Friday Favorites Linkup-Seriously What Happened to April?
May 2, 2014Second, where the heck did the month of April go? I feel like I blinked my eye and it was over. Ummm I kept on saying oh yeah our wedding isn’t until like forever and now it’s like a little over nine months say what? I hope you had a great week and I’m so pumped to go read everyone’s favorites! Let’s get right into it!
Favorite Song
I have definitely been blasting a lot more techno with the warmer weather, outdoor exercising, and driving with the windows down. This song has definitely been on repeat. “Like a Drum” by Guy Sebastian. It’s also one of the thigh songs in Barre and I love it! Great song for my running gals out there!
Favorite Recipe
I mean it was as amazing as it looks I promise! Full recipe here.
Favorite Workout
Meghan asked me to post an arm workout since Summer is right around the corner. Well girl this one is killer! Click here for full instructions for each exercise. Your arms will be burning!
Favorite Funnies
This made me giggle. Yeah I said giggle because I really did.
Especially if it is on a Friday night and the couch, stretch pants and a glass of wine are calling my name!
Yup….multiple times a day at work
Said every single blogger (including myself)
Ladies honestly isn’t this the straight truth? It’s really the little things
When Mark told me the other day I was right about some random football fact
How I felt the first time when our Trader Joe’s finally opened
Pretty much how I feel on a daily basis
All my Barre girls out there….I know you will appreciate this one! Tuck and Rollback.
When I go to fancy drug rep dinners especially if I haven’t had a chance to eat lunch yet
Finally how I feel when I try to read one of my posts to Mark that you all thought was really funny and everyone is like…….but Mark is like
Last thing because don’t we all love giveaways especially when you get to pick your own prize? Summer is right around the corner and I have teamed up with 7 other fabulous bloggers to bring you a giveaway for a gift card. We wanted to do something fun and that everyone would enjoy, so we thought it would be a good idea to come together and giveaway a gift card of your choice! Hint my two links are follow me on bloglovin and twitter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Okay now it’s your turn! Tell me about your favorite from the week! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! xoxoxo
Ohhhhh I can totally relate to that Trader Joe’s reaction (though I wish I could go zooming through the aisles…mine usually has a line wrapped around the store just to get in, ugh). I used to love watching Supermarket Sweep as a kid – it was my dream to be on it someday haha! Happy Friday!
hahahah that’s how every single canadian felt when Target finally got their shit together and came to canada!!!
Vodka and Soda
April just literally disappeared. I’m not sad, lol. nine months till the wedding – plenty of time ;) you could grow a baby or something crazy.
ewwwww guy sebastian! haha. he was the winner of aussie idol and not super popular (how did he win?) and he’s a tad bit strange lol. i like a couple of his songs (dont tell anyone) so i might check this one out ;) my fave is ‘like it like that’ it makes me dance and wiggle, just cant help myself.
that recipe looks dewishous.
i think i will do that arm workout tonight and tomorrow morning – to make my arms look amazing tomorrow!
all of your funnies always make me giggle. love the HP one!
ucgh dont even get me started on made up baby names.
hahaha that ‘i knew it’ gif made me laugh so hard the more i watched it, and watch it i did. for like 5 mins.
i love the crazy, i vote no-one hides it! she is super cute, i for real need to watch that show i think.
lol @ picking the plate up – i do that whether i’ve eaten or not ;)
hahahaha seriously i laughed so hard at the gif with everyone laughing – kc does that too! im like, i swear im kinda funny.
ooooh giveaways! have a fab weekend my dear! xoxo
LOL I’d forgotten about that non-laughing moment at the oscars :) Happy Friday, girlie!! And yay for it being May!!
I’ve never seen Harry Potter, but I’m guessing that your first funny is from that? Either way, hilarious. I’m going to give that arm workout a try next week! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
I was laughing so hard at the football one – that’s how I feel with every person that tries to give me facts about the SEC- I’m like thanks but no thanks – I went to UF, during the glory years haha! My favorite is when someone cancels plans before I have to lol!! Hope you have an amazing Friday!!
April totally did fly by! Love that tuck and rollback gif, that’s hilarious! I always feel so weird doing that in class! And girl, I used to go to receptions on Capitol Hill for work and I was totally that person taking all of the food while the rest of the snobs networked and swapped business cards. ha! I was all like, here is my card sorry its covered in bbq sauce and wine…
The coffee one is the truth! My Niece just named her baby Heaven spelled backwards! *eyeroll* The Tommy lee Jones as Mark is hilarious! Why does everything we think is funny doesn’t appeal to others?!
That shrimp and avocado salad will be eaten this weekend! Two of my favorite things! And that Harry Potter mem…freaking hilarious!! Have a great weekend!
The Supermarket Sweep gif just made me laugh bc there was a guy running through the store the other day and I was referencing that show. I loved it! The whole cancelled plans I didn’t want to do thing happened to me last week and it was GLORIOUS! I have not tried to reschedule them, either…
YES to the mark-didn’t-find-this-funny thing! I swear I think I’m a BALL of laughs–and then I read something to J that I can’t even get through because I’m laughing so hard and he’s just like “uhm, so….?” UGH!! LAUGH DAMMIT I’M HILARIOUS! I will admit glitter is my favorite. Because of your last Friday Favorite song–I started running with music. And I got that Light It Up song. I might have to stop reading your friday post posts because now I want to get that Like A Drum song too!!! <3
Love your funny about the made up baby names!! Ahh, I think my favorite is My’son. This is how that went down:
Me: What is your son’s name?
Guy: Myson.
Me: Like M-Y-S-O-N? (writing it out on a board in the room “Myson”.)
Guy: No. It’s m y COMMA TO THE TOP s o n.
Me: Ohhh…. (re-writes it to look like this “My’son”)
Also, I love the tuck.
I dont even do barre and that gif was funny to me!! Also yum to that salad!
Ron Swanson is awesome.
The made up baby names – what the hell? Seriously? Stop doing that, world.
This year is going by WAY too fast! Slow down 2014… no need to rush! LOL I always laugh at stuff other people don’t laugh at…. I think I’m weird. And yes, I LOVE when someone cancels plans I didn’t want to do but I also didn’t want to cancel LOL! Happy Friday girl!
<3, Pamela
Ok you always put the most amazing recipes! I am laughing so hard at those funnies! That Jess one is so me oh and the one with the guy with his plate full of food!! Love it hahahaha!
<3 Shannon
First time linking up- thanks for hosting! You’re just the kind of laugh I need! :) I don’t know where and how you find all those gifs but they are hilarious. I don’t know where the tuck and rollback video came from or how old it is, but I think you may have identified the originators of twerking…just sayin’
Gina — On the Daily Express
Bahaha! I totally get that feeling when someone cancels plans that I didn’t want to have. I pretty much celebrate the fact that I do not have to get out of my pajamas.
I do that all the time with co-workers baby names -and also forget their gender because they dress them neutrally months 3-15
Amanda! That glitter card was made for me! Hehe! Have a great weekend! Thanks for hosting! Xo
Is it pathetic that I’m glad I didn’t participate in this giveaway because now I can actually enter to win it?! haha
Bahahahaha… totally dying over the everyone laughing except Tommy Lee Jones gif – that is SO Pete, too!
And damn… gif Grandpa’s got moves! ;)
Those gif’s are too funny. You always find great ones. Have a great weekend. The sun is suppose to be around here this weekend, finally!!
Best, Mree
Hahah I seriously died at that super market sweep gif! So funny! Hope you have a good weekend!
gotta save that arm workout for bikini season!!! which is like never here. hahaha. crap. at least i have time to get in shape!!
You always share the best recipes (that I always pin). You’re asking where the time went? Girl, my wedding is in THREE weeks!!! EEEEKKK!
I would have to use chicken instead of shrimp in that delicious looking recipe, but either way it looks amazing!
Those gifs all have me cracking up! That last one especially. I have so many moments like that with John :D
I hope you have an amazing weekend!
Girl, your post are absolutely the highlight to my Friday.
Okay, that recipe. I have to make that! :) Happy Friday girlie!
I loved your post earlier this week, it was great!! I love trader joes, it’s so good!! I miss drug rep dinners and lunches- free food and it’s usually on point! If my hubby brought me coffee without asking- I would die a happy woman lol have a great weekend!! I’m crazy this week, so I’ll be back linking up with ya next week. Have a good one :)
Great giveaway! I can’t get enough avocado lately, I’ve hated it my whole life until a few months ago. Now I can’t stop! That recipe looks good, but I’d have to use chicken ;)
That Modern Family .gif is totally me in those type of situations as well! hahaha I am such a huge fan of your song selections every week! Happy weekend :)
Alright girl… I’m ready to start that arm workout. And I’m nervous. :) Thanks for posting it! How often should I do it a week? Love that salad! Can’t wait to try it! xo
HAHA so I can’t stop laughing at the sorry I mispronounced your babies name you made up. Too funny and so true in today’s world!
That salad looks amaze… and the the date cancelling thing pretty much describes my whole online dating period. When they cancelled I was always secretly doing a happy dance lol
haha Alex is the same way when I tell him something that everyone else thought was funny!
YES to that song! Definitely going on my running playlist for SURE. Also I am totally the same way with TJ’s. That place has my heart. Have an awesome weekend!
“I knew itttttttttt!” Bahahahahahahahhahahah!! That is EXACTLY how I felt during a debate with my hubs this week! I really laugh throughout reading all of them but there’s no sense in commenting on each one individually! Thanks for the giveaway! I wish I had time to do the linkup today but like you said, this week has FLOWN by! And now it’s MAY!??! Shut the front door… :)
I actually laughed where I snorted over this.
I am SOOO hitting my husband like that when I’m right too :)
Ooooh love the work out and the Harry Potter pic!!!!
hahaha I love these posts! They always make me crack up! Thank you for sharing as always :)
hahaha that made up baby name ecard is so true!!! Brad hates made up names, especially ones with lots of extra Ys or vowels.
April seriously did fly by, I almost feel like it didn’t even happen! I Hope May brings some damn sunshine to the midwest!!!
Um anything with ginger AND cilantro is good in my book! Have a good weekend!
Oh the TJ’s gif too much haha. I had to delve into my brain’s movie database with the wig picture but you can’t forget a classic Mean Girls quote for long hah. Happy weekend!! XO
Hahaha, this post made my afternoon! Hope you have a weekend as wonderful as you are :)
XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass
That shopping GIF is me at Target.
There are some baby names that are absolutely RIDICULOUS these days.
I loved Supermarket Sweep!!! I wanted to be on that show SO bad. That and Shop Til You Drop!
I freaking love Modern Family.
Have a great weekend!
Hahah to the last gif!
sweeeet giveaway! where did the month go?! have a great weekend!
xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I have that recipe pinned & have yet to try it but it always looks so good!
tuck and rolllllbackkk!! LOL that is too good! Do you guys have sprouts out there? It’s a fresh market. Its my second love after TJ’s. Everything is super fresh.
Loving all of the ecards and GIFs – seriously I could look at those every day because they just make me happy. And that recipe looks amazing!
Seriously I LOL’d at this post. Hilaroius!
OH my god. I died over the Tommy Lee Jones gif. That’s great!!!!!
I love when I’m right about things. It’s even better was Blake admits that I was right.
that recipe looks phenomenal! and yes, if someone brings me coffee without a request…I think they may just win my heart.
Gotta catch up on your posts, I’ve been spending less time online the past few weeks.
hope you are having a blast planning that wedding!
XO, Gina
Total slacker last week and missed out on this link-up goodness. Poo poo on me. :-/ this week, promise! ;-) XO And I swear, I’m emailing you!!!!
Haha the gif about the posts and Mark’s reaction is hilarious!
I love when someone else cancel plans- I am often tempted!
Basically I just need your whole workout music list. Ok thanks!
And LOL to the gif referring to Mark’s face when you read him what we all thought was hilarious. Amir makes the same “wtf” face and it really makes me question his sanity. These boys, they just don’t get it, do they?!