Happy Monday my loves! I hope everyone had a nice weekend celebrating with their loved ones or being spoiled accordingly. My mother was up in New Jersey with my sister who is a momma of three. My weekend was spent researching all the places we are going to frequent when we jet off to Greece! I will have so many details for you because y’all know I am thorough. Linking up with Biana and Meghan for their Weekending Update!
The weekend got started off with lots of work with this space of mine over here! There are so many new projects in the works over here you will definitely have to stay tuned! I got a new lens for my camera…..it was totally warranted I don’t want to miss a single picture over there. I have been playing with it non stop since I got it. Even shooting on manual mode exclusively, big time over here.
Picked up a few fab finds at Trader Joe’s like this gem. Fabulous, highly recommend. Side note it’s so hard to walk out of there without fresh flowers right?
We headed out to a friends birthday on Saturday night and blogger fail didn’t snap any pictures. Guess you know that’s a great time then right?
There has also been a ton of work on the Pinterest page as of late. Are you following me on Pinterest? Lot’s of revamped boards definitely the time to check it!
Visit Meet @ the Barre’s profile on Pinterest.
I will leave you with more gorgeous Florida living sights.
Make sure to check back tomorrow on 5 items guaranteed to sell out! Hope you are having a fabulous day! xoxoxoxo
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Wooohoo, new camera lens. I can’t wait to see all the fun pictures you take with it! Glad you had a great weekend, lady! Can’t wait to come back and check out those five things….my wallet might hate me though ;)!
I’ve been working on revamping my pinterest pages too – after accumulating so many pins its hard to remember what I have lol! I’m so excited for your trip – it’s going to be EPIC!! Florida living at it’s finest in that photo!!! Hope you have a great Monday! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston
Yay for new camera lenses! I got one not long ago but I’m still learning it for sure. It makes me want to get another new one though! And yes to fresh flowers at Trader Joes! Happy Monday doll!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
Sounds like you had quite the productive weekend!! I’m sure you will be 110% ready for your Greece trip when it gets here! :)
Can’t wait to see all of the fun things in store!!
Glad you had an awesome weekend! I’m checking out your pinterest now :)
Was it just here or was every store FULL of beautiful, fresh flowers this weekend for mother’s day? I can hardly resist on a regular day! I was somehow not following you on Pinterest yet so thanks for sharing that link! Have a great Monday! Off to stalk your pins :)
A new camera lens is such a fun purchase! Your pictures from Greece are going to be amazing!
Ugggghhhh is that picture for real? Such a gorgeous sunset!! <3
Yay for revamped Pinterest boards. I need to spring clean mine up!
so excited for blog updates! you know i love that :) and yay for the new lens! always justified right? it’s for the blog! = the best reason :) happy monday, love! can’t wait for tomorrow’s post as usual! xo
Ahhhhhhhhhhh… Florida weekends have been divine lately. LOVE IT!
Ohhh, fun a new lens! I’m currently researching fancy pants cameras as I hope to get one for my birthday (not until October… Just want to make sure I’m getting a good one!) I’m so excited for your trip to Greece – we went to a Mediterranean restaurant last night and I thought about how you’ll be eating that well your whole trip. Yum!
What lens did you buy? I’m thinking of a new one as well. We are going to Hawaii next month and I want to make sure I get great pictures. I’m going to check out your Pinterest board. Looks amazing!
omg i love framboise! so good. i havent had it in years. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Framboise! I always forget about that, but it’s such a delicious treat! What lens did you get? I’m always lost at which lenses to purchase! Hope you have a great Monday! xo
Um, how have I not been following you on pinterest??? That raspberry lambic is so good, haven’t had one of those in such a long time. Need to remedy that this week.
prosecco in the park
Yay for a fun night out with friends, sometimes I think it’s better to not take any pics and just enjoy yourself! Will definitely check out your revamped Pinterest! :)
I can’t WAIT to see photos from your trip! I’m totally jealous of your new lens. I really need to get on the research, myself. It’s time to buy a new one for our Nikon.
I so love your pinterest!! You find the best pins. Keep practicing with your new lens, I cannot wait to see your pictures from Greece!! Happy Monday!!
Your trip is going to be heavenly!! I’m so excited for you!
That last picture is GORGEOUS! I could definitely be happy living in Florida, ha ha!
I need to go through my pinterest boards. They have not been updated in quite some time!!
That wine looks divine!!!
Isn’t Florida one of the most beautiful places (at least here in the U.S.) to live? I feel that those of us who grew up in the north appreciate it so much more! And yes it’s impossible to walk out of Trader Joes without fresh flowers (and wine and cookie butter!).
Having a cocktail with a beautiful sunset on the water is the perfect way to relax! I’ll have to check out that beer from TJ’s. It sounds really good!
Love those Florida living photos! :-) I also 100% agree with you on Trader Joe’s and flowers. Every time I go in there I stop and look at all of the flowers. While I also try to remember what else I needed haha. They have awesome flowers though for a great price!! Like screw going to a florist, just go there!! Haha. Have a lovely day my friend! :-)
Yay! What new camera lens did you get?! :) I just upgraded my camera last month and I’m having so much fun with it!
That beer, YUM! I would love that.
Those flowers are gorgeous! Enjoy your new camera lens. No pictures is definitely a sign of a good time.
LOVE Framboise! Excited to keep up with all of your changes. You just keep setting the bar higher and higher :)
That is one of my absolute favorite lambics!!!! It is my go to at World of Beer when I am not sure what I am in the mood for. I deleted a bunch of pins and random boards this weekend too! Hope you have a great week!
GIVE ME that martini and sunset. How about I just come live with you… sound good?! Xoxo
oooh i think we tried that drink when we went to Boston, so fancy! i love reorganising pinterest, so fun! have a great week girl xx
Raspberry beer?! Sign me up!
I love that beer! And no, it’s not possible to get out of TJ’s without flowers. Or cookie butter. Sounds like your weekend was lovely! Have fun with your camera! =)
New camera equipment is the best! Love getting new things! I can imagine that researching for Greece has to be so much fun! So many great things to see there!
I really need to invest in a camera already! I took most of my vacation photos on my phone! I realize when I am not blogging regularly I take way less photos of my life!
alwyas a good idea to revamp the pinterest boards – so smart!
Ohh I love that lambic! And yay for productive weekends! I’m so excited for all the new projects you’ll be featuring on your blog!
You should join my weekend snapshots link up! It happens every Monday! :)
Her Heartland Soul
Hooray for a new camera lens, that’s always exciting! Glad you had a good weekend otherwise, too. Happy Monday!
Try the Framboise with champagne!
Yay for a new lens and lots of fun blogger projects! We had such a busy weekend but I totally forgot to take pictures, too – sometimes you just gotta enjoy the moment and not worry about it! :)
I desperately need some time with my camera. I want to learn to shoot on manual so badly. I can’t wait to see all the awesomeoness in the works for your blog and your Greece trip! You are seriously a rockstar. xo
Oh how I wish we had a Trader Joes in Vancouver!!! That beer looks summer patio worthy :)
Flowers are necessary! What a beautiful sunset!
Framboise is one of my absolute favorite drinks! Bonus points if you can find it on top at a bar! ;-)
A sunset like that is irresistible. :]
I love this! And I love revamping pinterest boards, why is it so fun? Also I went to my first Barre class yesterday and thought of you <3
The Lambic is one of my favorites. Try mixing it with some Samuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout for a delicious chocolate raspberry beer… yummmm
I am such a sucker for fresh Trader Joe’s flowers too! They are so cheap and so lovely– and they really brighten up the house :D
Aren’t Florida sunsets the BEST? And I’m a huge Trader Joe’s fan, too. Last week we went there for date night and picked up some wine and dessert.
wow, does Florida ever look nice!!
Props to you for going the all manual route with your camera! I could definitely use more practice but it is oh so easy to switch on the automatic settings. And I am loving your Pinterest! – Svetlana @ Life with a Side of Wine
well that was weird. your feed and all of your posts just showed up on my reader all at once. i was wondering why nothing was appearing from you in a while since i know you post frequently.
anyway – new lens!!!! i’ve been dying to get a 50mm for my camera but i don’t know if i can spend $300 on a single lens given how often i forget my camera at home or never bother to take pictures when i’m out but 50mm lenses produce amazing shots.
New lenses are always fun and little overwhelming! But manual mode is the way to go!
Trader Joes is one of my favorite places, I can never walk out of there without flowers and a new bottle of wine! Xo, Stephanie