Happy Friday. I swear the weeks just fly by during the fun months right? It is already into the middle of December and I really want to hit pause. I hope everyone is having a great week and has fabulous plans/things to look forward to this weekend. The first start of the holidays parties are kicking off this weekend for me. I am looking forward to getting all glammed up and breaking out some red lipsticks. How is your holiday shopping going? Need some under $25 ideas? Check out my list here. My other favorite gift right now are these wine growlers, perfect to bring as a gift to the party. Let’s get right into these favorites!
Favorite Songs
I know this isn’t a new groundbreaking song but I love singing it in my car, really loud….like I can actually sing. Hozier “Someone New”. I really dig his voice.
Favorite Workouts
Did you check out my newest running/workout playlist plus I found tons of great at home workouts for you. Find it here. Or feel free to pin this running playlist.
Favorite Recipe
Easy to make, super filling and makes great leftovers. Cheesy Pasta Soup with Italian Sausage original pin here.
Favorite Purchase
These tech gloves from this post. I also, really do not need another scarf but I love this reversible one and it’s really more of a large wrap. It will come in handy for NYC at the end of month. This is the prettiest holiday clutch to bring to all those parties and events.
Favorite Funnies
Have y’all seen this Instagram Husband video? Dying. The shot where she is running with the American flag and the “get higher“. A little too close to home lol, sort of like “okay now I just want a picture of my hands with the purse no legs“.
When you find the most perfect eclectic holiday gift for someone but the site doesn’t offer free shipping
When someone emails me about a product that I’m digging and they tell me how they can’t live without it now
Online chatting with Nordstrom customer service about specific sizing and the person on the other end is taking forever to respond to my questions
When a certain someone eats the leftovers you were dreaming about coming home to all day
Then you try to rationally tell them how it was decided that morning you had dibs on them
How I feel that I can listen to the entire Bieber album on spotify but Hello is the only one from Adele
Finally, how I felt after contouring for the first time
Alright it’s your turn now. Tell me your favorites from the week! What are your plans for the weekend?
I love Nest candles! Happy Friday girly!
Yum that soup looks amazing and that video is hilarious. Oh men!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Omg, great minds think alike! I titled my Friday post Christmas in full swing ;) That video is super funny! Have a great weekend!
The instagram husband video is hilarious…I mean those poor guys!! I like to think we’re not that bad! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
You are hilarious! Great post and have a great weekend!
So funny!!! I love the scarf and I’ve been eyeing it myself!!
Hahaha I love all of this! and YES to this month slowing down – I can’t grasp how quickly it’s going! Have a great weekend!
Southern Style
THOSE TECH GLOVES!!! I’ve never seen them look so nice before – only with that ugly silver finger tip. I need these
I think every blog is posting that Instagram Husband video (Me included)… we all relate :) haha Its hilarious!
OMG I was chatting with a Nordstrom rep the other day, totally get that “hello” funny hahaha. Buuut they ended up waiving 2-day shipping costs for me so in the end I was A-ok with the wait ;) Have so much fun at your party this weekend, can’t wait to see pics!
I went to the Instagram husband website and it was hilarious! Have fun at the party this weekend!
Hahaha I even had my mom watch the Instagram video since she helps take my pictures in Charleston. It’s too funny not to share. Feeling the exact same way about the Bieber album vs Adele. Does this mean I actually have to purchase a cd?!
Seriously though, why isn’t free shipping mandatory with all sites around the Holidays?! Get with it, it’s 2015!
Mmmm, why do I always forget about soup during this time of year? Need more soup!
There really isn’t anything better than a warm soup during winter and that one looks amazing. And I hate it when websites don’t offer free shipping! Who does that anymore? It’s so funny I used to hate leftovers, but now I can’t get enough of them! I would be so mad if somebody ate mine!
OMG the Instagram Husband thing! I’m dying!!! lol I think we’ve all been there, to some level, with our husbands. Mine always knows there’s a food shot. Last night I was taking a pic of one of my outfits (after I showered and changed into it, because I’d forgotten to take a pic when I actually was wearing it) and he was like “what are you doing up there?” ….Uhh…taking a picture of one of my outfits…lol And yes to the contouring!! Too funny! Have a great weekend girl!
I am with ya… I can’t believe we are at December 11th today! That first picture, with the wreaths on the fence, is so beautiful! Is that in your hometown?
Forgetti and meatballs!!!! LOLOLOLOL And I watched Instagram husbands like 3 times in a row. I cant stop laughing. Behind every girl on Instagram is a brick wall. LOL! That soup looks amazing. Have fun at your holiday party!!!
Happy Friday! LOL I haven’t made my guy be involved in my instagram photos …. yet, and after this video I don’t want to turn into those girls! He can take a sip of his latte before I take the photo and that’s a promise! :)
Happy Friday Girlie!! I love nest candles. They smell so good. The instragam husband video is hilarious! Have a great weekend!
OK, since you and Ashely mentioned this husband Instagram thing, I need to check it out. Chris only does Linkedin and nothing else. He says that he doesn’t have time for social media. Whatever! Anyways.. Those gifs oh my gosh hahaha. So rude when people eat your leftovers!! Ross lol. Love that reversible scarf and those gloves too. I hope that you have a fab weekend lady!!
That soup looks soooo good! I have to make it. Love all your gifs. The free shipping thing is a constant issue for me lol. It pains me to pay for shipping. Have a great weekend!
That soup looks delicious and not too hard!! Have fun at the party this weekend!
mmmm that soup looks so good! i think i need to try a new workout, i’ve been eating sugar cookies every morning :X !! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I love Hozier especially that song! That soup looks excellent. My girls and I are having our Christmas party tonight so excited! Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!
OMG that contouring GIF. Hilarious! But so real. I think that’s what my face looked like when I tried it too.
When are you and your GIFs going to end up on Buzzfeed? I feel like the whole world needs your hilarity. ;)
OMG that instagram husband video… HAAAAAAAA. Thanks for sharing Amanda – have a great weekend XO
I saw Hozier live and not being a huge fan, I certainly turned into one. he is uber talented!
THE INSTAGRAM HUSBAND. omg. omg. sharing.
I cannot tell you how much I love your memes each week. They always make me laugh and I can always relate. Also that recipe? You had me at cheese.
The Instagram Husband is like the funniest video I’ve seen all year – can’t stop laughing! And I wish I had a huge bowl of that cheesy pasta in front of me right NOW! Happy Friday!
I just added that wine growler to my Amazon list… great idea! The contouring thing with Amy Schumer, so true lol. One good thing about being single, my kids rarely want my leftovers… bonus!
oh em gee, the contouring gif…so me! Are you loving the Biebs album or what, major replaying going on over here! I seriously hate when online shops don’t offer free shipping, especially around the holidays, ummm hello how do you expect people to stay on budget if we have to pay $10+ on shipping?! I hope you have a wonderful weekend friend!
just drooled over the soup. those gloves are snazzy!!
That soup looks so good! I just pinned it! Free shipping should just be offered by all businesses on all things.
I love that Hozier song but not the acoustic version! For some reason it’s really annoying! haha
Ok, ok the Jason Bourne comment wins for funniest thing I’ve heard all day. Must remember this one next time I attempt to be witty! (; Have an awesome weekend Amanda!
Stolen leftovers = THE WORST!
OMG – that soup looks ridiculously delicious – adding that to my list for sure. Your workout playlist already is on my Pinterest board, and I love Hozier, too. I can’t wait to show Ryan the Instagram husband video, lol – so much truth there. Have a wonderful weekend!
Cheesy Pasta soup?! I mean, the title alone has me all like: *drool* lol
Um, that soup looks amazing! Definitely going to make that once it cools off again! Love that wrap, too! xo, Champagne&Suburbs