We had such a fun time last week who’s ready for another round of Friday Favorites?? Oh and the incredibly sweet Kerry from Till Then, Smile Often made me official by helping me with a grab box. Boom there it is! Grab it and link up! Thanks again girl!

Favorite Song
Loving this song. Great Summer tune. I did my research on Mr. Collie Buddz apparently he’s a Reggae singer and worked with Shaggy and Kid Cudi. This is also a great song for my runners and spin gals out there. The tempo changes throughout so it’s a really good sprint interval song. Check it out let me know what you think of it! “Light it Up” by Collie Buddz
Favorite Recipe
I cooked this One Pan Mexican Quinoa the other night and it made leftovers for days. It was delicious but I’m not going to lie I added an ample helping of cheese and hot sauce on the top of it (I mean honestly what isn’t good with hot sauce and cheese on top of it?) It kind of reminded me of my taco soup minus the meat. Definitely recommend it. Full recipe here.
Favorite Workout
This 10 minute legs and booty Barre workout is killer. The instructor smiles too much throughout but I’ve been told I do that as well and people hate me for it “why are you smiling when my legs are on fire!!!!!” Sorry! You”ll thank me later though I promise!
Non-Favorite Moment.
I float to a lot different offices. The office I was at on Wednesday I came back from seeing a patient and on the desk were these.
I was all like
But then I read the card and I realized it wasn’t from Mark.
The worst part is all day everyone kept on walking by and exclaiming “oh are those flowers from Mark???? That is sooooo sweet!”
So what did I do after this you ask? Well what any sane and rational female would do. I took a picture and sent it to him and said “awwww you shouldn’t have but you didn’t and now I get to tell everyone who walks by they aren’t from you”.
Poor guy just minding his business and Hell rained down on him by another man’s flowers. In his defense when he does send flowers they look like this.
However it’s been some time *cough cough* just saying… Don’t get me wrong the chocolate has been duly noted.
Favorite Online Purchase
I had a major necklace haul. Honestly I love all of them. If you are looking for some pretty bibs or long chains definitely check these out! I put them next to some of my BaubleBar purchases and I honestly couldn’t tell them about. I was very impressed with the quality!
Favorite Funnies
I can’t even….still laughing over this one.
Story of my life every single day
Please tell me I’m not the only one guilty of this!
Every time I order anything from Forever 21
Cooling??? Nobody has time for that!
When I have one of those days when I’m thinking about all the things I need to do and it seems impossible but then I sit down and take that big sip from a tall glass of red wine
It looks pretty much like this
When I listen to someone who is not in healthcare try to tell me something that is health related
but then because I’m so Type A I can’t leave things alone
Then they try to redeem themselves by saying
Well if you found it on the internet then it must be true
Finally! How I feel like when it’s Friday and I’m leaving the office early
Alright now it’s your turn! Link it up and cruise around to see everyones favorites! Hope you have a fabulous weekend I can’t wait to see everyones updates on Monday! xoxoxo
LOL You always have the best .gifs!! The whole flower part I was cracking up from the gifs you chose! Sad they weren’t from Mark but still pretty flowers! Still LOVING all the necklaces you got! Hahaha let cool in microwave… yeah right! I’m starving, I’d rather burn every part of my mouth scarfing that down only to complain later! Happy Friday love!!
<3, Pamela
people use the internet as if it produces hard, scientific facts and it makes me crazy when they say they’ve “researched it extensively”. no, you dumb shit, you GOOGLED it ON THE INTERNET. hey, that means i’m a professional researcher too because i use google all the live long day!!
Vodka and Soda
I seriously love your posts :) Your funnies always are the best way to start my morning — and I’m checking out all of those necklaces.
OMG Gossip Girl gifs and people that don’t know what they’re talking about! I will admit I google everything, so I don’t even attempt the Dr half the time because when I have they’ve told me exactly what I read on the internet!!! Except I had to shell out a co-pay for their advice.
fabulous start to a friday. have a lovely time tonight! that recipe looks yummy, need to try. also, i watched 2 mins of that workout and i know what im doing tonight. aalllssooo those necklaces look so fetch in real (internet) life. love. and all the funnies are the funniest thing i have ever seen. you have such a knack for finding these things ;) have a fantastic weekend my dear :)
Hahaha the flower thing with the gifs is hilarious!! I am the same exact way with free shipping! XO Happy Friday!!
You rock with GIFs! Pretty much every single one of those ecards describes my life, esp. #1!! Happy Friday!!
I want to try that workout! Poor poor unsuspecting Mark! The first gif with the jerry curl, I die! Seriously I don’t know how you find the perfect gifs I wasted hours looking for 3 then gave up!! Haha!!
One again you have me cracking up at 7:00 AM!!! Dying over people trying to explain things to you in the field that you practice in!! #annoying!!! Can’t wait to see all the photos from tonights Grand Opening!!! Enjoy lovely!
Hahaha, everything is better with cheese and hot sauce, duh! I need to remember to link up next Friday :) And so if it wasn’t Mark, who sent the pretty flowers?!
If I *have* to call someone, I totally pray it goes to voicemail.
LOLOL @ raise the roof
That recipe looks delish! And pretty flowers lucky girl! Happy Friday!
Haha after the 1st lunge pulse move the instructor said “unfortunately we have two legs”.
HAPPY FRIDAY! Here’s wishing you get make-up flowers?
I love Collie Budz! Glad to see some Reggae woo hoo! Also that last gif is exactly how I feel on a Friday evening! Have a great weekend girlie!
OMG love this that flower story is too funny – I would have done the exact same thing!
There are so many things I love about this post that all I want to do is reach out and hug my computer screen. Okay, that’s weird. But whatever. It just made me smile! Also–that song is awesome. I’d never heard it/heard of it and I listened to the whole dang thing just now and I’m sold. I don’t think I can listen to music while I run because I’ve verrrrrrry aware of how many minutes a song is and think “oh, god. That was only one song I’m going to die.” So I stick with audiobooks or comedians–but I still like the song :)
Your Friday funnies are the best, especially the calories one. Have a great weekend.
Pinned that recipe and will be trying that work out! Thanks for sharing!!
Also, I also go nuts on dinner. I am great all day then BAM dinner comes around and it’s gorge-fest!
The ecards are fantastic. I truly hate calling people on the phone, especially relatives to thank them from gifts. I am going to be 32 years old and I dread calling to thank my aunt and uncle for a birthday card…
Baahahaahah @ the Parks and Rec gifs and the voicemail e-card!
That quinoa looks delicious. We’re obsessed with quinoa over here. Running out of it in our place is like most places running out of milk. Shit hits the fan.
This post just made me laugh reading through the entire thing! Love the bit about the flowers!!! omg! Happy friday girly!! :)
bahahaha where do you find all these hilariously perfect gifs!! Great post and thanks again for hosting!! Happy weekend!! xoxo
Hey, I often have cancer according to the internet when my head hurts… Okay?! Lol umm those necklaces are super cute, I need to buy myself some more accessories, a girl can never have too many! I am going to have to try that recipe, it looks really good!
Those gifs are so funny. You find the best ones!! Have a great weekend!!
Best, Mree
You always have the best .gifs – I love the one from The Hills, I was cracking up! I can’t believe how different Lauren Conrad looks now. Also, those necklaces are fab. Have a great weekend!
Tonight will be so fun!! That quinoa recipe looks delish, and I’m loving all of the necklaces, especially the pink statement one! Have a fun weekend :)
That LC gif! hahaha so perfect! And wait, who were the flowers from?? I don’t know what it is about paying for shipping but I just refuse to do it! I will spend like 5x as long trying to calculate how I can get the best deal aka getting the amount to EXACTLY $50 or whatever the limit is! It’s so stupid because I feel like all the time I wasted is more valuable than the $6 shipping or whatever it is! haha And I listened to that song while reading this post & quite enjoyed it! Thanks for the recommendation & happy Friday :)
First, I love that song! And secondly, that is exactly how I will be exiting work today – especially since it is my last day at this job! Helloooooo weekend! Hope you have a great one! :)
hold on…. the roof is not my son, but i will raise it. hahahahahaha im dying.
Ha, love that healthcare bit! I work in government and I feel the same way when people talk about it!! I’ve also been on my husband’s case for not getting me flowers lately, his response was “Well if I get you them all of the time, they won’t be as special.” haha! Have a great weekend!!
I’m like that with voice mail & EVERY call I make :)
Hahaha I always love these! Too funny!! I love those necklaces :) and wine is always ok.
haha anytime someone starts talking about healthcare I start rolling my eyes at them because they sound so idiotic! Actually my favorite is when a patient yells at me for charging the insurance company more money than we would charge the patient if they were self-pay patients
Hope you have a great weekend!
a fashion show?! fancy!!! i expect some instagram pics!
also i totally buy $50 worth of stuff just to avoid paying for shipping!!! ugh.
have a great weekend! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Hahah I eat SO well all day until I get home for dinner and then madness sets in.. the eCard is so me! have a good weekend!!
So happy to link up with you this week!! That Mexican quinoa looks delish!! Love the flower story haha poor guy!! Have soo much fun at your grand opening!! Happy Friday girl!!
Yay! So glad you posted the code for your badge! I just inserted it into my post! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I am totally jealous of you getting your hair done! That is my fav! xo
Haha aw poor mark! But that is actually hilarious, poor guy had no idea what was coming. Also, in love with those necklaces! I have a couple from Baublebar and they are my favorite and I pretty much wear them with everything…oops.
Love all of your necklaces :) I can’t wait to try that yummy recipe. Have a lovely weekend!
The mexican quinoa recipe looks delicious, def saving. :) love your necklaces!
omg! the pink necklace is gorgeous!! thank you f21 for being amazing and inexpensive!!
but no really, i eat all the things for dinner and then a before bed snackie!
Great new jewelry and flowers (who are they from btw!). Happy weekend, lady! Have fun at the fashion show! XO
I’m making that recipe, good lord it looks so good! And you know I’m always a fan of your funnies. And girl look how successful your link up is! you are on fire! Congrats again!! Oh and I’m copying your necklaces, hope that is A-OK ;)
Ok so I seriously just busted out laughing at the whole person that’s not in healthcare telling you a story about healthcare!! This is so me!! It makes my blood boil like umm first of all youre not even pronouncing that even close to how it’s suppose to be pronounced second of all you sound like a huge idiot but I’m going to try not to come off as a huge biotch correcting you hahaha!! Ps all those funnies are totally me too! You’re not alone!
<3 Shannon
I love every single last one of those necklaces that you got!!! I never shop at Forever 21 but I think I might need to check them out for their accessories!!!! So cute!
Yes to every last one of those ecards!!!
Have a great weekend!
I have probably spent so much more money than I should have to avoid shipping fees, I just refuse! That’s 90% of the reason I don’t do much online shopping. You guys are lucky though, so many places have free shipping in the US!
Great recipe! I always get made fun of for substituting quinoa for everything so it sounds right up my alley – and lets be real, cheese makes everything at least 50x better.
Haha these Friday Funnies were hilarious! I need to get it together and link up next week!
So I tried that workout because I’ve been pretty lazy lately and I figured I could use it… Um, nope. I don’t think I can move for a little bit. Who knew such little tiny movements would burn SO MUCH.
Stargazer lilies are my favorite! Love the necklaces! Thanks for letting me link up!
You are legit queen of GIFs! Also, the tiff over flowers? Story of my life with DG! Also.. can you post an upper body workout? I need to tone my arms and chest. xo
Oh my gosh. The flower thing made me laugh because I have been there. For an entire day I had to carry around a floral arrangement that I bought as a thank you gift on behalf of an organization. I couldn’t find the professor to gift the arrangement. So there it sat on my desk. I got so many lovely comments…it was awkward. Love your gifs!
OK dumb ? but is One Pan Mexican Quinoa a meal or a dip? Do you eat it plain like that or with something else?… LOL you know I am food-disabled. And and this week esp your gifs are SPOT ON esp the healthcare part.