Confessions Post-I Mean Don’t You Always Feel Better After?
June 11, 2014I confess….when people send emails with the statement “gentle reminder“…..clearly it’s not gentle I can feel you smugly stabbing the words out at me through the keyboard.
Continuing on from that….we finally have converted to electronic medical charting these past few weeks. I think I’m relatively computer savvy until I accidentally clicked that one button you aren’t suppose to click and ended up losing my entire note. Yup I pretty much wanted to do this yesterday afternoon.
Then after the poor IT person they happened to send my way after meltdown central tried to explain to me that the note was gone forever and I needed to do it again….naturally the rage tears came on and he made the dreadful MAN mistake of asking “are you okay??”
I confess I thought the World Cup was actually going on…..imagine my disappointment surprise when I found out it hasn’t even started yet……I’m sorry I’m just such a Football gal and not like the European football but the American Gator Chompin kind of football (I don’t want to talk about the past two years I’m well aware of the misery).
I confess. After I saw this
I was like I need a rape whistle now…how do I not have one already???? #turning30birthdaylist
I confess. I was in the big hospital bathroom (like the one outside my office by the elevators….you try sharing one bathroom for an entire office of men and women!!! I digress). Anyways, I heard a little boy with his mom sing “wash wash wash your hands” in the row row row your boat theme…..I couldn’t figure out if I wanted to curse that mother or secretly loved her for teaching him how to properly wash his hands considering the fact the women next to me had just flushed opened the door and was outside before the toilet was done flushing…..sans washing her hands. Hence why I always grab the door handle with a towel….and NEVER eat communal bar snacks.
Alright here is one I’ve been hanging onto for a few weeks but finally I’m going to drop it. I confess I get a little stabby when I see disproportionate amount of comments to number of links in a linkup. I mean kinda rude no? It would be like going to someones party….eating the food….and not saying hello to the hostess!
I confess. I want to know all the secrets from the fashion bloggers who con get their significant others to take their pictures for them. I have now gotten Mark on board to taking one set of pictures with my iPhone…..I couldn’t even imagine trying to bust out my DSLR camera. That would get a solid no way from him. Tell me your witchcraft ways!
I confess I am so excited to travel this Summer to finally get some vacation in but to also get to see my blogger friends! Why can’t we all live closer to each other???
I confess after I accomplished my one blogging goal of being number #1 on Kathy’s linkup I’m going to bed at a normal time tonight! Cheers to being number 25 tomorrow when I wake up at 5am for Barre. Alright now it’s your turn! Tell me what are you confessing??? xoxoxo
when are you coming up again?? did b tell you that we actually met in real life on sunday? it was awesome. it was like i already knew her though, ha! umm confession, when i was on a date saturday the world cup (or so i thought) was on tv and he was talking about it and i was like uh huhhhhh like i knew what he was saying. i had no f-ing clue. i was like all i see is lime green jerseys and i’m a fan. bring on the american football, puhleeeeease!!! also my other confession is the shaving story which you already have been blessed to hear. hahahahhaha.
Girlfriend!!! My hubby would NOT be into taking pictures of me…!! I have to pretty much beg him to take a picture with me! So no fashion posts for me any time soon… Ha!
Ha! I love that Panda gif. And oh lord, when someone exits the bathroom without washing their hands, I say under my breath as the door is closing, “you forgot to wash your hands”. Gross. I don’t host a linkup but if I did, I’d be pretty ticked about that comment to link up ratio. Manners people!! While I do love Gator football, do NOT tell Scott, I am a major World Cup fan and I cannot wait!!!
I don’t get how those fashion bloggers get their man to take all those pictures either! I already know that would only happen for a few sessions before my “ugh, that is terrible retake that photo” would drive H crazy.
Bahaha! Love all those first ones about the computer charting!! I feel you on that one at times! Seriously, back in the day I doubt they even really took extensive notes. Healthcare is 50% charting and 50% doing these days.
guilty! i always write those emails when people don´t answer back, but i write “Friendly” reminder. hahaha.
and for realz, if I can get my man to take a picture of me it would be a miracle, if you find that spell let me know! hocus pocus!
Hey Amanda!! Oh my gosh I totally agree! How does one link up and not leave a comment? So rude!! And People not washing their hands?!! I cringe lol! And I honestly do not know how these fashion bloggers get they’re man to take these photo’s. If they do it for them that’s great- but they seem to come out really good lol! I know my b/f would do it.. but they would just come out horrible lol! Great post girly! ;D XOXO
you look perfectly sporty sexy in your football snaps:) Also, carrying a rape whistle is a perfectly reasonable thing to do…but then again I watch way too much Law & Order SVU so maybe I am a little paranoid.
Missed you while I was away. Hope you had a good couple of weeks.
XO, Gina
The friendly reminder is almost never friendly! I try to always comment on those who host the linkup unless it’s more than 3 hosts, that’s just pushing it! ;) yeah for blogger meet ups!!
Im going to forget the rest and focus on the fact that YOU DONT KNOW WHEN WORLD CUP IS. Im from the Caribbean so football is the sport where you know … your foot … actually touches a ball haha! (Still not sure why you guys call that other sport football *side eye*). haha Im going to have to make sure you get it together by the time the world cup actually starts lady!
Also omg I would smash several computers if that crap happened to me!
Your football game ensemble is the cutest lol. Didn’t know it was possible to dress that cute for a game. I think your pics always look great. Marc would not be easy to convince to do pics for me I don’t think.(because I would delete about 45 until I got one I liked) lol I have two new maxi skirts I planned on styling 2 outfits with. We will see how it goes, but I will probably resort to mirror selfies or my sister. lol XO
Not sure I could bust out my DSLR on my hubby either haha! So if you learn the trick, let me know. I feel ya, I can’t imagine linking up and not saying hi, what the heck! And EW, how can one not wash after using the bathroom?? Happy Wed Amanda!
OMG!! I feel the same way about getting the hubby to take photos of me. I do NOT know how these fashion bloggers do it. My hubby will take pix with my DSLR but he’ll take like two and make me feel awkward for needing more photos of myself. I try to explain I need them for my blog but he doesn’t get it. Sigh….
Wait…the World Cup hasn’t started? I’m so confused.
I taught my daughter to sing the alphabet when she washes her hands and if she doesn’t do it long enough, I make her wash them again. #ihaveproblems
blates are the BEST!!!!
Rape whistle is now added to my 30th bday wishlist too – thank you for the reminder :)
Girl I love your cofessions, so fun! WORLD CUP TOMORROW! Trust me, you’ll know, because we annoying soccer fans won’t let you forget. It’s finally our momentttttttttttttt ;)!
I used to teach the kids I nannied and babysat to sing the Happy Birthday song when they washed their hands. Kids love singing and I love clean hands…win win!
Technology blows sometimes…I’ve never understood how something on a comp could just be gone! I lost five pages of my t thesis in college…the day before the draft was due. Yeah, be glad you weren’t the tech guy I had to call. HORRIBLE
haha h is NOT a fan of playing photographer. ah well. no fashion pics for me.
and i HATE it when ppl link up and then dont even comment hello. not cool.
xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Gentle reminder my ass! I hate emails with reminders. Ugh!
Bring on REAL football season!!!!!!!!! Even though we can agree to disagree on teams.
I think the only time it is appropriate to link up and not comment is if the hostess just has the link up going and no actual words/meat in the post to comment on. Otherwise, RUDE!
I lost 45 minutes worth of work last week because my computer blue screened. I took a deep sigh, got up and went to the bathroom and just stared at the wall for about 5 minutes….then walked back and redid all of it. Sigh. I really wanted to walk across the street to the parking deck and let that sucker fly!
I can barely get Theo to take a normal pic for me there’s no way he would take a fashion one. I think those fashion bloggers have a friend who does it or they make so much money they pay someone. When ppl leave the bathroom and haven’t wash their hands I want to be the hand washing police and ask them what they think they’re doing. And just because you didn’t actually touch anything doesn’t give you a free pass to not wash your hands!! So gross!! Life as I know it
Wait… what is this World Cup you speak of? You know the Super Bowl is in Feb and the National Championship is in Jan right? Anything after that doesn’t count. ;) I love that you used stabby in your post… LOVE! And as for the witchcraft ways… it’s pretty simple really. You want dinner? You get it AFTER you take these pics of me for my blog tomorrow. A little bribery never hurt any one… ;) FYI – my legs hurt and I really wanted mat time to be nap time.
<3, Pamela
just get a wireless remote for your dslr ! it will be amazing :)
I can’t even wait for tickets for the Gator Games to go on sale next month – I feel like a freshman again I’m so giddy!! There is a woman that works on my floor and I swear to you – she never washes her hands!! I’m like are you Houdini and you didn’t even use your hands?! I can’t even wait for August and to see your pretty face in person!! We’ve gone from emailing, to texting to IRL talking…obvious next step haha!! xo
I would ask my husband to take pictures for my blog… Fashion ones anyway. He would have no idea what I was looking for! Ha
Kudos for you even getting your man to take your picture. I have to bribe mine, and usually it doesn’t work. Womp, womp. And the whole don’t wash your hands thing? Disgusting. I don’t use public restrooms unless I absolutely have to because of people like that no washing woman.
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i confess i’m at work right now but have a cold. TOO busy. lame right? faking it is the name of my game. also try having only a feline to take my photos and as he has no thumbs, he is no good at taking photos. the struggle is real. haha
[email protected]
Could always bust out the DSLR and put it on timer mode (and a tripod prob). No need for a 2nd person. AND you can take as many photos as you want. Living alone for so long taught me so many life tricks, lol.
I cannot stand people who don’t wash their hands and I do the exact same thing with using a towel to open ;)
I think us Gator fans were just really spoiled a few years back, I guess we can’t be the best every year. We have to share it with other SEC teams. :) I thought the same thing about the World Cup… when the eff is this crap starting already?! The only good thing about it is its an excuse to drink some beers at an Irish bar, if you ask me. ha! I can’t believe fashion bloggers get their hubbys to take photos either! I’m also so impressed when anyone takes those types of pictures because y’all must have so much more confidence than I do!
You could always set up the DSLR on a tripod (or flat surface) and put it on timed mode to shoot the photos. Then you don’t require a 2nd person. Living alone for so long has taught me to be selfie resourceful, lol.
I think it’s the most disgusting thing ever when people don’t wash their hands after using the restroom. I go crazy when I see especially other co-workers!! I feel your pain when it comes to using new computer systems. It can be tough learning a new system. Happy Hump Day!!
Best, Mree
Ryan has come to enjoy being my photographer, so maybe Mark will get that way with time! And, hilarious story – I actually was a drum major in high school for band (you know, the people up front conducting the band), and we had super fancy (and loud!) whistles that were made in England or something. After high school, I turned it into my rape whistle. Bahahaha. I just think it’s a necessity for all women.
I want to know how fashion bloggers or any bloggers hide their camera remotes! I have on because like you my boy is not taking my pictures, so now I can take my own but you can ALWAYS see that remote. grrrr.
First and foremost, GOOOOO GATORS! I don’t give a damn about soccer. Give me football season now! Second, I was just thinking about the disproportionate comments to links in a linkup! If I were the host I’d make one of the requirements that you have to read my own damn post and leave a comment. Just kidding. Not really.
Rape Whistle!!!!!! :) That would be GREAT! I think Mark would support it, no? Also love the wash wash wash your hands story! :) Please don’t be one of those bloggers with the annoying DSLR captured self photos!!! I feel like I am looking at an awkward catalog EVERY time!
Gentle reminder sounds sooo passive aggressive! Why bother even saying that?! haha Also, to be fair, they have had a lot of pre-world cup games going on, so I think your mistake is totally justifiable ;) I agree with you on getting your significant other to take photos!
Omg your IT story cracks me up! We’ve been having computer meltdowns all week at work and it’s been horrifying. Ps. My husband would never ever ever be my photog either!
I think I was at that game too! Also, I sent emails this morning with the subject “Urgent” and “Please respond.” None of that gentle reminder passive aggresiveness here.
The computer charting mishap would have made me explode! I hate how computers are supposed to simplify things but sometimes make things way more complicated.
We always love your amazing memes! We both have only gotten our boyfriends to help us take pictures once MAYBE twice each… so we can’t help you figure out how to make that happen but let us know if you figure out any secrets! So cute about the little boy with his washing his hands song, so many people don’t wash their hands after they use the bathroom its disgusting!
Brittani and Katie
Where are you traveling to to meet blogger friends? I hate when emails come through with that little red exclamation point next to the subject. In my mind that means “do not read me!”
Also, I think the same thing about fashion bloggers and their significant other photographer. Steve laughs/rolls his eyes when I say “I NEED this for the blog!”
We changed to EPIC at CHOP over 3 years ago, and it was torture at first, but once all the kinks were ironed out, I started to love it. So much useful info at your fingertips! but yes, there were most definitely some Office Space type scenes going on in my head
That’s genius to sing it in row row row your boat. I sing happy birthday twice in my head – that’s the amount of time they say you need to clean your hands :)
Ewwww… communal bar snacks and mint bowls… absolutely disgusting!!! And I want to cry anytime I delete something by accident… I love that panda gif:)
Ugh communal bar snacks, nonononono. Bowl of bacteria!! Haha if I was a fashion blogger, my neighbors would think I was crazy, because I’d have to take the photos in my street, by myself.
Ugh I feel you on the Ron Swanson gif, especially when Blogger eats my post or comment. Raaaaage!
Also can I just say that in my apartment my bedroom is right next to the bathroom and my roommate and her bf when he visits NEVER EVER EVER wash their hands like EVER and I’m like I CAN HEAR WHEN THE WATER RUNS AND I KNOW HOW LONG YOU’VE BEEN IN THERE AND AT LEAST JUST PRETEND TO WASH but no. It skeeves me out hard. ESPECIALLY since I spend so much of my life cleaning my place and disinfecting every bathroom surface. Ahhh.
And yeah, I agree with you on the comment/linkup thing. Usually when I linkup the very first blog I comment on is the hosts, before I even go to my bloglovin feed. It’s just decent!
And speaking of bloggers and travels, I am coming to Florida this winter. And I WILL be making a stop in your neck of the woods! Get ready :)
Your computer story had me cracking up! PERFECT GIFS for real! Technology rage is REAL! My husband who is ANTI MAC (he thinks they’re stupid AND the fact that they’re expensive doesn’t help my case any). Well, after he witnessed a REAL true technology breakdown on my end the other night (let’s just say my 8 year old computer ATE an entire chapter of rewrites)–a new mac made it on to his list. He also made the mistake of asking if I was okay. Lol!
i got brad to take my photos for my post the other day and it was kind of awkward because I just wanted him to get certain shots that I had in my head and it wasn’t working with the two of us / i need to teach him how to use my camera more because everything had to be on the auto function.
I feel naked without my emergency whistle. I just got a new one and it’s freaking awesome.
Deleting something and having to start from new makes me RAAAAAAAAGE.
If it’s a blog hop, no need to comment, because there is typically just the linkup and no content. Most other linkups have content and it is rude not to comment.
I always wonder that too about fashion bloggers! How do you just get people to follow you around & take pictures of you?!
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HAHAHA the whole world cup thing… my media director asked me to make her a world cup file folder before it starts and I was like wait isn’t that already going on? Whoops. And I would love to know how bloggers get their significant others to take so many pictures of them. I ask my boyfriend all the time to take pictures of me cooking or doing something and he hates it, plus he takes shitty photos so it’s hopeless. I need a personal photo assistant to just follow me around to take photos of me to post. I started my Friday favorites post so I will be stalking your blog for it to be time to post my link up!!
Bahaha, I totally thought the World Cup was already going on, as well. Whoooops
hahha my boyfriend refuses to take pictures it drives me batty!
I confess that there have been many attempts of picture-taking for the blog that my husband and I just failed miserably at. I’ve since given up ;)
when you posted last week that you hit the #1 spot and you can die happy i laughed so hard. it’s so awesome that all y’all love this linkup so much!! and i’m with you on the comments vs linkups or those who linkup but dont post anything confession related? talk about getting duped!
thanks for linking up!
Vodka and Soda
“gentle reminders” are not gentle
gentle reminders = more stressful than if someone just said “hey don’t forget”. I hate it. Sorry about your notes in the system- my old roomie is a traveling nurse now and deletes at least 10 important things every time she starts at a new hospital!
HAhaha! I want to to know the secret witchcraft ways of the popular fashion bloggers too!
I also get really disgusted when I think people walk out with washing their hands…just eww.
hahah if you ever find out the secret to getting your man to take a picture with no complaints, please share the wealth! Selfies are awesome and all, but I would love to have a full body shot that isn’t in a mirror with a phone in my hand :)
Ha! I can’t even get my husband to take my weekly maternity photos! God forbid a whole outfit session! Tripods are your friend! Happy (almost) birthday!!
I used to have a rape whistle but I think it gotten taken away from me when I blew on it too much while drunk one night, ahahaha!
And I feel the same way about # of comments vs. link-up entries! I participated in one link up for a couple of weeks and never got a visit from the hostess though, so it definitely goes both ways.
You’re not alone, Brian wouldn’t even know where to begin if I asked him to take pictures. That would be so helpful if he would though! :)
Oh my gosh! Nothing irritates me faster than computer problems. I have NO patience with a slow computer. The hubs will no let me forget the time I “threw” {it was more like a gentle slid across the coffee table} my laptop because I was over it acting stupid. And while I do appreciate a mother teaching her son to wash his hands, I’ve seen PLENTY of young kids be able to wash their hands without some song. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone about the World Cup but I know the date and time of the first Clemson football game! If you find out the secret of the fashion pictures, let me know because you would think I was pulling teeth to get Cory to take a picture with me or of me.
I feel like most fashion bloggers probably just set up a tripod and have a remote. That’s what I choose to believe!
Hehe, I love that you didn’t try for #1 again on the link up. I mean you can’t get any better now so it kinda takes the pressure off!
i get so annoyed when i see like 2 comments and 50 link ups. i noticed that a lot on the 5 on friday hosts. i feel like people are just using the host, rude! and i could give 2 shits about the world cup, is it over yet? haha. my husband is addicted to soccer.
Oh man I get so mad when I lose something on the computer, definitely makes me want to smash things.
I know what you mean about the comments thing. It doesn’t make sense to me to not comment on as many blogs as I can if I link up. But I am super behind on reading blogs right now ha ha.
UGH, girl the worst is when people join your linkup but don’t even link back to you. RUDE.
Oh my! The technically crap that happens at my work makes me feel the EXACT same way! So frustrating! People not washing their damn hands after the bathroom is just ridiculous. Sometimes I hold my need for the restroom just because I think public bathrooms are so gross! Oh, and speaking of which, I have my own bathroom in my office and everyone once in a great while a customer will ask to use it. I cringe. Especially when they walk out without washing their hands and sit back down at my desk to use my pen. Filthy animals. Lastly, I 210% agree about the linkup comments! So rude!