Seriously how is it the end of March already? I feel like I’m going to blink and Summer is going to be here already. I thought once the wedding was over I was going to have all the time in the world but in reality I feel even more busy now! This weekend I have lists to do (which includes finishing up the thank you cards) and a lot of things I want to get done for this space over here. Why does the weather have to be perfect when you need to get things done right?
Favorite Song
Great Summertime jam. Total windows down and sunshine on the face song. KDrew, Rico & Miella “Let Me Go”.
Favorite Recipe
Clearly you should know by know my favorite food genre. Crockpot Korean Beef Tacos with Cucumber Slaw full recipe here.
Favorite Workout
Okay if you can get past the fact he said “or a throw pillow” in the beginning and the fact he sounds like he is cuing to an invisible song that isn’t playing……this ab workout is killer and very similar to the moves I teach in class. 10 Minute Barre Abs.
Favorite Purchase
These gorgeous bad boys are on the way to me. Thank you to everyone who just said get them. They will be perfect for Summer! Also because Nordstrom is the best ever they are price matching everything to the Bloomingdale’s sale right now! So definitely scoop them up here since the other ones are sold out. Did you check my full sale recap here?
Favorite Funnies
This is one of the reasons why I prefer the stairs……that and forced awkward conversation
I’m sorry when you work with them…..this is hilarious
When someone isn’t moving quick enough and I want dinner started
Then I’m not happy with how long dinner prep is taking
When everything on Sports Center right now is about March Madness…..
When Mark tells me to look in the freezer because he picked me up a new Gelato flavor I haven’t tried before
Finally…..because it’s Friday and I just realized all my funnies pretty much involved animals
Your turn tell me all your favorites from the week! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! xoxoxoxo
Follow me on!
OMG time is so flying!! I’m dreading the hot summer, I just want it to stay like this forever. I love those wedges, wow super cute!!!
I’m not an animal person, but I do like all of your animal funnies.
I have to try that ab workout vid, it looks great… just as soon as I finish all this packing.
Hope to see you next week (will respond to your email in the morning – so busy!!).
Have a great weekend, and try to fit the beach in among all that work you are doing!
Totally obsessed with those Kate Spade shoes that you scored!! And I absolutely love that vaccination meme! Have you seen the Jimmy Kimmel’s “A message for the anti-vaccine movement”? It’s too funny!!
The puppy dragging the kitten is too funny!!! Those tacos also look amazing!!
Is that a baby goat bouncing around on a bed?!?! Oh my stars! How adorable!!! Yep, those wedges are da bomb.
CAHRAZY that March is over! Crazy! But now we are getting to my birthday month, so woohoo! I’m excited to try the barre abs, looks tough but worth it! Oh the funnies, thanks for making my morning!
With the warm weather coming I am going to lose motivation to do anything but be outside. The cucumber slaw is my favorite in the Spring and Summer. I feel like the excited pup with it being Friday.
I can’t tell you how awkward people are in the elevator at my job…it’s like we work for the same firm, can you muster up a hello!?That recipe looks so good – need to try!! Hope you have the best weekend love!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
That food looks delicious!!! And all of the funnies–yes! You always start my Fridays off with a great laugh with those. (And any funny with animals is an extra good one).
Hope you have a great weekend girl!!
These animal gifs are hilarious…I especially love the dinner prep one! I keep thinking that we are still in the first half of March, and its a rude awakening when I realize that we have less than a week to go until April!
Mosely the Greyhound is so awesome in this video! He reminds me of my grey who acts exactly the same in the snow. I don’t really CARE about March Madness, but when Mr. Scrooge didn’t put NC State further in his bracket after I told him they usually make it to, at least, the Sweet 16, I totally gave him a solid “I told you so,” after he told me NC State busted his brackets. Shoulda listened to me.
Love those shoes!!!
Ummm those Korean beef tacos look amazing! LOVING your KS wedges, so gorgeous…and perfect for our vacation! ;) Your Friday funnies are always the best. That dog knocking everything over was hilarious and so me haha! Happy Friday doll!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
He’s too much – but those are really good barre ab exercises! Thanks for sharing the video – and happy weekend!
xo, Caitlin
Thank you so much for that barre ab workout, I’ve found some great online barre workouts, but they don’t incorporate abs as much as in class so that will be fantastic!
And YES to the kids not being vaccinated meme… spot on! And of course drooling over those KS wedges. Happy Friday gurlie <3
The wedges are amazing! You are the best at finding deals!! Love the funnies! Dinner prep can take a while. Esp since I am the only one who can really cook in our house ;)
Oh man that recipe SCREAMS summer eating to me!!!
look at all those cutie animals! that song is awesome and those tacos look delish! it’ll be nice to have a little cool down this weekend but i’m not gonna lie – some beach time would have been good!! happy friday girl!!
ha!~ to the elevator one. i deal with that every single day. have a great weekend!!
Yes, where have the first 3 months of the year gone??? Omg… Korean Beef tacos in the crock pot. That looks amazing!!! Have a great weekend Amanda!
i can’t believe march is over!! that scares me because it means that my return to work is officially half over and WHO WANTS TO GO BACK TO WORK AFTER 3 GLORIOUS MONTHS OFF??? no me :(
I saved that work out … because ABS… & summer…. yep!
Animals always makes me happy!
I have the same thing happening for March Madness
Girl! I felt the same way after our wedding. Like, surely life should slow down. And I feel like I’m busier than ever. I can’t believe March is almost over, but I’m not hating it. I love that all your funnies have animals! xoxo
I love all the animal GIFs! Especially the doggy who is knocking everything over.
You always crack me up! I hope you have a great weekend and get some relaxing in!!
Yes to the March Madness!! Have a great weekend.
No better way to start the weekend than with a bunch of animal funnies! Definitely trying that ab workout this weekend, too – if anything, it will be good for a laugh based on what you said. Have a great weekend, girl!
LOL at the animal funnies!! I’m glad that this month is almost over too. Hopefully spring will be back here too. Have a fab weekend lady!! :-)
I can’t believe that it’s almost April either. What has happened to 2015??? Those Korean tacos look awesome.
Happy Friday! Good luck with your thank you cards and enjoy those wedges :) Winks and Eyerolls
Oh those Kate Spade shoes are ahhhhhhmazing! If I had a reason to wear a high wedge I would scoop them up too. Alas, I’d twist my ankle carrying a 30 pound baby. #reallife. Yes, I just hashtagged my blog comment.
all this rain is making me dream about the beach! i need to eat, beach, sleep, repeat! that sounds amazing.
Seriously this year has been flying by, I am not complaining though if summer comes quicker. Animal funnies are seriously the best, they just make the day better!
Oh my god I need to try that recipe!! Cannot believe March is almost over — seriously time is just flying by!
I cant believe how quickly time is passing (even though it feels like I am living in an endless Winter). If the warm weather could hurry the frick up that would be great. I am going to try those Korean Beef Tacos! I love the recipes that you post – easy, but tasty. My favorite combo! Have a great weekend! xo
I have been really good about walking / jOgging lately but not really working out. I Need to tone up!! trying this out today!
Ok, every one of those animal GIFs, totally on point! I love the dog on the cooking show! That’s hilarious! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! Time really is flying!
And in the workout video how he keeps saying “You’re welcome”. haha. But really, that’s intense! Happy weekend !
HAHA kids really are scary little things. I love all those gifs. I’m definitely with you on getting dinner started and new gelato flavors. I would kill for some gelato right now.
Amanda, your funnies make the laugh every single time! So funny!! I love the one about March Madness!
Animals always help cute it up! It is not just the elevator button either. Sometimes, I think I must have done something wrong pushing the crosswalk button too!
Cute shoes!
I think I’m making a cucumber slaw this weekend.
I was laughing out loud to that workout! HILARIOUS! But I can see that it would work. I have a long to-do list this weekend as well. Try to fit in some relaxation! Jealous of those shoes, too!
Gimme those tacos! 100% with you on sportscenter…. I don’t get into basketball. Is it time for football yet?!
That recipe sounds amazeballs! Love the dog on the table for good prep! Reminds me of someone ;-) Have a great weekend lady!
OMG – that elevator funny.. that drives me absolutely insane! Totally agree that everything to do with elevators is completely awkward! I can’t believe March is almost over either – I’m just hoping Mother Nature gets the memo in the Northeast and starts bringing us some warmer temps! Have a great weekend!
Oh my word those shoes are fantabulous!!!!!!
Cucumber slaw?!?! I need to try that ASAP! And I was laughing so hard at the dog pulling the cat! That was Chris last night trying to get me to focus on dinner when I got home instead of blabbing on about my day haha! That ab work out needs to happen for me ASAP. Have a great weekend!
hahaha love all the animal themed funnies ;) that elevator one – exactly like you thats why i take the stairs haha. people are so odd! have a good weekend girly xxo
That dog GIF is adorable, I FREAKING LOVE GELATO!! The sea salt caramel is my FAV! ;) happy friday, girlfriend!!
Um, that ab workout looks brutal! Holy cow! And yes to the elevator button and March Madness funnies. So me.
Have a great weekend my dear!
the elevator funny hits home for me. this happens all the time at my office. like i pushed it already!!
Isn’t life a never ending to do list?! Sometimes you just have to put it aside and enjoy the weather! Hope you had a productive weekend!
I think the to-do list gets longer each year we are married! And I agree about March Madness…I could care less!