There have been so many exciting and fun aspects about being a mother. Breastfeeding has been one of my favorite parts. I just love the bond it gives me with my little one. He is a champion nurser as well; was from pretty much day one. My mother was part of the La Leche league raising us six kiddos and my sister also nursed her three. I had a lot of support and I feel like that is really how you are going to be successful with it, especially in the beginning. Also, having a supportive significant other....
Search Results for: 5k
Sunglasses find here ||| Pink coin purse find here Happy Friday dolls! I’m not going to lie when I say I’m feeling some crunch time over here. I have less than 6 weeks till I get to meet my little man and I am in full go mode. I have everything ordered for the nursery and all the delivery dates are set. Luckily there is not much assembly required. I cannot wait to show you his perfect space. This is the first room I’ve designed myself and I’m really happy with how it is all coming together. Let’s...
I get asked a lot about how I find the motivation to do everything that I do in life. So many of you know that I am a full-time Cardiology Nurse Practitioner, faculty member at the local college of Nursing, teach Pure Barre and actively blog. My answer is that I am passionate about all of these things and honestly there isn’t anything that I could give up. I think I am really a teacher at heart. I love educating my patients, students, clients at Barre and giving you all my tried and true research. When I was asked...
I’ve had some time now to get my order and to scout out what everyone else has scored and think I have come up with the best of the best from each category to help narrow down this massive sale for you. I also thought it would be helpful to give you a save option of each category as well. Let’s get right into it! First, this is one of my favorite top pick dresses for that works for just about any occasion. Also, the perfect LBD that I scooped up for work. My favorite pair of Skinnies/Leggings...
Okay, time to get real with everyone. You know I like to have some #realtalk with y’all. If I hear the word “shadow banning” floating around my Facebook feed, or blogger groups, or another blog post about it I’m going to start telling people to get a life. Are you as sick of it as I am? I honestly feel like people are creating a hysteria over something that nobody really has any idea about but yet everyone is now the authority on it. If you’ve been living under a rock or for the people who stop...
I can’t believe the end of the week is upon us again. I feel like I was just writing out last week’s favorites and it’s another Friday. This week flew by! I am looking forward to this weekend because I was invited to be a panel speaker at a local blogging event in Orlando. Not going to lie…..I’m a little bit nervous but thank goodness I was given the questions ahead of time. Do you have any upcoming blogger events that you are attending? We tend not to have a ton locally in Florida so I am really...

I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. I feel like it is an excuse to continue with the same pattern of bad behavior until you give yourself that magical cutoff date. Then we wonder why it fails year after year. It takes at least 2-3 weeks of a set behavior for a change to actually sink in and become a habit. You know what I’m talking about right? Every year the gym parking lot is flooded, my barre class is packed and it is all those Resolutions taking place. I am not one to bag on anyone trying to be...
This post is sponsored by OLLY I used to spend hours obsessing over my spin playlists when I used to teach. It had to have the perfect flow, a great transition between songs, and energy. Plus, my studio had projector screens so we could play the music videos that went with the songs. Basically, another task since I am OCD and had to find the latest/greatest song to drop. Also, so many long intros to the videos! These are not mini movies my friends! Now that is one less thing off my plate but I still do have...
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