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4 Simple Steps on How To Add Instagram To WordPress or Blogger
September 3, 2015Now you know I love sharing blogging tips and beautification with y’all. It seems one of the current blogging trend is having an Instagram feed at the bottom of the blog. I think it adds a nice visual. I pretty much spent an entire weekend trying to figure this gem of a task out. So instead of you having to waste a weekend the way I did, here is a nice succinct tutorial on how to add instagram to wordpress or blogger.
How to add Instagram to WordPress or Blogger
First things first, back up your blog to start. Okay, now that is done.
Lets start with WordPress first.
Identify where your footer layout is located. For WordPress, everyone will have a different overall layout depending on what theme you have. However, in general terms, hover over Appearance and click on widgets. From there you should see Footers where you can drop html coding into. If there is no available text there under the footer, then add a text widget into your footer so that you can drop code into it.
You may also have the option under your Appearance click customize. You will come to a screen that looks like this. You can work with your footer in here as well depending on your theme.
Now my new theme has the Instagram feed already coded into it. However, my old one did not. Therefore, I added a text box to my footer.
Then I went to Snapwidget and customized how I wanted my Instagram feed to appear.
Dropped the following code into my footer text.
Make sure to add your hyperlinked instagram in front of the snapwidget code. So write Follow then drop that code in. Where the hyperlink.com is place your instagram name. So mine would be http://instagram.com/meetatthebarre. Where it says hyperlink code, write your instagram name @meetatthebarre. To bold add <b> in front and then I like to center it, so place <center> in front. Here is the code to hyperlink text.
<a href=“http://www.hyperlinkcode.com/”>Hyperlink Code</a>
Here is the final code you are dropping into your text footer.
Here is how it should look at the bottom of your blog when it is all done.
To do this in Blogger.
Go to your layout and then “add a gadget“. From there add a HTML/Java Script. You can drop that same snap widget code in there. From there you can drag your html into your footer depending on what theme you are running.
I should also note you can use this same program snapwidget to get your instagram feed into your sidebar as well. There are tons of plugins in wordpress that also do the same thing but I felt this one is the most user friendly and universal.
There you go. How to add Instagram to wordpress or blogger. I am also not a coder and do not pretend to be one. As y’all know I am medically trained but I do research and learn a lot by trial and error. If you have any questions please feel free! What do you think? Do you like the look of the instagram footer? Do you usually scroll all the way down to the bottom of someones blog? What are your thought about placing it in the header? Let me know what you think! Also if you like this tutorial make sure to check out more of my blogging freebies here.
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Thanks Amanda! This was great! I have admired how your website looks for awhile! My current website design won’t allow this so I am bummed; but, I did try it because I love how your site looks! Great job on all the recent coding and thank you for always sharing your tips! My current website redesign has been a bit more time consuming than anticipated! ARGH! Even a pre-made templates has taken hours to install! So all the time-saving code sharing is sooo appreciated!
All Things Big and Small
This is a great widget! I had no idea it existed. I just reached out to my web guy and he made one for me. I am not tech savvy.
Her Heartland Soul
I love SnapWidget and how easy it is to use. I recently did a make-over on my blog and it was awesome that it was so easy to change up the Instagram widget to a totally new look. Thanks for the tutorial!
Nice post :)
BLOG M&M FASHION BITES : http://mmfashionbites.blogspot.gr/
Maria V.
Um, so pinning this so I can attempt to do this…when it’s not 5AM. Seriously, GREAT tips. Thank you for sharing!!!
Great tips, lady!!!! Super easy to read and to follow :)!
I have to sit at the doctor’s office for three hours tomorrow while they draw blood every hour {ugggggh} but I’m totally adding this to my to-do list while I’m there. Perfect timing – thanks for sharing!!
I always wondered how to add it to the bottom of my blog – debating if I want to have it on the bottom and on the side!! Thanks so much for the easy step by step! :) xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I haven’t made the switch yet (still not sure) but if I do, I know where I’m gonna go to ask 40827383738 questions :)
YES! I was totally trying to figure this out when I updated my design a few weeks ago! Thanks a million for sharing. Must do ASAP – love the look of it :)
I’m the most technology challenged person ever, and I have some serious cleanup duty to do on my page but this is fantastic! Definitely adding to my to-do list :)
Wow this is a great tutorial! I usually do scroll to the bottom but I think it could also work in the header as well!
My new website is about to launch in the next 24 hours and they installed my IG feed into it. So excited!
This is such a great tutorial! I wish I would have known how to do this when I started my blog. The girl who designed my website had to do it for me and I felt so lost!! Thanks so much for sharing this!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde’s Moment
thanks for the tips girl! this is great! love highlighting my fav channel :)
xoxo cheshire kat
wahhh it won’t let me copy and paste the code!! Help!!! ;)
How handy is this?! Sharing!
I didn’t even know this was a thing but I like it!!! Thanks for the tutorial!
I am so impressed that you can do this! We have one but our website designer installed it. Awesome tutorial!
Great tips my dear! Having an insta-feed really livens up a blog, especially with a widget that rotates pics. It’s like getting a whole bunch of photos added to your post without twice the work! Pinned this to my blogging education board for others, too :)
This was my favorite thing about my blog design and I love seeing yours too!!! So awesome for you to share it with the world!!! I will pin it for myself in case something happens to mine because I don’t even remember how I got it up and working hahahaha.
Thanks so much! Just did it to add a slideshow of my Instagram on my blog. One day I will make the jump to get out of a basic template (and maybe change the name to something without profanity!) but for now all the tips and tricks I have found are sprucing it up just enough. Happy almost long weekend!
Thanks so much for sharing lady!!! I really appreciate the help!! I hope that you have an amazing day today too! :-)
Nice tutorial! I feel like I’ve been seeing Instagram in every footer lately. I added a slideshow to mine last week, but let’s be honest – I change something in my theme almost every day.
I’ve been seeing this on others blogs lately & love it… I’m pinning this to do later. Thanks!
Great tutorial, lady! I think it’s so important to showcase a bit of your Insta on your blog! :)
Happy Thursday!
Le Stylo Rouge
If the medical thing doesn’t work out, I am pretty sure HTML’ing is your jam ;)
Aghhhh I don’t think this is compatible with my wordpress.com blog :( I keep pasting the exactly correct HTML in and when I click save on the widget, it changes the entire text and then shows up on my site as a weird link.
Oh thank you for this!! I need to add Insta to my blog and I had no idea how to do it!
I noticed your Instagram feed on the bottom a few days ago. Love it!! Snapwidget is such an easy way to add an Instagram feed on your blog. It took me like 2 minutes to do!
I hadn’t thought about adding it to the footer of my blog but I kind of like that idea. My blog needs some TLC so I’ll try this out this weekend.
thanks for this post!! I’ve been meaning to do this for forever. disregard my blonde moment this morning… ugh. #thestruggle
I hope you know that I hit Save on this post in Bloglovin’ before I even read it. :) I cannot wait to do this, you’re a life saver. xo
Love this! But let’s talk about that graphic you created for this post…now that is AMAZING!!!!
Thank you for this!!! I see this all of the time but had no idea how people did it. I’ve seen it as a header many times.
liz jo @ sundays with sophie
Just another reason to love you. Not only do you have simple, step by step instructions, but you don’t forget about us Blogger people. (: Thanks Amanda!
ooooh so fancy! i think i might do this. thanks for the how to girlfran!