Happy Friday. Do you already have your cart stocked from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2015? Did you check my complete guide here (brand new one). Check it, you know I sorted through everything and picked the best for you. I hope everyone had a productive week and are looking forward to a fab weekend. Between my Amazon and Nordstrom deliveries….my UPS man and I are becoming best friends. Let’s get right into these favorites.
Favorite Song
Another one of those songs you hope it’s not someone under the age of 19 singing it (phew at least she is over 20 now)……such a catchy beat, you will like it after hearing it just once. Demi Lovato “Cool for the Summer”.
Favorite Recipe
Almond Butter Soba Noodles with Spicy Chicken Sausage
Don’t you love when you make a kitchen sink recipe with what you have and it turns out delicious? Start with sesame oil in a deep fry pan, add a shallot. Let that soften in the hot oil and add cut up chicken sausage (any protein will work). I got the pack from Trader Joe’s. While that is cooking, bring water to a boil and add a packet of whole wheat soba noodles (I got mine at the Asian market but your local grocery store should have them). To the skillet add whatever veges you want, on hand I had a pepper and mushrooms. Drain the noodles and add it to the pan. Then top with almond butter, soy sauce and sriracha to your liking. So good, filling and makes great leftovers. I took this picture when it was completely dark out…..thank goodness for ISO right?
Favorite Workout
Great morning sequence.
Favorite Purchase(s)
Hard to narrow it down but so far I am loving my new fitbit hr. Who is interested in starting a blogger group challenge? Also, obsessed with these Zella mesh insert leggings. I have been getting tons of emails about sizing in Zella from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2015. I am a size 6 in lululemon and the Zella leggings run pretty true to size. I am a size small. If you are a 4 in lulu and petite, go with the XS. Any other questions feel free to ask!
Favorite Funnies
Shopping with your family and asking if the bodycon white dress is too much
When you run into a person from work when you’re out in that white dress, tall heels and a few adult bevs in
Trying to rationalize my entire Nordstrom Anniversary sale 2015 shopping cart of boots and cashmere sweaters to my sister…..while living in Fl and it’s currently 95 degrees out
When a certain someone tries to pull you away from the above mentioned fabulous sale and you still haven’t hit the shoe section yet
Finally….when someone asks why I can’t/don’t leave any candy in my office
Alright it’s your turn. Tell me your favorites from the week and what things you have picked up this week from the Nordstrom Anniversary sale 2015! xoxoxo
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After this barre class I took this morning I need some happy hips – and perhaps some quad stretches.
This looks like something I’ll try Saturday morning when I can’t move from my bed.
Have a great weekend Amanda.
Ohh I love that song! Demi is kind of sounding like early Katy Perry! I like it! Happy Friday girly!
Her Heartland Soul
BOOOM, sale items purchased! Fun chatting with you about it, whoop whoop!! Love the funnies as usual! Happy Friday, love!
Loving that Demi song too! So amazing! Haha When I saw a lot of the Nordstrom stuff was winter related I was like “I can’t even think about this right now”. I think that helped me stay away from the sale, which I’m not overly sad about! Have a great weekend love!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
I’ve had that song stuck in my head all week, too!
Love the funnies…my favorite tho has to be the Whoopi one! You in danger girl!! lol
Hope you have a great Friday and a great weekend!!
My delivery man has been by my house like five times this week already. He was like did you order the whole store?? Lol. What can I say, it was some awesome deals. Have a fab weekend girlie!!
Your funnies are always so funny! Love Demi Lovato so I’m definitely jamming out to that song! Gosh, it’s a struggle wanting to buy all the cute winter things and living in Florida, lol. Have a great weekend and happy Friday!
I’ve had those Zella leggings in my cart all week and I haven’t pulled the trigger, I think you convinced me!
Zella pieces are the best! I actually like them more than Lulu. Happy weekend friend!
Love that yoga sequence…I need it!! That recipe looks delicious too!! Hope you have an awesome weekend!
Those noodles look so good and I think these are your best gifs yet!! lol Love them. Have a great weekend Amanda!! xo
Love that yoga sequence! And LOL at the royals giving the side eye to a white bodycon dress… spot on! Running late for work this morning since I shopped the sale (FINALLY!) I scored a Kate Spade crossbody bag for my trip to NYC and Boston next week, the happy hour watch, and the MK raincoat I’ve been drooling over :-D
Happy Friday gurlie <3
lol DYING over those gifs girl. i currently have on my rag and bone booties and i don’t care that it’s 100 degrees out. it’s like 45 in my office. so there. haha. ps they are amazing. also i had to return that vince cape. too long for my short ass. sigh. ANYWAYS i’ll be off to rock out to that song now. have a great weekend!! xo
yes DEFINITELY to blogger fitbit challenge! happy friday! :)
OK that beach with the big boat on it.. That’s Chicago!! Did you know that?! Haha. Demi Lovato was also supposed to do a concert at that beach and didn’t show up. Stinks. That song is good though. Anyways… that guy and the shark, omg!! And LOL at the bear one!!! Those leggings are cool too. I’m glad that you got some good deals at all of these sales!! Have a fab weekend lady!!! :-)
Oh gosh, now I think I need to place ANOTHER order for those mesh leggings!! Love them! Happy weekend girlfriend!
that yoga sequence looks awesome! putting my THIRD order in at nordstrom this morning.. oy, cant stop. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Girl, if I could move that gracefully in my white body con dress, with high heels and a few beverages already downed – I don’t even know what I would do! Haha, great laugh out of that!! Happy Friday!
My favorite this week are my amazon orders : New towels and sheets! Lame but made me happy :) trish – tales from trish
I would TOTALLY be down for starting a blogger group fitbit challenge! That would be so much fun. I have a fitbit one and it really does keep me motivated.
I’m trying to stay away from the sales… but it is SO hard.
Haha the royal gif is pretty hilarious. I bought some Toms and a few other items last week. Waiting on one more item to ship out.
You must have the cutest workout clothes! I alway love seeing your picks. And that yoga sequence looks great. I’ve been wanting to get into yoga more but just don’t know where to start.
I need those leggings in my life!
That royal GIF is fantastic.
That almond butter noodle dish looks delicious, have to try it out. And the gifs are hilarious, just what I needed on a Friday.
liz @ sundays with sophie
Omg… that royal gif is hilarious! They are all looking so snoody! ha Happy Friday!
Hahaha the bear running the other way! Been there! Ummm that recipe looks delicious!!! Yum!!! And I really do love the look of those leggings. I wonder if I need to try a pair out. I have been really wanting to try some stuff from Zella. I just don’t see myself wearing long leggings until like at least October though….so it is hard to spend the money on them now. Ahhhh. Have a great weekend!!!
You crack me up!
Once again, cracking up at the end of your Friday posts. I wouldn’t have it any other way. (; Love the royals gif… We all make “that face.” I feel so wrong yet so right about loving that Demi song. Like am I cool, or really uncool? (;
okay i have not heard that song! So good!! also, heck yes to your anniversary sale picks can’t wait to check them out!
Your funnies always crack me up! Love your new leggings! So cute!
Bahahaha your funnies are always so spot on! LOVE!
Yep…needing that yoga sequence this morning. I love yoga and I think everyone should start their morning with a little good morning sequence :)
I love the bear & shark gifs. Happy Friday lady!
I had so much fun shopping at Nordstrom, but now I’m just ready to wear fall clothes. Whoops! As usual, your GIFs are perfect! xo
I love kitchen sink recipes!! It’s how I roll mid-week, for sure. Love the bear running away! Def would be me back in my office days if I saw a coworker (worse yet, superior!) out and about on the town after I’d indulged in a few bevvies! Like, can’t peace out fast enough…
No shopping for me right now since I am trying to pay off debt. But I shall live thru all of you and your purchases! I love that royal family gif.. except for Camilla… don’t like her lol
I totally over splurged at Nordies, but oh man so many great buys!! I loveeeee all your picks, I picked up some jeans and zella leggings, they are great totally can wear them a lot. loving Demi Lovato’s song, super catchy especially for the summer. LOL about the boots and cashmere, I’m the opposite I’m justifying why I need shorts, tanks, dresses because I’ll eventually be living in year round warm weather come next year.
Totally with you on that song!! I was thinking.. Am I too old to listen to this!?? Lol!
And those funnies… Omg I die every time! So funny!!! Great Friday roundup!
I’m going to check out that Demi Lovato song, I love her! Funnies are on point…I can relate! haha:)
Haha I’m with you on the overload of deliveries this week – I just hope I can beat my husband home before all the boxes arrive! I can’t get past the gif of the royal family – that is TOO perfect! Happy weekend, lady!
I love my FitBit!! A blogging group challenge would be so much fun! I am currently in one during the month of July and it keeps me motivated!! What is your fitbit email, we can be friends!
I need alllll the hip opening help I can get – love that yoga sequence!! So glad you had such a successful shopping week! Cheers to the weekend!!!
I’m digging Demi’s song, although I hate to admit it. But here’s the thing – doesn’t it sound like a Katy Perry song? It’s exactly her style. I want more from Demi.
I love that new song from Demi! I’m starting to like her new style and who she is becoming
I’m also loving my Fitbit Charge HR! Such an upgrade from my old Jawbone UP24. Love the little interface that gives you basic information right away without having to look in the phone’s app! :)
Great roundup this week, girl! Fun fact: Ryan loves Demi Lovato, so I played him that song and now he won’t stop singing it. Ha!