Good Morning! So I was up early for y’all combing over the site to find the best deals for you. It is confusing at first but it looks like they have “lightning” deals every hour. So here are the top picks that made it onto my radar for the Amazon Prime Day Deals. The deals change throughout the day and once the quantity is gone…..that’s it. So jump on things if you are interested, like this Fitbit Hr. Finally a deal!! Also, the kindle fire is on major discount. Happy Shopping.
Amazon Prime Day Deals
This on the go sleek phone charger, great stocking stuffers (yes I shop for Christmas early). How pretty are these knot gold earrings? The perfect size compact Kate Spade crossbody purse. You can’t beat this price for a good pair of black workout leggings. These green mirror Ray Bans that I wear all the time. These make Moscow Mules complete.
Naturally Electronics Take the Front Seat
This wireless speaker. Can’t beat this price for an iPhone 6 case. This Garmin band is such a great deal. Can’t believe the price of this camera or this camera. Finally!! I have wanted this Fitbit Hr forever! If you get your fitbit hr today, you will get a $25 Amazon gift card. Getting it in this color. Also, the kindle readers and the Fire HD reader are the stars of the show.
Take 35% off a single beauty item with the code NEWBEAUTY. Think I may use it on this curling wand.
Check what Lightning deals you are interested in throughout the day! I’m so excited my fitbit hr finally has a deal! Tell me what is on your radar for the Amazon Prime Day Deals! xoxoxo
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So many amazing things! I definitely want a Fitbit but at the same time there are so many other things I want to spend that money on haha! Like that curling wand…. lol! I seriously need an infinite bank account so I can buy all the things!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
Ahhhhh those earrings, that purse, I want a HR monitor!! SO many amazing deals. Amanda, you are not friendly to my wallet…not friendly in the least bit! I have a feeling that Chris and I will be stalking this sale all day long. Happy shopping!
So many things that I want/need!!! I will definitely be perusing some more stuff today. Because SALE!! :)
Jim Cramer on CNBC was just talking about this. He wants these Nike’s that are like almost $200 dollars and he would only get $19 dollars off. So he’s not feeling this Prime Day haha. Anyways… those earrings are pretty and I feel like for electronics this would be a good day to buy them. Thank you for sharing and I hope that you have a great day!!! :-)
I sort of wish I had waited to by my camera until today but I have so many items I’ve wishlisted im going to take advantage of prime day :)
gosh there are such great deals today! not that i need to purchase ANYthing right now :) good roundup of products and goodies! :)
xo cheshirekatblog.com
great finds! im tempted to buy my husband a fitbit during this sale, he has been saying he wants one. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Great deals here – thanks for sharing the one about the Kate Spade purse. I had no idea those were even an option for the sale!
Love all your picks! I need to get signed up for prime! Seems so dangerous… I would buy so much to get my money’s worth! Ha
That isn’t the camera I want, but holy smokes the price on it is amazing! And yay for purple fitness trackers! Purple Garmin’s FTW :)
Yay! I’m so excited today’s Amazon Prime day! Thanks for sharing these great deals!
Her Heartland Soul
Prime is so addicting. I’ve already ordered a new toothbrush and a couple books. It’s unlikely to be my last order today either.
Love all of these picks! I can’t figure out if I’m more excited about this sale or the Nordstrom sale! xo
oohh thanks for the code!! I need a curling wand myself!
Ooo that curling wand looks awesome, that is very tempting, especially with the 35% off! Thanks for sharing!
Seriously loving everything you picked out especially the KS purse and RayBan sunglasses….Awesome deals and as a prime member myself, this is the first time i hearing about it! Have I been under a rock or something?!
I’ve been on Amazon all day! I’m on a waitlist for two different items. :( I need to stop and get some work done :-/ lol
Ahhhhh!!! Once again you knock it outta the park with your picks!!! I have been looking for some cute Moscow mule mugs!!!! Love those!!! And those sunnies!!! Love!!!!!
I am super giddy about the sale today.
I do have to say though, it is pretty confusing to navigate.
I love Amazon and pretty much getting two day shipping on stuff like shoes, cheap bags, and what not rocks. However when it comes to purchasing designer, I say noooo. Chances are it’s only ever a dollar or two difference from Amazon to Nordstrom or even Shopbop, but lately the amount of counterfeit products on Amazon has me wanting to cancel my prime. Thankfully there are awesome people who know their stuff and chances are if they get a fake, they’re going to rant, rave, and share photos about it. I purchased a pair of Jack Rogers from Amazon. When I got them, there was no doubt in my mind they were fakes. Luckily, the “Jack Rogers” Amazon seller had a free returns policy. When I looked at the reviews I was shocked at how many people had also received fake Jacks. I’m sure they aren’t all bad, but be careful! (;
prime is my bestie! KC bought a bunch of things for his new computer that he is building from scratch and some of the things were like 30-50% discount which is just amazing. i bought a few christmas presents. thank you amazon!
They had terrible timing with this for me! I am pretty much just avoiding Amazon all day since I know how much money my fiancé and I are about to put out for the wedding and new house… but that Kate Spade crossbody purse! Noooooo……..
My daughter made an account just to see if her UF textbooks were marked down today. they weren’t. Neither was the sports bra I wanted. :(
I had been avoiding it all day after being slightly overwhelmed when I tried to see what was going on earlier, but I might have to put that beauty code to use…
I definitely picked up a kindle since I left mine on a plane last month!! Thanks for the heads up about it!! I wouldn’t have thought to look!!
That Kate Spade crossbody bag would be perfect for my trip to NYC and Boston next week <3
You found some super cute stuff! I was kind of disappointed with the whole Prime Day though. Really had hopes to tackle the Christmas shopping too. Might still note some of these recommendations for later anyways though. :)
~ Shannon