that is brisket nachos. They were worth every calorie.
This has seriously been the longest move of my life. We are doing it little by little with the moving truck coming at the end of the month. All I care about is my Nespressos (plural yes are right) are at my new digs. That makes me very happy.
Can y’all believe that this week is Christmas???? Have you gotten all your shopping done? Thank goodness for Amazon prime is all I can say! Luckily I am all set for Mark. Our Wedding gifts is our Christmas and Birthdays all rolled into one. I am not complaining. I hope you had a fabulous weekend!!! xoxoxo
Also don’t forget about my gwenyth barre giveaway!!
Sounds like you had an amazing weekend! I’ve been caught taking pictures for the blog on occasion and I want to run away ha ha. Love your outfit though! Also, those nachos look delicious!
What a perfect weekend – I can’t believe how much you got done!! The second photo of you trying to take a selfie is exactly the reason I’m terrified of taking selfies in public bathrooms!! I love love love your wedding shoes already and what is the nail polish color you’re wearing – so pretty!! Hope you have a wonderful Monday love! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
I’ve totally been caught taking bathroom selfies before, oops! LOVE the Jimmy CHOO shoes. I think it’s soooo important to splurge on amazing wedding shoes. I love my Kate Spade shoes and they look great now, too. Can’t wait to see them!
Sometimes poor food choices happen and it’s totally okay. I’m sure you’ll get back on track and work it off at barre :)!
Have a great day, fabulous friend!
hahah you looked too cute to let that selfie pass girl loved the entire outfit! That michael kors watch is also pretty cute as well as your nails…. so much good in this post haha
Your weekend sounds like it was packed with fun (and maybe some embarrassment, but it made for a good blog story right?? lol)
The leggings are adorable! I looked for them at Loft this weekend but didn’t see them. (Given, I didn’t look TOO hard as I was there to return a bunch of stuff and NOT spend money lol) You picked the perfect color for your nails–I love the little sparkle!
Mmm I think I just gained a few of those calories just from LOOKING at that delicious picture hahah.
Two big things off the wedding to-do list for you: shoes and invites finished being ordered? I’d call that a win!! :)
So glad you had a great weekend, girl!!
I need those leggings in my life! SO cute! Isn’t it the worst when you get caught taking a selfie?! I always feel so awkward LOL! But you’re right, that mirror was perfect for capturing the outfit. Love your holiday mani color! I need to get mine done! And I totally got that Kate Spade cuff this weekend too but I got it in gold! Love it! YAY for your wedding shoes!! They are so gorgeous!! And those nachos.. omg yum. I’m with you, I think I ate way too much salt this weekend :- Happy Monday love!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
cute leggings and i love that nail color! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Ah! That’s pretty much why I never take bathroom selfies…I’d be mortified (and I’m not even sure why since it’s SO COMMON to take selfies now haha). And that sparkly holiday polish! Swoooooooooooooning…but I’m sure you knew I would be!
Story of my life trying to take selfies in public bathrooms and people keep walking in!! Ugh don’t they know to wait till I’m finished!! So rude!! Ally – Life as I know it
Haha… I’ve totally been caught too trying to take mirror selfies or the outfit selfies while standing outside :-P
Girl what did you NOT do this weekend?? Want that Nespresso!
“Sorry I’m a blogger” haha! That is too funny. At least you got a good shot. I bet your shoes are fabulous and I want that Nespresso! Oh and my guy delivers so late sometimes too! I’ll find packages in the morning when Luke and I are waiting for the bus sometimes lol. My last amazon package is due to arrive today! A felt play cake for Emily and vitamin d drops for me lol. xo Happy Monday!!
that locale market looks amazing! i love eataly (have only been to the one in NYC). and those leggings. so cute! you crack me up with the bathroom selfie. totally worth it though! happy holiday week :) xo
Multiple Nespressos!? You are living the dream!!! Love that polish color, its so fun!!
Sounds like you had a nice weekend, I’m glad! Love your Nespressos! And girl, no photo of your actual wedding shoes?! Boo!!! Just kidding. That’s funny about the selfie too.I probably would’ve been embarrassed too. That polish is really pretty too, and that market does look like Eatlay! Well if Eataly had a baby. Oh and those nachos look delicious and I would have eaten them too. I hope that you’re having a good day so far! :-)
haha totally caught! that is too funny! I am with you- this weekend was CRAZY!!
Girl, I need to see these wedding shoes! I’m sure they are utterly fabulous. Good for you and Mark that you’re handling the move well … Ryan and I have been through 4 moves together, and it never gets any easier aka I get extremely testy and he gets crabby. Ha! I can’t wait to see your wedding invitations – knowing Minted, they are perfect. Happy Monday!
Sounds like jam packed weekend and so fun! I want to see these shoes!! Our UPS man comes really late too. I’m always in my jammies and won’t come to the door until he leaves. lol. And I can’t wait to see your invitations too! Minted always has pretty ones to choose from, so I’m sure they look great. Packing and moving is the worst, but I think doing it little by little like you’re doing is the way to go. Have a great week girl!
Cracking up over the bathroom selfies haha, I have been there! You looked fabulous :) Drooling over those nachos…
Woo hoo for Jimmy Choo wedding shoes!!! I can only imagine how gorgeous they are! love your Friday night out and the MK watch with bangles. Sounds like an amazing weekend!!
giiiiiiiirlmyou and Mark are gonna be jacked up on caffeine! But I undertand that struggle of combining households, only with a roommate not a boothang. It’s still not easy. I love that rose gold bangle it’s so cute and might also find its way to me with all the other stuff you share and I love!! Also I cannot wait to see your wedding shoes!
Southern Belle Secrets
SO now I’m shopping the LOFT site and it’s your fault. Merry Christmas to me!
Wait. so we don’t get to see the wedding shoes?? LOL!! Teasing. So jealous of your little coffee shop in house!! Love those leggings. I didn’t get anything done this weekend. Being sick this time of year is misery. Happy Monday!!
Oh those nachos. (: We always get caught taking blog photos. In the middle of Target we snapped a few and got the eyes. If people only knew….
Um I am dying to see the shoes…and the invites! I was super excited when I got my shoes so I totally get it! And being caught taking selfies is so embarrassing, but oh well, gotta do what you gotta do :)
Clothes & Quotes
Those leggings are so great! I love the color you picked for your nails & man…those nachos are making me so hungry! :)
Brisket nachos??? I think I forgot half of what you posted because…yum!!!!!!!!!!
And I spy Jimmy Choo!!!! I can’t wait to see those! Hilarius that you got caught taking a selfie, it happens. I always hate when people catch me taking pictures of my food. Like leave me alone, it’s for the blog!
Hope you have a great week!!!!!!!!
I am dyinggg to go to Locale! My best friend’s brother is a chef there and he was working lonnnng days to get it ready. Can’t wait to see your Minted invites!
hahahaha about getting caught. hey we’ve all been there! i LOVE that nail color too!
How exciting to get your shoes. You got a lot done! Those nachos need to get in my belly! Yum!
Girl you wear me out with all your stuff you get done! I feel like I get caught taking random pics every time and then I feel like a huge loser! Hope you have a great Monday!
Those nachos look ahhhhmazing! And YAY for your wedding shoes coming in! I can’t wait to see which ones you picked! Actually I just can’t wait to stalk every detail of your wedding ;) I know it’s going to be fabulous!
Seriously! What a tease you are showing us the BOX of your shoes! Pssssssh. As if! Lol. Sounds like a super productive weekend! Love those houndstooth leggings!!! You crack me up trying to explain to someone why your taking a selfie…. :) I definietly can’t believe it’s Christmas. It doesn’t feel like Christmas. Especially having to be at work all damn week. But I think I’m ready… I have some groceries to pick up and some wrapping to do and then I’ll officially be ready! :)
I definitely use “I’m a blogger” when people look at me for taking pictures of my food. BTW, LOVE those leggings, they would be mine if I had any desire to venture into a mall this week.
LOL you sound just like me trying to sneak a selfie! I always feel so dumb when someone catches me doing it, but seriously, it’s for the blog! And if you have a good shot of your outfit you must take advantage! Love your outfit! Ooo can’t wait to see your wedding shoes, I bet they are gorgeous! I want a Nespresso so bad, my SIL has one and they totally spoiled us when we visited making lattes for me every day!
I love your nails! The view from the balcony looks so beautiful, and I love the story about you stalking the FedEx guy! For a good reason haha, can’t wait to see your shoes :)
I hate getting caught taking selfies for my blog! Otherwise, I don’t do bathroom selfies. LOL But you are right the leggings look amazing with those boots.
The brisket nachos?! I want them. I am absolutely positive they are worth the calories.
So let me get this straight… you post the Jimmy Choo BOX and not the JIMMY CHOOS?! I am DYING to see them! Stop it with the tease haha. Love how you are a straight up barista at home. Awesome leggings, too, btw!
Umm I want those nachos! Your nails are super cute. Must go paint mine as soon as I’m caught up on blogs!
Girl, if you were here in NYC, no one would have even batted an eye at you lol. Keep taking those selfies whether they like it or not :). Loving those leggings and the food looks scrumptious
Can’t wait to see your wedding shoes! Sounds like a fabulous weekend!
i seriously love those leggings they look so cute on you – love that girl walking in as you take a selfie. isnt it funny though, most people are still shy about selfies but we all know that everyone takes them? it’s still awkward lol