I can’t believe I am into my third trimester! The beginning part of this pregnancy seemed to move a little bit slower mainly because I spent it worrying about all the things that could go wrong….I know it’s terrible but when you work in healthcare sometimes you become a bit jaded. The more I found out that things were progressing how they were supposed to, the little bit I have been able to relax. In the beginning, this book helped to give focus and prayers into a constructive outlet. I am now 30 weeks and I feel like time is just flying by. I’m trying to put together the nursery and figure out what I really need for a registry. Plus, strollers. Seriously…..there are so many options and some are like a house payment. As much as I have been complaining about the price of some of the strollers that I have seen, it is so important that we buy the best stroller that we can get our hands-on. I feel like this is such an important item to consider as we’ll be using it all the time and it will last us until our baby is nearly a toddler so I need to get one that I absolutely love, as well as it being able to accommodate all the essentials that we’ll need to take with us whenever we venture outside of the house. So I definitely need some recommendations! All the momma’s out there send me your absolute favs that I must add. I’ve already been stalking other bloggers lists and adding to mine. Let’s get into this 30 week, third-trimester bump date.
Baby’s Size: This little man is just about 16 inches and over 3 lbs. He kicks me like crazy and loves hearing Mark’s voice. Whenever Mark talks to him, he moves around and totally responds to him. He hears me all day and clearly isn’t as excitable by me. It’s so crazy how something that is only 3 lbs has such an enormous impact on your body.
How I’m Feeling: I have been truly blessed by a great pregnancy. I never had any morning sickness, nausea etc but I am being hit very hard by reflux right now. I have eliminated a lot of food triggers such as chocolate (so sad!) tomato sauce, acidic things but it makes it super difficult to work out. Anytime I lean over or do ab work…..it comes right up. I pretty much live with my bottle of tums and I’ve now resorted to drinking the liquid version of antacids. Anything to function really. I’ve also started wearing compression stockings…..all kinds of lovely but they are the only way I can see my ankle bones again. I also have this lovely groin pull feeling in my left leg that flares up. I’m telling you growing humans is no joke on your body. My couch at the end of the day is my best friend basically. Being able to lay down and get all the weight of this bowling ball off of my lower body is the best feeling.
What I’m Wearing: I pretty much have a uniform right now. I HATE to admit that my shoes aren’t fitting me the same. I thought that if I stayed a healthy weight, worked out, and drank plenty of water that dreaded no shoe fitting situation wouldn’t happen to me. Well, I was wrong. I’m pretty much living in my Tieks thank goodness for that expanding soft leather. That and sandals, love these (on major sale) and these. My mother got my compression stockings and they are soooooo attractive but they do help significantly with keeping my lower legs from looking like tree trunks. My two favorite go-to dress is this black tank dress from Ingrid and Isabel. It holds everything in and is comfortable with the Florida Summer heat. If I’m not wearing that one, I am wearing this one from BAE the Label. Mark is probably so sick of me wearing both of them but they are just so easy to throw on and go. I have also still been living in these jean shorts (currently 40% off) and these black jeans (under the belly) for work. Oh, and the Lush tunics have been great as well.
Nursery Progress: The hardwood floors went in this weekend, I ordered plantation shutters for the room as well. The whole front of my house has custom plantation shutters except the nursery, of course….so I finally after like 10 quotes went with a local company and have those ordered. Now I won’t have to worry about window treatments and they make the room super dark…..sleep baby sleep. I also picked out all the crib bedding etc from Restoration Hardware Baby with my mother over the past weekend. It is all starting to come together. I did order a crib and dresser. Now narrowing down a rocker. Things are starting to come together!
Registry Adds: Everyone swears by this changing pad. I need help narrowing down a diaper bag. There are so many options. I did get this backpack to throw in Marks car for him. Is that Mommaroo swing really worth it? Or the Bugaboo strollers? I’ve heard amazing reviews about them. I found these prints on Etsy and think they would be so cute above the crib. I did add a Dockatot, does everyone love theirs? These Solly wraps look so soft and versatile now I just need to watch a youtube video on how to actually wear the kid with them. My shower is in November and I’m already getting so many people asking me where I’m registered. I started a Babylist registry and it’s seriously the best thing. You add a widget to your homepage bar and any site you are on, you can add to your central Babylist registry. I have pieces from Pottery Barn, RH, Amazon, etc and they are all shoppable in the one place. If you are looking to start one, I HIGHLY recommend using it.
I signed up for a course at the local hospital. This is all starting to feel so real. I’m so excited for this next step in our lives together. Mark is going to be such a great dad and I can’t wait to start our family together. I also wanted to take the time to thank our families for all of their help. We have both been working just as many crazy hours and we would not have been able to get all this prep work done without them. We are both so blessed to have such loving families and live in the same state as them. “Grandparents” and siblings are such lifesavers. This kiddo is already so well loved and spoiled already let me tell you. Alright, give me everything that is your top and must haves. Our little man is going to be here so soon!
30 weeks?! I can’t believe you are in your third trimester already!! Baby boy will be here before you know it <3 The Solly Wrap looks crazy but it really only took me once or twice to get the hang of it then I wore it basically every second of the day!!
Looking beautiful girl! Time is going by so fast and I’m glad the nursery is starting to come together! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston
OMG, I can’t believe you’re already 30 weeks! He’ll be here before you know it! You look absolutely amazing and glad to hear you’re relaxing some! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Absolutely get a Solly wrap, it was so confusing the first time but the videos on the website are so helpful and you will get the hand of it quick. We used the heck out of it! Also, beyond obsessed with my Uppa Baby Vista stroller. It is AMAZING! And if you plan on having more children, it can convert to 2 kids so you don’t have to turn around and buy another stroller. Absolutely 100% get a rock n’ play, it will save your life.
Ahhh you’re getting so close! Still super jealous you had a flawless 1st trimester without nausea – it’s seriously no joke! But boooo to acid reflux, hope you find some more relief soon. As far as strollers go, just don’t overthink it and don’t think you need to spend a house payment on one of those bad boys. All we heard from everyone else was to make sure you get one that also click connects with your infant carrier car seat which is a God-send when they’re napping so you can move them in and out of the car directly to the stroller without waking them up. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just needs to be functional and carry all the things! We still use the stroller with the infant carrier, but that time is limited and it’s mostly used as a regular stroller now since girlfriend is getting so big!
Other must haves from our baby registry were a white noise machine (we got the Dohm), video monitor, and the Ubbi diaper pail because it takes regular trash bags and it’s steel inside instead of plastic so it doesn’t absorb the stinky smells that go in there.
Can’t wait to see how everything is coming along before little man’s arrival <3
Green Fashionista
I can’t believe you’re 30 weeks already, that is flying by!!! I still love so much that you’re preggers :) The pain is real, right?! I started taking a Magnesium supplement to help with the reflux (my OB recommended) and sipping tonic water (also OB rec.) Both helped until they finally told me to take Zantac. As for strollers, I have purchased and researched ALL of the strollers over the years and my favorites are the City Mini for when they are a little bigger and I LOVE the Uppa Baby. We have the Cruz since it is more narrow and love, love, love it. Also, big YES for the Dockatot and no on the Mamaroo because they are all so hit or miss on their swing preferences.
You look great and have picked out some fun stuff! I also have that changing pad and it is fabulous! I highly recommend it!
You are just a gorgeous momma!!! That bump – so adorable. I cant believe you’re in the 3rd trimester. WOW – so fast.
You have the cutest baby bump!! So sorry about the reflux. I had to cut tomato based things out of my diet while pregnant as well! And the feet swelling is no joke girl! I was wearing flip flops all the way up to the ride to the hospital, since my feet fit in nothing else!
So, I have a $30 changing pad from Babies R Us and it works great. I am not really sure what the advantage would be of the fancier one? Same with the swing. Mine retails for $150-170 in most stores, I got it new from Bargain Hunt for $90. It is the ingenuity one that has lights. Zoe loved it when she was younger, but once they start crawling around they don’t want anything to do with a swing anymore. So basically it was good for about 6-7 months. So I am glad I didn’t spend more than I did. It is on sale this week for $109 https://www.toysrus.com/product?productId=68994896 And you can hook your phone up to it, it folds up and has wheels so it makes for really easy moving if you need to change rooms or if you have company coming over and want to get rid of some of the baby clutter. Because this tiny humans take up SO MUCH SPACE!
Also, I had so many cute burp clothes, and the only ones that were worth using and the only ones I still use today, are the cloth diaper gerber ones that Kristen got me. Seriously, just order them. You get 10 and they are the most absorbent, perfect size, good for any mess, wash like a dream. None of the cute ones ever get used, I just reach for these. https://www.amazon.com/Gerber-Birdseye-3-Ply-Prefold-Diapers/dp/B007VBYVWE/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1507564266&sr=8-1&keywords=cloth+diaper+burp+cloth+gerber
AHHHH 3rd trimester!! I’m getting so excited for you to meet your little guy! As much as I wanted to love the Mamaroo… Hadley never got into it (and I’ve heard that from a lot of moms now lol). Next time I’ll probably go for one of those massive ugly swings that I was so against the first time… but hey, whatever works to keep them happy! Some of our other favorites were the Dohm white noise machine, miracle blankets, and she slept in the Halo bassinet next to our bed for 6 months!
You’re the cutest pregnant lady, and congrats on getting to that third trimester!! I’m days away from my due date and SO READY for my feet to fit back into my shoes haha
Get the Uppa Baby stroller!!! Especially with all the travel you do. Of you get the travel bag and airline damages (which they do) they replace for free! I have had my Vista 3 years and just this week my basket broke underneath and they are sending me a new one for no charge. They have the best customer service, super responsive, and seriously they are built so well. I am sooooo hard on my stroller and it’s so solid!!
Not to mention the bassinet was perfect first 8 months! Little ones can stretch out and great place for diaper changes on the go! Or for traveling you have your own bed!! Plus loving in the south kiddos get so sweaty in car seats. It allows them to move around and get more air.
Then when you get to the big seat it told every which way and great from about 6 months on!
I can go on for hours and hours!! Not to mention it turns into a double stroller too.
I also have the Uppa baby umbrella stroller for traveling as well. Great for inside airports. Make sure to get the g-luxe which reclines.
And yes to the mama too! My daughter lived in hers!!
You are beautiful! I can’t believe you’re already 30 weeks, time is flying! We have a city mini, its about six years old now and has never done us wrong. I also loved my ergo baby. I personally didn’t use a mammaroo, I used a basic swing a lot with my oldest because he loved it!
pumps and push-ups
You’re looking great Mama, glad to hear you’re doing well. We are using Babylist too and I love it as well- so easy to add anything. Our friends got us a Dockatot and I’m so excited- I hear it’s a game changer. Your floors for the nursery look amazing, can’t wait to see your nursery complete!
You wear pregnancy well lady! The time is flying!! PS love the nursery floors.
I can’t believe you’re in your third trimester already – so excited for you! Glad that you’re feeling well overall, and I hope we get to see the nursery.
I wore a lot of Lush tunics and those dresses too. Whatever works girl! Sorry about your reflux! You look so good though and it sound s like you are taking great care of yourself. It’s crazy how fast time goes isn’t it?!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
You area looking gorgeous, girl! I think for some the Mamaroo is worth it and others not! Some babies just don’t like them! I know that’s so not helpful, but my daughter didn’t love swings or bouncers, so I’m glad I didn’t buy one!!
By Lauren M
Don’t you look adorable. Can’t believe you are already 30 weeks along. Almost time to meet your little man. You are truly blessed as is your son.
Uppa Baby all the way! The car seat pops right in and out, and it is so easy to use, convenient, and cute! :) Plus, it lasts a long time and you can even get the one that seats two kids if you are going to have more in the future! xx
It’s getting SO close! I’m sorry you can’t see your ankles! You are not making the idea of me getting preggo sound glamorous, hahhaa. All kidding aside, you are looking great! Happy weekend!