This pregnancy has been pretty wonderful so far that besides the sheer exhaustion, I’ve been pretty much feeling like my normal self. I’ve been in my regular clothes, still exercising, and no major appetite changes. Then I hit 21 weeks and my pants aren’t closing, I’m finally embracing maternity clothes, and I’ve developed the worst reflux. I almost had to leave a barre class in the middle of it the other day because the acid buildup was all the way up the back of my throat and I felt like I wasn’t going to make it. I figured out that chocolate especially dark chocolate and any kind of tomato sauce are huge triggers for me. Ughhh the chocolate part was sad, I feel like 30% of my diet is already cut out, now add that. I’m okay about it though, all for the greater good of this little peanut. I haven’t even taken a Tylenol this pregnancy so chomping down some Tums and avoiding chocolate are just another go with the flow moment.
Dress Amanda Uprichard find here (one of my absolute favorites so comfy and does not wrinkle even in the FL sweaty humidity!) Heels are Chloe and old but similar here (on sale and love the studding on them!) || Sunglasses Karen Walker find here
How Far Along?
22 weeks now. More than halfway there. I’m already getting sad thinking that this pregnancy is halfway over! I felt the baby kick for the first time at 17 weeks on Marks birthday. I couldn’t believe it but it was so hard I couldn’t even fall asleep. Now I feel it all day long and it’s the coolest/weirdest feeling in the entire world. At my ultrasound last week I could actually see those feet kicking me from the inside. I keep on saying to Mark, trying to stretch and make room. Everyone tells me that is the number one thing you miss most about not being pregnant, not feeling fetal movement.
Baby Size?
According to my last appointment, right at a pound now. My bump is definitely there especially at night and I know the baby is definitely getting bigger! Plus, all that kicking.
Maternity Clothes Yet?
Finally just caved and got these black pants (the under belly ones) for work. I seriously LIVE in them. They are actually flattering, don’t stretch out, and are comfortable. They are a splurge but I pretty much wear them twice a week. I got these shorts from Ashley’s recommendation and ordered about three of these Lush tunics. I’m totally embracing it all now.
How I’m Feeling
I’ve been blessed that I’ve really haven’t had much in the way of symptoms. No food aversions, issues with smells, etc. I really miss my full strength coffee in the morning. I have been using these half caff pods from Nespresso and it’s just enough. I am now in the second trimester and getting a tiny bit of energy back. I still have no problem going to bed at 9pm and sleeping all the way through with no problem.
Favorite Purchases so Far
I hated this body sized pillow but I finally this past week with all my reflux have started to embrace it. I am a back sleeper so it is really forcing me to stay on my left side now. I have been rubbing this coconut oil everywhere to help avoid stretch marks. None of my bras are fitting me and I had this one already. It is so comfortable and no underwires. I definitely ordered more of them. I’ve also on the hunt for my crib. Seriously, there are SO MANY options. I need major help on this one.
What I’m Having
A boy! I am not going to lie. I knew what I was having from pretty early on. I was just feeling too good and everyone says that boy pregnancies are easier than girls. I don’t have experience either way but this sweet boy has been good to his momma already. I am so excited about having a boy. Mark told me he had a sigh of relief when we found out. I think a girl would soften him up but now all I can think about is the two of them playing baseball in the backyard and it totally warms my heart. We did have a completely unanimous girl name picked out and we are having differing of opinions when it comes to boy names…..we will see how things progress. Did you guess right?? I feel like a lot of people were predicting a boy from the way I was carrying. I just love him already. At my last scan, he was sucking his thumb, I just about melted. It’s so crazy to see how everything is already formed by your 20-week scan. I saw a four chamber heart with crossing vessels so this cardiology NP is one happy lady.
Thank you so much for all your love and encouragement! This has been such a wonderful experience so far and I really take all your guidance and recommendations to heart. Tell me some of your must have products that you used while pregnant and some clothing staples. I can’t wait to start working on the nursery! This kid will have a totally designed room before we even find master bedroom furniture. So it begins right?
Haha girl, we were the same way. 100 percent sure on a girl name, so I always knew it was a boy. I think feeling the kicks is just the best thing ever.
Yay so happy that the news of little boy is “out” :) You look amazing girl and you kept up in Boston like a champ with all those late nights! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
A boy! Awwww I’m so excited for you!!!
So excited you’re having a boy! The Mama/son bond that everyone talks about is a real thing. And they’re just so sweet too. Glad you’re having an easy pregnancy and everything is going great!
Awww congrats! A sweet baby boy.. thats so exciting! This was interesting to read! :)
XO, Katie | http://www.meshkomoments.com
I totally knew it was a boy, congratulations!!! That is so exciting! I swear that heartburn and acid mean he has a good head of hair, at least in my experience. So glad you are feeling great and you look AMAZING!
Awe, congrats on little man! You can still be queen of the house! Glad that you’re feeling pretty good, you look great!
Ahhhhhh a baby boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn’t it crazy how you just know before they tell you?? We had the hardest time coming up with a boy name too and were relieved when we heard girl because we already had Zoe Jane picked out. Why are boy names so much harder??? Decorating the nursery was one of my most favorite parts of pregnancy. That and the baby kicks and heart beat. I heard a heart beat on TV the other day and started crying out of no where. Cribs are so hard. There are so many colors of furniture and styles of crib. Then there are ones that are just cribs, or ones that are investments that you convert to a full size bed later on. Plus, they are all over the board on price too! We settled for a Serta one from Amazon in gray and we LOVE it. It looks so nice in Zoe’s room.
Ahhh! Congrats! Based on your dress, I totally thought you were going to say a girl. Regardless it’s so exciting!!
A boy!!!! SO excited for you guys!! Seriously the thought of a little guy and his dad playing baseball in the backyard makes me tear up, the sweetest!!!
You’re absolutely stunning and I love seeing these updates. Glad its been an easy pregnancy for you so far. PS. I swore you already announced it was a boy you know, I just had a feeling it was / assumed it was / thought u said it. haha. Weird.
Hooray! That is awesome! So happy for you both!
OMG so exciting! Congrats girl!! I bet Mark was definitely relieved when you guys found out it was a boy ;) Can’t wait to hear what names you guys come up with and so glad to hear for the most part you’ve had such a great/easy pregnancy! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Congrats on baby boy!! I am so excited for you all. I am impressed you made it this far before getting maternity pants. You look amazing! That was the first maternity thing I bought and it was definitely earlier. They are so comfy. LOL! Bummer about the reflux.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
So dang exciting!!!
I was going to say boy with no horrible side effects. Boys are so much easier. & your bumps are usually straight out & nothing ‘spreads’ which is nice ;)
Awe, congrats!! You look amazing, mama and so glad you’ve been feeling good!
Lee Anne
So adorable! I’ll be 23 weeks tomorrow and def. caved this past weekend and bought some maternity pieces!
congrats babe! how exciting!
so happy to hear you’re feeling good and doing well!
Ahhhh congrats on team blue! He’s going to grow up to start for the Yankees! I definitely miss those fetal movements from time to time, but nottttt the ones direct to the rib cage. Ha!
Green Fashionista
Aww so excited for you!! That baby boy is already so loved, I can tell!! I had 2 relatively easy girl pregnancies but difficult labour with both!! We are actually lucky that we had two girls because we could not come to an agreement on ANY boy names and we didn’t find out either baby’s sex until birth! hehe good luck settling on a name!!
Awww congratulations to you both! So exciting! I love my girls to death but my boy is just a whole different thing. Mine is 15 now but I still see his tiny sweet baby face at times when I look at him. I am so excited for you to experience all of these things for the first time. I missed the movement tremendously afterwards, it’s like magic happening inside of you! Many happy thoughts and good vibes Amanda!
Eeeek! Congrats! You had me fooled with that pic of you in a pink dress!! ;) I felt horrible with my boy in the beginning and I felt pretty trrrible for most of the pregnancy with my girl. So I’m not a good one to guess based on “feels”. Lol.
Congratulations!! Little boys are the best :)
Beautifully Candid
Yay! Little boys are so sweet and love their mama’s so much! I had a feeling that was what you are having! So glad you are having a pretty easy go of it. Hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing!!
I had a huge feeling you were having a boy! Not sure why exactly because everyone seems to be having girls lately but when you announced your pregnancy, I thought boy right away. Congrats to you and Mark! Such an exciting journey ahead xo Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis
So sweet! Enjoy this precious time!
Look at your cute little bump!! So excited for y’all and your little boy! I swear pregnancy flies by…. you’ll be at 38 weeks before you know it. The hardest part for me was definitely getting used to side sleeping… the only way I could force myself was with that pillow! ha
Super cute! Congrats!! XO
Boys are the best to their mama’s. Seriously makes my heart explode sometimes with how much love they give. Congrats mama!
you have the cutest bump! and that is the cutest dress!!
Oh BOY, it’s a BOY! <3
Congrats on the boy! This is such an exciting time in your life! Babies are the best! I currently have an 8 month old baby girl ;-)
Oh a boy!! So sweet!! Congratulations!
(I’ll admit – that gorgeous pink dress tricked me into thinking a girl was on her way!)
Such an exciting time in your lives! Congrats! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy.
Wow, I’m so happy for you babe! Also, you’re rocking that baby bump, you’re blooming!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Aww!! So exciting you’re having a boy! Boys love their mommas. I’m also glad your pregnancy has been going well, mine were awful (both boys, haha). You look beautiful and your little bump is beautiful too!
Pumps and Push-Ups
Glad to hear you’re having a relatively smooth pregnancy and yay for a little boy!! So excited for y’all!
xo, Kristina
You look so adorable, but I knew you would. Second trimester is the best, your energy is back and you are showing but not too much. Embrace it :) The no coffee was pretty terrible for me too so I feel your pain. For cribs, we got ours at Target when they had a baby sale and really love it. We bought this book “The Baby Bargain Book” they review all baby products, tell you what you need and what you don’t. Also, rates various things like cribs. It was crucial in our choosing of things. It’s not expensive, think I got mine on Amazon or something in case you were interested.
Yay!! Congrats on on baby BOY! Boys are so much fun… I mean I may be a little bias… And I’m pretty jealous you haven’t had too many pregnancy symptoms! I was so sick with Bennett for the first 20 weeks!! You look great!!
Congrats on your baby boy!! I saw the IG announcement but I’m catching up on blogs!! So glad you’ve had a pretty smooth pregnancy but sad about the chocolate!! lol
oh my gosh, i’d be way more upset about the tomatoes instead of the chocolate, is that weird?! congrats on your baby boy!
I just knew I was having a boy too! Even though according to the wives tales and my pregnancy symptoms, everybody else swore I was going to have a girl. I’m so glad pregnancy agrees with you and you will have a great experience! Growing your baby is the most precious gift in this world!