[…] list of photo editing apps is a great one – I’ve used most of these and would definitely recommend them! [from […]

I made a conscious effort over the past year to really grow my Instagram. I would say that probably 75% of my brand work is coming in through that particular platform. I have an entire post on how to authentically grow your account (hint it takes a lot of work) but for today I want to talk about my favorite photo editing apps to help you achieve that perfect feed.
Street style has so many advantages, the first being natural lighting. However, there is always going to be something in your background that is super distracting when you sit down to look over your captures. Nine times out of ten it’s a random passing by stranger who is photobombing you with some “what the hell is going on?” type of look. This is going to be the best $1.99 you ever spend. Find it on the App store here. Are you ready for some before and afters?
Tell me what is distracting about this picture? I’ll tell you, that pole to my left. Sidenote, I have no idea why I look so insanely tan in this shot. It was cloudy and you know how I avoid the sun at all costs but how cute is this romper?!?!? Okay, back to it. Distracting pole to the left.
Romper find here
Open up the app and grab the object removal tool. Brush over what object you would like to be removed and watch the pure magic unfold.
Here is the finished product. Tell that’s not impressive.
Still not convinced? Okay, look to the right…..lovely onlookers for my impromptu photo shoot with Amanda Uprichard the designer. Isn’t this dress totally gorgeous? It’s not out yet but here is a similar cut.
Brush over what you would like removed….
Then give yourself a pat on the back for a new pretty picture with less distraction.
I know this isn’t exactly breaking ground new but this has so many features that I find myself using with just about every image that I edit. I try not to apply too many filters to my feed because I want the picture to speak for itself but I do like the editing capabilities. I did make the invest of buying the filters pack, I believe it was $10? It is completely worth it! For example, I’m neurotic about my pictures being straight. This picture was taken on a weird angle and I couldn’t get it to look straight on Instagram.
Open a ColorStory, go to Tools, Crop & Frame, then Tilt the picture till it is straight.
Then here is the finished product on Instagram.
Here is how I would save a picture with the filters. I wanted to get a shot of this outfit on the way to dinner but didn’t want to lug around my huge camera. Well the picture was cute but look how dirty the wall is behind me.
Add the Palm Springs Filter, take it down by 50%. See looking better.
Now cropped and straightened for Instagram. This has been one of my highest performing pictures in the past two weeks. Leads me to believe, people are drawn to color and I am majorly in love with these AG distressed skinnies. I wear them every single chance I get. Also, the best real leather Rockstuds dupe. These are identical for a fraction of the price.
I swear I feel like I’ve been living under a rock. I had no idea Lightroom had an App. The free version has a lot of options but if you have a subscription to the paid version you can login for all the editing tools. I really like using Lightroom to help me save a picture. For example, this is shooting with my friend Julie inside of a local hotel. We were having difficulty accounting for the yellows in the overhead lighting, it was dark inside, so I didn’t want to add too much ISO and make it super grainy. Here is the original shot.
I Auto White Balanced the shot, and played around with the temperatures and added some clarity. Here is the end result. So much better right?
I admit I am self-taught with photoshop but I am slowly learning how to use Lightroom. My favorite feature on Photoshop is the clone stamp tool. There is always something distracting on my pictures. For example, the hanger loop for my dress was sticking out in this picture. Sidenote what to do with these and off the shoulder pieces? You cut them off and then such a pain to hang them. So here is the original shot sticking out right where my wrist and bracelets are.
Open up the app and hit the healing tab. Then clone stamp. “Clone” the area next to it and then stamp it over what you would like. I also stamped the sand to get rid of the shadows.
See how much better it looks? I just did this pretty quickly but I would probably blur that sand a little better but you get the idea.
The smoothing feature is my go to. No matter how well I steam my clothes, it is humid in Florida and I always seem to wrinkle my pieces on the way out. Also, I usually have Mark pretty well trained about sticking in tags but here is a great example of smoothing out the back of the shirt. Then, clone stamping the tag and the zipper sticking up.
Check out the finished product.
Well, there you have it! My favorite photo editing apps that are all basically free and very user friendly. They all have so many features but these are some of the ones I use on a daily basis for editing my photos. Tell me what are some of your favorites? If you like this post I would love it if you would pin or share! If you like these posts make sure to check out my other blogging freebies.
[…] list of photo editing apps is a great one – I’ve used most of these and would definitely recommend them! [from […]
Ummm this is fantastic!! Downloading lightroom app and the retouch app right now!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
This is awesome!! So helpful .. thanks for sharing!! I can’t wait to try these out.
XO, Katie
I don’t think I’d heard of touch retouch and it looks very easy to get rid of the unwanted things, especially the people! Love all your shots, Amanda!!
Touch retouch is amazing!! Totally worth the 1.99 pricetag. I need to check out Color Story – I’m so behind with that one!
Most of these are new to me! Thank you! Your instagram is killing it! I’ve watched it grow over the past year!
I’m so lazy when it comes to editing my photos but I know I need to get better with it! I’ve never heard of half of these so I’ll definitely be checking them out, thanks for sharing friend! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
omg I need to get that app for removing people and poles haha. I do it in Lightroom, but it can get annoying to have to do that for mobile photos. Thanks for the suggestions!
OMG thank you! I have now been editing my “real photos” and while it adds so much time to my blog posts, I love how they come out. Wanted the same for my insta, besides just filters, and here you are with something to save the day!
So, Touch ReTouch is basically a God-sent app! How did I not know about this? Need to download that ASAP. Your photos always are so gorgeous, and you’ve obviously found all the tools that work for you! I tend to stick with PicTapGo … not fancy whatsoever but hey, it works. :)
Oh my goodness these are all game changing! Being able to remove objects or people from the background of photos is amazing! I just need more patience to sit down and edit photos, give me the strength! LOL <3
Green Fashionista
You always have the BEST pictures!!!! I am totally downloading all of these apps right now. Thank you!
I need the lightroom app!! I just started to focus on Instagram recently, I def needed all these tips!
pumps and push-ups
I had no idea Lightroom had an app! Downloading it now! I love Touch Retouch and A Color Story is my jam.
WOW, so many great apps. That first one is a total game changer, and I love color story-it’s a fun app.
Wow, I just learned so much! You are a serious pro girl.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
omg the miracles of the first app!!!!!! BUYING NOW
Ok, Touch ReTouch is seriously magic! If I was a fashion blogger and needed to get weird things out of the background, that would absolutely be the best app in the world! It seriously doesn’t look like that post or those people were ever there!
I had no idea there was an app you could use to literally make people in your photos disappear! I am so weird, I get annoyed if outlets are visible in my photos. (; Weird, right? You always have stunning photos. Both with your outfits, and with how you use your little town as your backdrops. (:
SO many great ones. I love ColorStory and Facetune. Most of my stuff is edited with Lightroom, but I need to learn actual photoshop better!
These are all great apps! I love the photoshop one for all the “distractions” – works like a charm!
xo, Kristina
I love these posts, I always walk away with so many good tips! Thanks for sharing your advice!
I’m always amazed what people can do on their phones… I mean, I have a hard enough time editing things on my computer, never mind my phone!! I will have to check out the lightroom app though!!
Omggg this is the best post ever!! I actually have some of these apps but haven’t been taking advantage of the full benefits of them apparently. So heading to the app store to download the ones I don’t have, and I just pinned this post as well. Too good not to!
MAGIC. My mind is literally blown. That first one that makes things disappear? Whaaat? Thanks for sharing these awesome tips!!
Such a great post. I don’t use any of these apps but I will certainly look into them. Thanks for sharing.
Ann-Marie | http://facetocurls.com
Welllllll, thanks for this! I just downloaded all these apps! xx, I’m Fixin’ To
These are all great! I didn’t Photoshop or Lightroom had apps! And the Touch Retouch sounds like it would really come in handy!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! TouchRetouch is changing my life!