I often have to remind myself that a lot of people that follow my blog and Instagram are not bloggers. Things that come naturally to bloggers sometimes are a foreign language to everyone else (the odd breed that we are as bloggers). I’ve been getting a lot of emails lately from people asking how to shop my Instagram looks. There is a company that most bloggers use called Rewardstyle. It is a site that allows us to find all the shoppable pieces that we are wearing in a look and put them all together in one succinct package. To be completely transparent we do get a tiny commission if you end up buying the pieces. I’ve heard a lot of negative chatter about this lately. Listen, I love my blog as a creative outlet but time is money am I right? It takes a ton of time to find all the content, shoot the looks, scour websites for all the sales and put it all together. We are so appreciative if you like our looks and want to buy a piece that you do from our links. Every little penny does help! Okay so let’s get into the exact logistics.
Turquoise dress from Likely NYC selling out quickly but found it here ||| Pink heels Sam Edelman find here
If you are on the blog. Any link that is “hot” or pink, is a link that will take you to the exact piece. For example, this white dress and pink Tory Burch purse, just click the links under the picture for the exact where to buy pieces.
White dress runs TTS find here ||| Tory Burch perforated bag find here in pink and here on sale in other colors ||| Sunnies Karen Walker find here
On Instagram. There are two ways to be able to get the content from Rewardstyle which is their Liketoknowit feature. You have to sign up for it first here. It is a free thing to do and you will not get any spam from them. Then, any time you are on Instagram and you “like” something, or heart one of my looks, an email will be sent to your inbox. It will have all the direct links on where to buy. I always try to link the exact pieces. The only thing about this, it’s not instantaneous.
To get it right away, download the Liketoknowit app in the app store. Go ahead I’ll wait. Then when you want to know about one of my looks take a screen shot of it. On an iPhone, press the home key and side button at the same time. Then go to the app, open it up and you’ll see my look there. Click the picture and all the looks will be right there for you. This is my favorite way to get all the like to know it details. What I also love about the app is you can scroll your favorite bloggers in a feed like Instagram. I find so much inspiration by doing that.
Susana Monaco Tina dress find here
Or if you click onto my profile from my Instagram page, you will see a hot link that has “shop my Instagram” in it. That will also bring you to my Liketoknowit shopping page.
Here are some other ways. Click on the pictures on the bottom of each post. Or in my header, hover and click on the Shop my Instagram tab, or on my homepage. You will be taken to my Liketoknowit widget page where all my looks are. Then click the picture and all the details will pop out at you. Then click whichever piece you were digging and it will bring you right to where you can buy it.
If you ever have any sizing, quality, or fit questions please feel free! I hope that helps! If you have anymore questions drop me an email or comment down below. Happy shopping dolls!
I think it’s so great they came out with screenshot option now!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I really don’t understand why people get so worked up about bloggers earning literally pennies over affiliate links or small commissions. I mean, the amount of effort involved in just a post or even a picture is huge compared to any potential earnings. I mean, if you have an issue with it, don’t click the link right?
Also, love the blue dress!!!
– Claudia
It took me forever to realize that you had to sign up for like to know it. I kept liking pictures and I was like ughhhh nothing is happening hahaha. So I think this post is needed for other people for sure. Unless I am the only idiot out there that took too long to figure this out.
I love like to know it. I think it is ridiculous that people get upset about commissions. that is so silly! I want that strapless dress so bad but have no occasion that needs it on my radar. Too cute with the pink heels!
The turquoise dress is so sleek and spring/summery. It fits you perfectly!
I want to shop all of your looks!