Today I wanted to discuss my favorite shopping love with you. Amazon Prime. I am going to count all the ways I love my Amazon Prime membership and the access to things you probably didn’t even know comes with your membership. Can we even talk about how excited I am about Amazon Prime Day tomorrow?!!!?! I 100% blame Amazon Prime on my lack of human shopping interaction anymore. Ughhhh if I can’t get it tomorrow for free shipping, then I’m not going to buy it. What do you mean it’s not free to ship it back??? Or the horror…..”wait, I have to go to the mall to return this?!?!”
Uncovering Everything You Can Do With Amazon Prime Membership
First let’s talk about the obvious things…..
The Free Two Day Shipping and Returns
I mean…..hasn’t Amazon spoiled us? If a website charges me for shipping….moving on. I’m sure Amazon will have it. Then, Amazon had to come out with the best thing yet…….
Free same day shipping.
Yes, you read that right, free same day delivery. So…..like say you want to buy this fabulous hair care product or glass water bottle that I am digging lately…..you could have it on your doorstep when you get home from work. It’s like your birthday and Christmas all rolled into one. I will tell you, packing for Greece…….if I didn’t have Amazon, it wouldn’t have happened.
Myhabit Early Access
Have you ever been on MYHABIT? It’s like Rue La La or Hautelook but even better. Fantastic prices. If you are a prime member you get access to the sale 24 hours before everyone else. You need that day because things sell out lighting fast. Were you aware that Glamglow is currently on sale right now on there?
Linked Up with SHOPBOP
I feel like SHOPBOP is the redheaded stepchild to Nordstrom for some reason. Y’all have you really utilized SHOPBOP yet? Their customer service and sales are on point. I had a pair of Tory Burch shoes stolen off my doorstep and after a few tears, called SHOPBOP and they had a pair out to me next day, no hassle. It’s where I order most of my Amanda Uprichard dresses from. With your Amazon Prime membership you enjoy the same fast shipping and returns.
Prime Instant Video & Music
The video isn’t as fantastic as Netflix but you can stream a lot of great movies, tv shows and music. There is no monthly fee.
Prime Photos
Are you like me and have run out of iPhone storage? Well now I back up everything onto my prime photo storage, problem solved.
Prime Kindle Library
I used this for my last vacation. I had no idea this was available. Such a cool feature.
Deal Of the Day
Hello how have I been missing out on this feature?? Flash daily deals sent to you. Like these Joe’s perfect distressed white skinnies for under $75 and available in every size!
[bctt tweet=”Do You Know All the Ways You Can Use Your Amazon Prime Membership?? Check it here!”]
If you aren’t a Prime member what are you waiting for? The cost you say? Well tomorrow is Amazon Prime day and they are claiming it will be better than Black Friday. Which already it will be because you won’t have to be trampled by anyone trying to get ahold of 4 Fitbits that they strategically hid around their massive store. No thanks. You can shop from the comfort of your home in your PJ’s and coffee with messy hair on top of the head kind of look. Plus, they are offering a month of prime for free! I split my Amazon Prime membership with my sister. You can add up to 4 accounts with all separate emails. If you have a .edu email address, that is a student account and it’s half off. Dig it up. It’s worth it.
Alright. There is my self confession love for Amazon. Make sure you check back tomorrow for my full Amazon Prime Day Shopping Guide! Tell me what your favorite part of Amazon Prime is! If you liked this Shopping Guide make sure you check out my complete Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Shopping Guide. xoxoxo
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I love Amazon Prime for the fast shipping. I’m totally spoiled. I used to love going to Target, but I feel I get the same items from Amazon without having to put on real clothes or shower. These are crucial things for me. xo
I’m obsessed with Amazon Prime. At first I thought it was pointless and I didn’t need it and now I seriously cannot live without it. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating there but still. I had no idea about MyHabit either. Can’t wait to explore that!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
We have Amazon Prime and love it!!
I’m obsessed with Amazon Prime I’m so happy that they offer so many different types of goods and the two day shipping is really what impressed me because let’s be real most times it comes the next day!!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Amazon Prime is my jam! I can’t remember the last time I purchased a book from a physical store and I always get my Bioderma makeup remover from there! Had NO clue about MyHabit !! Love you/hate you for introducing me to that!
I always forget about shopping on Amazon and I don’t have amazon prime. I think I need to get a Prime account and start shopping. Everyone is always raving how great it is.
Amazon Prime is amazing! I just wasn’t a fan of the price increase, but the free 2 day shipping and movie library are unbeatable :-D
You’ve officially inspired me to get an Amazon Prime account! I’ve been wavering, but I didn’t know all of the great things that you can do. Thanks for sharing!
swear by amazon prime. i’ve done the 2 hr and same day shipping before. i will be at this sale with bells on!!
Girl I live for my amazon prime – i throw so much in my wishlist and cart and then bam just make an order almost every other week haha. it’s so worth it! and SHOPBOP is THE best. i will use that site even more simply because of the two-day shipping linkup with amazon! xo
I love Amazon Prime too…. No lie – we bought our range for our kitchen reno off Amazon. Free shipping, free delivery and AT LEAST $3k less than we found it locally…. and I put our non-profit on Amazon Smile so I earn cash back for all our purchases too. Best. Thing. Ever.
I just… Am not into Amazon Prime. I’m the only one, I know. And I even live in one of the handful of cities they do same day delivery to! I just don’t buy that much crap, so the annual fee seems like a complete waste. But I get there’s tons of perks for those who love to shop, so shop on girl! Shop on.
I love Amazon Prime. Seriously the best!
Oh Lord, I had no idea this was happening and it sounds like bad news combined with the Nordstrom sale!! Love those Joe Jeans and you are so right about Shopbop – they are amazing. Every time I’ve ordered something from them, it shows up on my door step literally THE NEXT DAY. It’s the best!
I don’t know how I survived without Prime for so long. It is a lifesaver! Confession – I placed a same day order after my 4 am baby feeding last night and it was glorious. I’ve been seeing their ads for Prime day, but really have no idea what it is. I’ll definitely be checking back for your shopping guide tomorrow!
I’ve had nothing but fantastic experiences with Shop bop as well! That’s awesome to hear how they took care of your stolen merchandise. I’ve never thought to use my Prime with them!
YES LOVE Amazon Prime! We started out using it just for the shipping but slowly discovered all of the other awesome features! But I didn’t know about the MYHABIT one, thanks for sharing!
I am obsessed with Amazon Prime!! I count it as something I can’t live without lol!! If an item isn’t on prime shipping… Next!!!!! It spoils me!!!
Great post!!! So excited for tomorrow!!!!! Can’t wait to see your picks!!!!!
im allll about the free shipping + returns! im so bummed when i have to actually pay to return something to a store (bc theres no way im driving all the way to the mall with a baby). xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Thank you for sharing! My sister who has two little girls has Prime and loves it. It is definitely tempting, but I’m not sure that Chris would go for it haha. And of course I’ll be back tomorrow to check out your shopping guide! :-)
I have to admit I mostly use it for the shipping but I had been hearing about Prime Day and had no idea what it was about! Thanks!
I didn’t know about the photo storage or the Kindle library. Thanks for the info!
I had no idea there were so many extra features with Amazon Prime!!
you know, i never think to get on myhabit but I am definitely after today!!
I LIVE for Amazon! I had no idea there was same day delivery or photo storage! I need to get on top of these benefits because I am missing out!!
I have amazon prime and super excited for Prime Day tomorrow but didn’t know there were other sites that let you have benefits if you were a Prime member! That’s awesome – thanks for sharing and happy shopping! – Svetlana @Life with a Side of Wine
I love my Amazon Prime membership! I can’t wait to see what the deals are tomorrow!!
Her Heartland Soul
Amazon Prime is seriously amazing!!!! I have never even heard of MyHabit or Shopbop! Who knew??? Chris has our account under his email and stuff, I usually just send him links to things that I want and he orders them for me but clearly I need to be paying more attention!
I love everything about this post – Amazon Prime is seriously the best. Even better is that I just use my mom’s account so I don’t have to pay for the membership. It’s a good thing I’m a good daughter. :) I can’t wait to see your shopping guide for tomorrow – I’m guessing it’s going to be overwhelming to shop everything on the site!
I loveeee Amazon Prime! I’m so excited for their big day of deals tomorrow, although I know my credit card isn’t :)