Happy Friday my loves. This week flew by for me because I was definitely on the go catching up from being gone. I am 100% looking forward to this weekend to regroup and get all the Greece recaps together for you. Since so many of you have expressed interest in possibly traveling there, I was thinking about sectioning it out into each island and giving you lots of ideas and tips for things to do and not do. Sound good? I’m open to all feedback. Let’s get right into these favorites!
Favorite Song
I had sworn off every song having to do with Nicki Minaj after her Anaconda video and its sheer abomination towards being a female in general. However, this song just reminds me of pre gaming with your girlfriends and then heading out….singing this song with the windows open and warm Summer breezes rolling in. Not too specific or anything right? Also…..I didn’t know that wearing a legit satin push up bra from VS is totally cool as a top now?….Nicki Minaj “The Night is Still Young“.
Favorite Recipe
True story. I got a very large jar of almond butter from Costco and someone didn’t think I would have a use for it. So naturally I needed to find a recipe that called for it. Almond Butter Soba Noodles with Garlic Shrimp full recipe here.
Favorite Workout
Workouts you can do at home. I don’t know about in a bikini or anything but it will help you get ready to get into one.
Favorite Purchase
Everything in this post. Have you checked it yet?
Favorite Funnies
Pretty much the routine in my household on a daily basis.
When they flip the lights and try to serve you food during an overnight flight
Sitting outside by the pool with my sweet new Summer hat
Finally, how I feel every single time I go to Costco.
Hope you have a fabulous weekend! What are you up to? Tell me your plans! xoxoxoxo
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OMG that recipe looks delicious!! Can’t wait to hear about Greece! I’d love to go back and spend some time, so any tips are helpful :)
Your funnies crack me up EVERY time!! :) That workout looks good too, I may just have to try it out!
Hope you have a great weekend!
That last one was me yesterday on the commute to work and home from work!!! It has been brutal lately! Happy Friday!
Umm yes break it out by island! Not like I’ll probably ever make it out there however I will live vicariously… lol! And oh Nicki… her songs are so catchy but I completely agree with you on the Anaconda video. And your funnies are awesome, as always! Have a great weekend love!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
You mean you don’t workout in your bikini? Haha, glad you found a recipe so you could prove someone wrong ;) I was driving home from work yesterday trying to remember if I needed to add anything else to my Friday Favorites post and I just kept thinking that I needed to get on your level {laughable} with the funnies. Obviously didn’t happen :( Happy weekend! Can’t wait to read your Greece posts.
Yes to the soba noodles! Yum! Love that quote you started off with too. Can’t wait for your Greece recap–I think the way you’re talking about doing it sounds great! Also, loooooove the funnies–I feel the SAME way at Costco—so annoying sometimes!!!! haha
Hope you have a great weekend–and that you’re stocked up on canola oil hahahahahah ;)
I always laugh when I see the workouts that people do at home in shape magazine or something and they are wearing something I would never wear to workout lol!!! That recipe looks insane and the more greek recaps you do the better : ) Happy Weekend! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I can’t wait to read about your Greece recap!!! And omg I HATE it when they flip on the lights when you’ve been sleeping….and Costco? Every.Single.Time! I hate going there because of the people haha. I hope you have a great weekend girl!!
I seriously can’t believe you don’t like Nicki and her Anaconda song!
I’m excited to read all about your trip! That almond butter shrimp looks great, who knew? Hope your weekend is great! I’m heading home to celebrate my grandmommys 90th birthday. Yay!
I love that song and also the Hey Mama with her and David Guetta!
OMG YES to that last graphic being what it’s like at Costco. It drives me bonkers.
I love that Nicki Minaj song too! It definitely makes me think of college. Happy Friday!
Oh how I hate when they just flip on the lights and start food service on a long international flight, some of us are trying to sleep! And love workouts you can do at home, that’s actually where I do the majority of my fitness routine. No gym for me!
Happy Friday gurlie hope you have a fabulous relaxing catch-up weekend <3
they were just playing the nikki song on the today show. love it!
lol over here dying over your funnies this week. that cat. hello yes miss sassy cat. and i love that nicki minaj song too i won’t deny it! that recipe looks delish too. have a great weekend love! can’t wait for recaps!! xo
The recipe looks great! I think my kids would eat it too so that is a bonus! The funnies crack me up. I have beach hat issues as well.
Have a great weekend!
Haha! That Minime gif is totally me on a daily basis, too!
Hi Amanda-
Happy Friday! I’m a first time visitor to your blog + I’m so happy I stumbled across it! :)
SOBA NOODLES – get in my belly.
ANd everytime I go grocery shopping I get behind THAT person….. never fails. And I have this *silent* tantrum.
Kitty Sunning itself – TOO CUTE!
Yes, Yes to the Greece recap!! No major plans around here, hoping to take it easy before life gets insane over the next few months.
Love your funnies, as always ;)
xo, Jen
That workout looks hard but probably does exactly what it promises! I love all of the target finds, I was just there yesterday and got the cutest beach bag! Thanks for hosting the link up! :)
Your descriptions in gif’s are so spot on. Makes me Friday, ever week :)
That workout looks like what they made us do in yoga last night. I am legit sore and feeling it this morning – all good though! Hope you have a great weekend!
I normally don’t like Nikki Minaj but I am definitely going to check out that song! I don’t think I have ever heard it before!
Super cute target picks! Splitting up the posts is a great idea so you can be more detailed about each place. I’m hoping to make it there for summer 2016 so it will be super helpful!
LOL at those amazing gifs and working out in a bikini!!! That song is really good too. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip so that I can then tell Chris to take me there. I’m sure that he will love that haha. And almond butter can be used the same way that you use peanut butter. That recipe sounds good too. Have fabulous weekend my friend!! :-)
That recipe looks delicious – Carson and I will have to try it this coming week. Hope you have a great weekend!
That recipe looks pretty amazing – I’ll have to check that one out! Your Target finds were on point this week, and I’m cracking up at the Monster’s Inc. gif about Costco – it’s so true! Have a great weekend, lady. xo
Welcome back!! Also UHbsessed with that NM song! Total summer jam!
UGH why do they just turn the lights on?! I NEVER fall asleep on flights but when I do, it’s right before they do that. how did I miss that Target post? I want IT ALL.
That recipe looks delicious! Have a great weekend lady!
That fist picture is gorgeous, I’m such a super for fresh flowers. Also love gHg you found a recipe to use up the butter lol. I love proving my husband wrong too – best feeling! And it sounds delicious! Happy weekend girl xoxo
Amanda! Good look on that recipe! I have to say that one of my favorite things about this link up is seeing your recipes! I have made quite a few of them and I think we have a similar palate. I am definitely going to make this one soon! Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing! xo
That Sully gif is awesome. Costco, Publix, any mall, any sidewalk, any road…
Welcome back! Hope you had an amazing honeymoon! That recipe looks amazing and definitely never tried soba noodles before. Great finds from target! Enjoy your weekend :)
Winks and Eyerolls
Ohhh the Nicole and Paris clip has sooo many possible uses and applications…. But yes it’s absolutely miserable when the lights go up and the cheery flight attendants toss dinner at you and you’re trying to get your sleep on. I cannot wait for your recaps, but I’m glad you’re back lady!
Southern Belle Secrets
I love this song!! And those workouts look intense but I love it!