Our absolute favorite place to go is Chicago. Granted every time we have gone it is for our birthday’s 4th of July weekend aka it’s warm. Ahhhhh this summer will be the big 30! We have a tradition the minute we get off the plane to drop our stuff off and head to Gibson’s for a fancy lunch.
Going to the top of the Signature Room for a drink while having the best views of the city is one of my most fondest birthday memories.
Between the shopping, walking, eating, beer brewery touring and all the holiday festivities it definitely ranks as one of the favorites. Had to get some Barre in with all those Crumbs cupcakes!
Another top place that usually makes it in one to two times a year is New Orleans. Due to the fact with the hour flight and time change you land the same time you take off…..well technically. Shopping, food and amazing culture.
new orleans is on my bucket list! i really want to go there and nearly did but the girls opted for miami instead!
-kathy | Vodka and Soda
My friend and I really want to take a trip to New Orleans this year! But one of my favorite places to go is the beach. :)
Well, Savannah NEEDS to be on your list! Maybe I’m biased by living here, but it’s an absolutely gorgeous place (and not too far from Florida)!
Chicago, Boston and New Orleans! You get to go on some great weekend trips, all of which are on my bucket list.
Chicago is so much fun! I love all the shopping!
Anywhere with a BEACH is where my heart rests :) Though I’ve been to Boston and New Orleans and looooooved them. Chicago’s on my bucket list and my extended family’s from the dirty jerz, too, so we get up there at least once a year. Charleston is on my dream list for and so is Savannah! There’s also a little island up Rhode Island called Block Island that I’ve been to once and fell in love with the gorgeous little town… Would love to go back, though it’s quite a trek!
Oh girl all those Gator shirts made me so happy! Love the one you wore for the LSU game!! Next time you’re in Boston you need to skip the Sam Adams tour and do the Harpoon Brewery tour…so much better!!! They’ve really built the seaport out!! New Orleans is still on my list of “must go” places!! We go to Newport, RI & Ogunquit, ME for some quick weekend trips when it’s warm out! Now that Jetblue flies direct to Puerto Rico, we’re thinking a long weekend is in order!! :)
I agree with Biana, Harpoon is such a good tour…although I do love Sam Adams because it’s free :) Aaron’s grandparents have a condo right in downtown Ogunquit, ME so we go there a lot for long weekends! I also really love Newport!
well obviously i LOVE chicago (especially in the summer!!), NOLA was the first trip h and i ever went on together!! and Charleston is the cutest! I also love Portland (but that’s a long flight…) that’s where we got engaged and it’s beaaautiful in the summers too! I really want to visit the grand canyon, NYC (i have only been once and it was fast), and san fran. you should go to charlston! it’ll be HOT in july but youre probably used to warm weather! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I’ve never been to Chicago or New Orleans… I need to get on that huh? I’ve never even been to Savannah! I definitely need to start making more weekend trips. Usually my weekend trips are to Key West, or Siesta Key but I need to get out of Florida! I’ve been thinking about taking a weekend trip to NYC this year, I haven’t been in years! Love LOVE your sunglasses! :)
<3, Pamela
Vegas is perfect for a long weekend! But, we normally just go to Austin – it’s a three hour drive, great food, tons to do, and reasonable hotels. Plus, cute towns to stop and shop in on the way!
I LOVE NOLA, it’s one of my favorite cities. You should come visit DC, it’s a great place to live :)
The craziest thing is that I have NEVER been to Chicago – we seriously need to plan a trip there. My favorite two cities in the US are Austin and NOLA. Wish I could live down there!
Love Chicago! I’ve never been to New Orleans but I will! I’ve been on a San Francisco kick. I really want to go there!
Whenever I have a long weekend, and Andrew happens to have it off too, we hop in his plane go somewhere close.
I loved Chicago and want to go back! Boston is another place on our list that we haven’t been to yet.
You two are so cute!
I went to Chicago in Oct for the first time, LOVED it! I would love to do Napa one day :)
Chicago would be a great weekend getaway for me! When is your birthday? I turn 30 this summer too! I’m heading to Nashville this summer to celebrate!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
*100 Books to Read in a Lifestime Giveway happening now!*
omg please tell me about this orange line and why i should never take it…
Chicago is one of my favorite cities too! I grew up going there quite often but my husband has never been so we’re trying to figure out a time to finally visit! I want to visit Boston sooo bad! I have a feeling I will love it!
Oh gosh you guys do long weekends RIGHT! We haven’t gone on any kind of trip in so so long. But we usually like to go to Charleston!! It’s our favorite. I also wouldn’t mind getting back to Charlotte sometime soon. I’m not sure it’ll be the same just visiting as it was living there–but I’m missing it badly lately.
I’d say Charleston is a must, such a beautiful historic city and close to the beach. Savannah Georgia is a nice place to get away for a weekend too!
I’ve never been to Chicago, Boston, or New Jersey before but New Orleans and NYC are amazing!! Being in Houston, our long weekends are usually spent in Austin or Dallas. Sometimes it’s great to just get out of your city for a few days!
I always mean to do more weekend getaways.
I got engaged in Central Park too!! Also your ring = droolworthy.
Boston and Chicago are two of my favorite places to visit!!! but i only got to spend a day in Chicago so I want to go back and do more
That is a heffffffty pour in that wine glass, sister. No wonder Gibson’s is your first stop! Last time we were in Boston, Ryan and his friends went to the “jail bar” and came back raving about it to my cousin and I (we stayed in because we’re girls and it was hair washing night). We’re heading back to Boston next month, so I’ll make him take me! I’ve been road tripping to LA to visit my best friend a lot and we fly to SF/wine country a ton to visit my family… and drink wine ;) The top left picture in your NYC/Dirty Jerz collage is my all time favorite. I love the way he looks at you!!! So sweet!
I’ve never been to Chicago and only went to Boston when I was young so I definitely want to go there soon! My favorite places for a getaway are Savannah and Charelston and they are easily driving distance which is nice!! The history, the pretty houses, and especially the FOOD is amazing!! My husband and I were just talking about where we wanted to go for our anniversary this year, so this post was very helpful! :))
<3 Shannon
You’re listing every place I want to go! The travel big has bitten. My husband has a trip to Boston this summer and I have a trip to Chicago. Can. Not. Wait.
Ah, I need to travel more!!
We don’t get to jet set often but we do take advantage of living in California! I could be on the coast every single weekend and be a happy girl. I also have gotten to take advantage of the short flight to Hawaii on more than one occasion!
Love going to the Liberty Hotel! And Chicago is awesome. New Orleans is on my wish list :)
Jeez this is sooooo hard. I love Chicago, NOLA, Nashvegas… even Charlotte is super fun! One of my bucket list weekend getaways is the Ritz Carleton Lodge at Lake Oconee right here in GA. It is sooo beautiful. At this point in time I need luxury and pampering :)
Lovely photos! I’ve never been, but would LOVE to check out New Orleans sometime!
Miche from Buttons and Birdcages
Savannah GA is always my top vacation spot, I am there at least once per year. it is a fabulous city and the people are so friendly! Definitely recommend doing a trolley tour right away, gives you an overview to decide what you want to really see!! oh, and the beers are fabulous
Amazing post! Awesome photos! =D
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We need to do more weekend get aways! For us, we are just a 2 hour drive from Atlanta (where I lived for 13 years) so I like to go there. We are also only a 2 hour drive from Chattanooga and a 3 hour drive from Nashville…so those are always fun! But, our most frequent weekend trips are to Gulf Shores, Alabama. I love nothing more than soaking up the beach as often as I can!
I haven’t been to New Orleans since 2001 (before Katrina). I was a senior in high school then and I would like to visit as an adult. I have always wanted to go to Chicago and need to check that off my list one day!
I would enjoy just time spent together at a DC hotel! I went there last week for a race and it was really really fun, but I was by myself and I kept thinking “omg, Austin would love ______”! So next time we have some extra weekend days, we’re making the drive and going to our little love nest in Georgetown!
I go to the Oregon coast on long weekends and sometimes Seattle to visit one of my ladies. I also wish I could jet anywhere!
I love Florida! Give me the beach and Palm trees, please!!!!!
Oh how amazing Chicago is in the summer! We always take our visitors to the Signature Room – I looove the views and the food is amazing! We have a New Orleans weekend trip planned for September and we’ve never been so I’d love any recommendations! I spent a long weekend in Nashville last year and it was a blast!
So fun! I LOVE Chicago, and New Orleans is on my list for the next year or two. Btw, LOVE the hidden barre picture…tuck!
We are currently trying to pick a long weekend vacation!! On our list right now are Nashville, Miami, and Las Vegas! We are leaning more towards Nashville because LV will get expensive fast. And the main reason I want to go there is to see Britney Spears and she’s like already sold out! Haha I am getting so anxious to pick our next spot!
I love your photos, look like you had fun! :)
Charleston is amazing! Keep it on your radar and by that I mean definitely go! x
I’ve never been to Chicago, but I absolutely adore New Orleans (plus my college roommate so it’s always great to see her!). Savannah has been on my list for awhile…I’ve heard such great things about it!
Love that you mentioned Boston! Woop Woop. I totally want to go to Texas, Chicago, and NOLA!
Love the recap of pics! All these places sound great! I would love to go to New Orleans one day!
These are great recommendations! The husband and I are trying to plan a weekend getaway for our one year anniversary, and these are some good suggestions. We’re actually considering Orlando, too.
Chicago is my favorite place on the planet. No doubt about it! Luckily it’s an easy getaway being about 3 hrs from there.
Nashville is a great weekend getaway too.
Bucket list: Seattle, New Orleans
This brings back so many memories… love the Signature Room, Clink @ Liberty & of course Rockefellar Square Tree all lit up! You are going to L<3VE Charleston!! XO Let me know if you need Napa or Charleston rec’s!
I live about an hour and a half southwest of Chi! It’s a great city! Love the museum’s the food, the shopping!