Can you honestly believe that next week is Thanksgiving? I know that the holiday season seems to come very quickly but this is a little scary to be honest. I also have a countdown till my maternity leave. I am taking two weeks off before my due date and I have never taken that much time off from my Nurse Practitioner career even when we went on our honeymoon. Maternity leave is going to be the most amazing/surreal time off. I cannot wait to meet my little guy even though I told him he cannot come next week because we will have a houseful of my inlaws family and yeah……if you catch my drift he needs to cook a little while longer. Okay, so make sure to keep an eye out for my holiday shopping round up posts. I’ve already started working on them and the sales are going to be starting earlier this year, of course they are. Let’s get into some favs from the week!
Scallop dress (non-maternity I just sized up) find here on sale ||| pink moto jacket from BB Dakota find here
Loft has take $25 off dresses, skirts, and cardigans. I personally am loving this dress and this cardigan.
Hello the most perfect Gucci dupes and they are under $25. I think I’m going to get these because even my swollen preggo feet can fit in them. I kind of want them in the nude as well.
This lace bralette always sells out as soon as it is restocked, grab it now while all the colors are available.
These sneakers are seriously the cutest things ever.
Tell me how delicious these look? They would also make such a nice gift in a pretty holiday tin.
How many of these things on this list do you do? I am pretty confident about half of them but before 7am is definitely a stretch.
I absolutely loved this post from Karly and really gave me perspective when it feels like are people really reading blogs much anymore or is it all about the scroll on FB and Instagram? The line about don’t blog for anyone but yourself reaaaalllly hit home. I think I touched on this when I wrote about why I’ll never be a full-time blogger. I started this blog (four years ago to the month!) more of a way to document my life and share all my tried and true research. Nobody has time anymore to look up anything. If you tell me it’s the best, I’m already adding it to my cart. I’ve been trying lately to write content that I truly enjoy talking about and it feels good to get back to my roots if you will.
Did you check my 35 week bumpdate and all my pregnancy favs?? My assignment today is to finish grading papers, my closet install from the Container Store is going in and I HAVE to pack my hospital bag. I’ve read a bunch of y’alls post but tell me what you are so glad you packed and what just took up space. I will definitely throw some snacks in there, I am finding that as a common theme. Ahhhh I cannot believe I am going to meet my little man in a few weeks. I feel like overnight I just popped out. There is definitely a tiny human in there.
I have a question for all you fabulous DIY painters out there. We are finally painting our downstairs and I wanted to know your opinion about the difference in all the levels of Sherwin Williams paint. I feel like a majority of you went with that when I was getting paint color suggestions. Is the Emerald worth the price tag or are the other lines just as comparable? I’d love to know your honest opinion! Thank you <3 <3
Honest opinion do you guys want to see shopping gift guides? I feel like people are OVER them already because everyone is starting so early but sometimes it is nice to get ideas especially affordable ones like under $25 or what to get for your mother in law hahahahahaha. Let me know as I start to create holiday content what you want me to do research on for you. Now, link up and tell me your favorites from the week!
yes to shopping gift guides for men!! The men in my life are SO hard to buy for – don’t need clothes, trinkets, shaving supplies, etc…what do you buy them?!
Target does it again with those cute dupes!! I can’t believe that little man can come at any moment – let’s hope it’s when you’re a little more settled and already started your maternity leave! Happy weekend doll! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston
That article from Karly is good! I do enjoy the lists especially the dupes. Hoping and praying you get everything done before little guy comes along. Have a fantastic weekend!!
Totes awks to go into labour with a house full of guests no? Well at least you’d have TONS of help if that happens. hehe. Cheers to a good weekend and some time off :)
I’ve been debating whether or not I would feel stylish or ridiculous in the target shoes. I think they’re so cute on everyone else!! Honestly, the only thing I used in my hospital bag was my cell phone charger, shampoo and my outfit to go home in lol. I literally had no time or desire for anything else. Enjoy these last few weeks!!!! Little man is going to be here in a blink of an eye!! So awesome you’re taking two weeks before off!!!
What to get for your mother-in-law… LOL. So exciting that your little guy will be here very soon!! You look amazing!!! I loved Karly’s post too. I also take the time to read what you share about a product no matter what it is. I just trust your opinion very much and I don’t want to miss out on something!! :-) Have a wonderful weekend with your in-laws! :-)
I really enjoy both yours and Karly’s posts on blogging, they really hit home. Loving that scallop dress on you, and I need that BB Dakota jacket for our chillier mornings. You’re getting SO close! Enjoy every last second as a family of 2 <3
Green Fashionista
Keep on cooking baby boy! Glad you get so much time off to prepare and spend with him after he is born. So many great links today thank you! Yes, Under $25, hostess gifts, man gifts, I need inspiration! Have a fantastic weekend my dear!
Thank you so much for the share, girlfriend! Means the world as always, and I’m glad that what I wrote hit home for you in some way. On the paint topic, we use the Cashmere line from SW and have been thrilled with it. I’m not sure what difference there would be going up/down in levels, but that’s our experience! Hope you have a great weekend!
I have those mules in the nude in my cart and just need to get them. So cute and would totally glam up an at home in sweats day. My Sherwin Williams told me that the Emerald didn’t make a huge difference. It’s run by women and they’re super honest and never upcharge. I believe we used Cashmere and loved it and it covered in one coat, which never happens!