I am so excited to be home finally and catching up on life. The month of September was a complete whirlwind, to say the least. I had my checklists which had their own checklists and my OCD self was reveling in crossing out every task on them. I have so much content I want to get up on here and share with you all but first I wanted to take the time to just talk it out. Is that cool with you? It is so nice to be able to have this space to catch up with everyone. My creative spark for ideas when it comes to blog posts usually always happen around midnight. My condo is quiet, no blaring tv catching up from the latest DVR show or sports commentary that Mark likes to watch. My brain usually clears and I get my spark. So last night I was thinking about to something that happened at work a few weeks ago.
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We are all 100% guilty of this am I right? That rush, rush, rush…..go, go, go…..counting down the minutes till the weekend…..or that next big exciting thing in the planner. Work can be that mundane obligation in the day until whatever hour hits and then you are sprung free to that next fun adventure. So here I was, at the end of a particularly grueling day. I don’t talk too much about my job around these parts but most of you know that I am a Nurse Practitioner in Pediatrics. I had just finished up seeing my last patient, who naturally was late but I, of course, stated we would see them. I had found a new diagnosis with the baby, nothing major but something that needed to be followed a little more closely. I tried to call the patient’s primary care provider and got the complete runaround from the person on the other end about how they weren’t their patient….never heard of them etc etc. So naturally my Private Investigator skills were set into motion.
I finally was able to find the new provider who naturally was in an office that was closed. After some perseverance, I was able to get someone who promised she would call me back that day. I left my personal cell (which I never do) and went back to charting. Well, about an hour later I get a call from a random number. I picked up and it was the Nurse Practitioner who was caring for the baby. She was so happy to talk to me because she also had some reservations about what was going on, there was a complicated social history etc. We pleasantly chatted for a few minutes before she stopped me and asked me for my name, to which I gave her.
She immediately cut me off and stated “You were my Clinical Supervisor faculty member at the College 5 years ago. You were the only person who ever taught me how to properly write a script and even though those case studies you made me do were such a pain!! I still refer to them on a weekly basis. I teach my students and residents now all the tips you taught me about Pediatric dosing and script writing”.
“Thank you for your support and guidance. I make sure to pay it forward by continuing to teach others just like you took the time to teach me.”
That stopped me dead in my tracks. That is what makes it all worth it. My mother has always pushed me to give back to my profession, to selflessly teach the next generation just like the previous one had done for me.
This is my public service announcement for the day.
Try to once on a daily basis, stop, be mindful of your current situation and surroundings. Don’t let each day fly by like the previous. What can you do in your day to make an impact? Can you teach somebody something with your knowledge base? Can you give a compliment and mean it? Perhaps, it is giving somebody your full attention even though you are completely swamped. Unplug from Instagram and Facebook and roll around on the floor with your little ones. What do you think you can do today that will positively affect somebody else?
I could have been in a bad mood that 5 years ago and not given that student my full attention. Maybe just give her a rehearsed speech about the expectations of her clinical rotation and then blast onto the next. However, I took the time and look! She is now passing that down to the next generation of providers. It was definitely one of those Aha! times that makes you step back and realize that you do have an impact on others. Slow it down, stop rushing to get to the imaginary finish line and just live a little more in the moment.
Have you had one of those stop you in your tracks times lately? What knowledge base do you think you could share with others? I hope everyone is having a fabulous week. I am so pumped for October. It is seriously my favorite month. Bring on all the scary decorations, witches, boots, pumpkin lattes, and blanket scarves am I right?
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what a beautiful dress, you look so elegant!
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge
I think that’s really awesome! Not only did you teach her something, but it was something that she remembered all of these years later and remembers you by name! You definitely have more of an impact than you realize, and I think this story is a great example of that! Thank you for the inspiration today friend :)
Thanks for sharing this story, I actually really needed to hear this today! I can totally tell you are a great teacher/NP/wife/daughter/PERSON just through your blog. I’m so glad she was brave enough to tell you how much you meant to her!!
Such an important message and something that anyone who interacts with people (especially in an educator position!) needs to be reminded of every once in awhile. I’m a dance teacher and sometimes I’m tired and rush through the class – but I forget what it was like to be a student sometimes, and what those precious moments of aha! feel like.
Danielle @ afloat on a full sea
I loved reading this story today. Such an inspirational post for a Thursday morning. I’m not surprised at all to hear it either. You have such a gift for connecting with people and really making a difference. Thank you, Amanda!
PS – I love that dress too AND looking forward to hearing more about your busy September :)
I LOVE moments like this! Ones that make your heart swell and you get instantly feel to grateful. Your job is one that isn’t appreciated enough. Thank you for all you do friend!
*and you instantly feel grateful (sorry for the messed up typing above. waiting on coffee to kick in! ;)
Aw that’s awesome you made such an impact on her that she remembered you all these years later and everything you taught her! Definitely makes you feel good knowing that you made a difference!
that kind of feedback is seriously what keeps me going. that is just so awesome to hear! gorgeous photos by the way!
That’s seriously wonderful! Making an impact that will have ripple effects in the best way possible is amazing! xo, Biana
Oh I love this story, it gave me chills! Feedback like that is the best! Keep making a difference! These photos are all so gorgeous too!
Love this! Such a great message. The days go by too quickly, but it’s what we put into them that counts. Gorgeous pictures, too!
This is such a wonderful reminder!! What an awesome impact you are making on others (and us!) :) I’m definitely going to take this into my work today & going forward!
I love this so much! It is so very true. Working in the medical field can be draining emotionally and physically but there are definitely moments that make me so thankful for what I do! You go girl!
What a fun moment for you! I don’t have those anymore, since I talk with a 2 yr old and 9 month old on the daily, but I’ve had two in my lifetime on old connections coming back and they were magical!
I am so guilty of being rush rush rush and counting down to the next weekend or exciting event/trip, I’m trying so hard to enjoy being in the moment more. Love that you had such a great moment, and made such an impact. Makes everything so worth it <3
Green Fashionista
So well-said, girl! I love moments like that. It’s wonderful to know what you’re doing makes a difference and that people appreciate you – especially when things are crazy busy or stressful!
What a great reminder, Amanda! Way to pay it forward! I feel this way from my former students. I was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a former student on the local news encouraging college students to vote, and she thanked me specifically for teaching her the importance of voting. As an aside, these images are beautiful! xx, I’m Fixin’ To
Amanda – I just loved this! It’s always nice to get a reminder to slow down and be more patient. I’m always amazed at how much you accomplish because I can only imagine how busy and stressful your job is every day! Hope you have a great weekend!
I love that story!
Thank you, Amanda. I really needed to read this. Though I love everything I do, I found myself feeling defeated. It’s the little moments that count. Sometimes when you’re on the “go go go” regime, you lose sight of all that you’ve done and impacted. ALSO, you look amazing! The light here is perfect! x
How awesome is that?! Not only did you care enough about your patient to get to the bottom of business, but you found out that you impacted someone you may have never spoken to unless this baby was in the mix! It’s always rewarding to hear when our actions go noticed and shape others. I hope you have the very best October full of pumpkin spice everything and more blanket scarves than your neck can handle. (;
That definitely has to make you feel good about yourself and the work you do! It’s always nice to hear from someone that you’ve impacted without even knowing it. You go, girl!
What an absolutely amazing and affirming moment when you needed it the most!! Love everything about this post and reminder to be where your feet are.