I embraced turning 30. I personally feel that every year I get a little better with age due to the wisdom of taking better care of myself. Plus, having a tiny bit of disposable income allows for those work out classes, cleaner eating, and good eye cream. I love when I meet someone and tell them my age (31) and they most often say “I thought you were in your mid 20’s“. Hey I’ll take it. I have some tried and true commandants for how to age well and I’m going to share them with you today.
Ten Things to Stop Doing Right Now: How to Age Well
Stop Laying Out in the Sun
You want to know what is the number way of speeding up aging to your skin? Purposely laying out in the sun. I pretty much cringe when I see girls who are not 16 baking glistening out in the sun. I mean don’t get me wrong, my 16-year-old self was obsessed with that tan line between my stomach and where the top of my bathing suit was. I used to call it a hoodsie (like remember those chocolate and vanilla ice cream bowls?). Now I’m all about slathering on the SPF as high as it can go, protecting my face and hair with a beach hat, a fab coverup and lounging in the shade. Obviously there are some exceptions like being on vacation but to bake out in the sun with minimal sunscreen……stop doing it. Those tans fade, there are amazing self tanners on the market now and your future freckled/sun spotted/wrinkled self will thank you.
With that said, wear sunscreen daily and don’t forget your hands. I put sunscreen on my hands every day. I always look at women’s hands, first sign of aging.
Not Drinking At Least 60-80 oz daily
I know everyone says this but are you really doing it? Water keeps your skin hydrated and supple. Get a 20oz water bottle and drink 4 of them. Get 4 rubber bands/hair ties and take one off each time you take one down. I drink one in the morning before work, one mid morning, one with lunch and one with dinner. Sometimes I’ll even drink more depending on a workout. Stop drinking soda/juice/energy drinks/calories. Those are all just liquid sugar in its simplest form which leads to weight gain, diabetes and inability to manage caloric intake during the day due to its effects on insulin.
Stop Binge Drinking and Smoking
The smoking really goes without saying but you know when you meet someone who is older and you can clearly tell they smoked? Yes, it ages you exponentially. Also, binge drinking which is more than 3 drinks in a night. A glass of wine or a martini is one thing but call it quits after that. Excessive drinking is terrible for your liver and trust me, that is one organ you want working for a long time.
Not Having a Skincare Regimen
I have been using eye cream I swear since I was 18. I am all about prevention. Have a regimen that you stick to morning and night. I recently have been having some crazy hormonal breakouts that nothing was touching. My sister got my hooked on the Beauty Counter line and my skin is finally clearing up. It is on the pricier side but the products last forever. The lustre oil is the best. Oil on my face no way I thought but it actually improved my break outs. I want to sing from the rooftops after finding it. I use the cream cleanser, the charcoal bar on the breakout spots, the am and pm cream mixed with the lustre oil. I also got the rose water spray, it was a splurge but spray on after washing and wait 20 seconds before applying your creams. All the redness and irritation on my cheeks is gone and my flaky dry Winter skin on my nose is finally gone. Oh, and my makeup goes on flawless now. I actually look forward to washing my face now because of this line, it’s crazy but true.
Not Sleeping
I promise you it will get done tomorrow. Get to bed. Move your phone across your room, take the screen distractions out of your sleep space. Invest in a good mattress and pillow. I am a firm believer in at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night and more on the weekend. Beauty sleep is not just a saying. Also, if you can sleep on your back and not mash your face into a pillow, your skin will appreciate it. Get a mirror and press your face into it. See those lines that are formed? Now stay that way for 8 hours with your body weight pressing against it. Does that make you want to try sleeping on your back? When you get sleep, your overall next day is so much more productive. You eat better, feel like working out and generally just take better care of yourself. So get that iPhone off your nightstand and get to sleep.
Not Getting That Heart Rate up Regularly
The older and busier I get, I feel like it is that much more important to stay active. Not only for your physical well-being but mental as well. You know when you are having a high stress day and you fit that work out in? Tell me how you feel afterwards. Don’t have time for a full workout? Try to fit in 10 minute intervals throughout the day. Shut your door and do a plank series, walk the stairs on your lunch break. Get moving every chance you get.
Stop Eating Fast Food & Processed Junk
Stop the drive through madness. I can honestly tell you I haven’t been through a drive through in probably 10 years. Listen straight up, I run a Preventive Cardiology Clinic. I founded it. It is my baby. You know what I look at on a daily basis? Lipid panels. I can look at a lipid panel, turn to the patient and say “McDonalds 3 times a week“, they most likely will shake their head yes and add in “as well as Taco Bell, Chick-Fil-A, Chipotle, and XYZ“. Fast food eating wrecks havoc on your cholesterol. It lowers your good cholesterol, increases your bad cholesterol and sends your triglycerides sailing. Have you ever seen the viral post on pinterest from the Nutritionist who left out fast food burgers for years and what they look like afterwards? What do you think happened to them?
They didn’t mold or break down. They looked exactly the same. Want to know why? That isn’t real food. It is engineered to look like food you are used to eating but it’s not. There is no such thing as healthy fast food. Chick-Fil-A is just as bad as the rest of them, it still gets fried in oil correct? Marketing geniuses. I know we are all stressed and running from the next thing to the next thing but it’s all about food preparation. I have four jobs and I don’t go through a drive through. Stop making excuses. It is terrible for you even if you eat off the “healthy options menu“. Sorry about that soapbox and being so harsh but don’t fall into the master minds of these evil marketers. Stop fueling your body with processed fake food.
Stop Wearing Ill Fitting Shoes
You laugh but it’s true. Just because they are cheap doesn’t mean they are good for you. Especially if you are on your feet for work, invest in a good pair of shoes. Ones that are cushioned, don’t rub your heels and cause blisters/bunions. When you wear bad shoes or ill-fitting shoes it puts so much added strain and pressure on your back. I know Tieks are expensive but they are seriously like wearing padded sneakers but in the form of adorable ballet flats. Or find an affordable pair that gives you good support. THROW OUT the ill-fitting and poor supporting shoes. If they were cheap, I’m sure you’ve already gotten your use out of them. I completely notice the days I don’t wear good shoes, my back is aching and my alignment is out. Invest in the future and health of your back, you will thank yourself.
Stop Stressing Yourself Out
If you have met me in real life, you would know that not too much gets me upset. I am very easy-going and totally don’t sweat the small stuff kind of person. Stress releases all kinds of bad hormones in your body that ramps up other hormones like cortisol (think fight or flight response) and sends your body into a constant state of being revved up and anxious. That is definitely a sure-fire way to age yourself. One of the leading causes of early heart attacks is stress. Stress causes so many ailments to your body. Make sure to set time for yourself. Get up earlier so you’re not constantly rushing in the morning and sitting in horrible traffic because you left the same time as every one else. Stop stressing yourself out by comparing your life to your Facebook news feed. Stretch in the morning, decompress at night, make sure you have a good laugh daily, give someone a compliment and mean it. There are so many ways to take the stressors out of your life. Some days I look at my to-do list and start to get that panicky/butterflies oh crap there is no way I’m going to get it all done. Then I take a deep breath, start prioritizing what needs to be done today, what can wait till tomorrow, what can I delegate, what do I have to say no to and what I need to tackle right now. Tomorrow will come and I promise you stressing yourself sick about it is not going to solve the problem at hand.
Not Having Something That Makes You Truly Happy
You need a passion, a creative outlet, something that gives you satisfaction. I never thought it growing up but I am a teacher by heart. I love teaching my patients and seeing the change in results. I enjoy watching my students at the local college I teach at improve on their formal writing over the semester. I beam when I get a review after Pure Barre class from a client that says this is her favorite part of the day being in my class. I take pride when I get emails from my readers telling me that I inspired them in some way during their day or they made a change that worked because of something I suggested. If you don’t have a passion then seriously doesn’t every day just feel like Ground Hogs day? Alarm, work, dinner, sleep and repeat? Now is the time to finally take the plunge and pursue what truly makes you happy. It will lower your stress, increase your overall happiness and I guarantee it will help in that aging gracefully ideal.
Those are my top ten points in order to help one age well and gracefully. What are some of your tried and true methods or suggestions? Do you agree with these? If not, tell me what you are doing for prevention. Seriously, don’t forget to sunscreen the top of those hands! xoxoxo
Amanda, these are wonderful tips! I have to say my favorite is finding a passion. That honestly makes all the difference to me!
I couldn’t agree more with this list! I grew up on the beach and I can’t believe how much time I spent out in the sun. If I could go back reverse all that, I would in a second!
Christina :: Simple and Delish
Great tips girl! I love laying out, the feeling of the sun on my skin just puts me in a better mood, but I always lather up on the sunscreen while I’m out there and I try not to be out too long. And yes to the water! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Such a great list. I need more sleep, but 2 kids say no to that! I never thought that I would love my 30’s as much as I do. So much wiser!
Whitney & Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
Love all of these so much <3 Our bodies are our temples and we treat them so poorly sometimes!!
Absolutely LOVE this post!!!! I also 100% agree with you on all these things. :-)
those are great tips! being in my 30s now has made me really take stock of not putting shit in my body and taking care of it. it’s worth it to feel good!
xoxo cheshire kat
This is such a great post. I agree with everything you said. Finding your passion is so true!! You have to do things that make you happy, otherwise what is the point. I have been trying to take better care of myself and I already feel better. Too bad, I don’t look better but in time. Good skin care is worth it. I love my La Mer! I would starve before I stopped using it. haha
I am now 44 years old… I NEVER had a skin care regimen till now & I always tanned… so you can imagine how horrible my skin in. I so wish I would have paid attention when I was younger!
This post was quite inspirational. What is it with me and my water?? I used to drink 80 ounces daily, no problem. Since having my daughter and going back to work, I find I never seem to have “time” to remember about it, but starting NOW, I’m back on it. Thanks for the reminder. I’m also all about preventative care, and wish I could go back and tell my younger self to stop frying my body!!!!!
Great list! As a 38 year old, my sun damage didn’t pop up until 35. Sunscreen isn’t enough, I wish I would have followed my cousins lead and always worn a hat. Good advice.
Amanda, these are such good tips! I love how you talk about not only beauty but life–taking time for yourself, and avoiding stress by getting up earlier (I am working on my morning routine) and diet! I did so much sailing when I was younger and wasn’t always super vigilant about reapplying and I am already seeing the crows lines! I have to try Beauty Counter, I have been hearing so much about using oil on your face!
xo Annie
Yes to all of this! One of my favorite posts you’ve written. I too used to be a sun bathed beauty, but knocked that right off in my 20’s. Now that I’m in my 30’s you better believe I’m sunscreen all the way! I have special sunscreen for my face, body and eye areas in fact. Hey, I live in the South, I need it! Also, I think people way under estimate what eating junk food does to their bodies. Obvi it contributes to weight gain, but I don’t think people understand that it ages your body – it’s hard for your body to break down those chemicals and you’re not getting any nutrients from the processed crap so your body isn’t getting a source of energy to renew cells. I could go on and on about processed foods, buuuuuuuut I’ll stop now :)
Yes yes yes! 110% agree with everything here. ESPECIALLY the fast food. I will not eat that crap (although I will splurge on CFA on vacation since we don’t have them here), and I get so mad at Nick when he is lazy and hits the drive through for lunch. And always yes to sleep – my biggest fear with having a baby in the house, ha!
Love this!!!!! I do pretty much all of these things as well. Us 30 somethings have to stick together. Now lets get back to this skin care line. Is it natural?
Hi Amanda! I really loved reading this post! Nice work and spot on. You made my week!!
This is my exact list lady! I can’t believe now that I waited until I was 32 to quit smoking, luckily I don’t have any visible damage, yet. Another thing I have embraced since I turned 35 is letting go of toxic people and distancing yourself from negative people. I had so many friends still around from high school that did nothing but bring me down and I was holding on for the reason that we had been friends for so long. Who cares, life is too short to hang out with assholes! Nd now I have more room for nice new friends that raise me up!
Still trying to figure out the “stop stressing out” one! Totally agree with staying OUT of the sun, especially tanning beds. THEY ARE SO BAD FOR YOU!!!! There is going to be a huge epidemic of melanoma in 10-20 years from our generation staying in tanning beds, it’s awful!
This is an absolutely wonderful list. I would like to add, since I am a bit older, that it’s never too late to start! I have great regret that I didn’t live a healthier lifestyle sooner but I am proud that I am now and hopefully I can undo some of the damage I might have done previously! Start today!!!
These are all fantastic tips! I really need to work on my sleeping habits – I’ve had such a hard time putting my mind to rest at night lately that I know I’m not getting a full night’s sleep. And, yes to laying out in the sun – I do still indulge in that, but not without pounds of sunscreen all over my skin. :)
Such a great list, Amanda! Drinking water is a must, and I must admit, I have a hard time drinking it. I drank 3 20 oz bottles yesterday…hoping to drink 4 today. One thing that gets me with junk food is that I’m a chocolate lover, so it makes it really hard. I’m trying…
These are all so so great! I need to be better about exercising because aside from walking every now and then I don’t do any and I know eventually it will catch up to me. Loved this post xx
A sigh of relief because I practice most of these! Especially the skincare and water intake one! I’m so serious about my skincare routine. If I have friends over, they always make fun of me for taking an hour (layering products). I just shrug it off. I mean, whatever, they will look bad when we are old. (; When someone says they don’t have a skincare routine, I actually cringe… that and how many people around here that still “go tanning.” They easy look 5 years older than me and we are in our 20’s. So sad…. killing your skin just to be dark? I’d never understood it. lol. Being extremely fair, I was the little kid at the public pool whose mom made her wear a tee shirt over her princess one piece. hahaha. Sure it was super embarrassing then, but what I know about skin now, I totally get it!
Yes and yes! I agree with all these tips but really have to work on some like avoiding the sun which is hard because Florida….I have that skincare routine down pat though! lol
Yes, girl yes! I was totally into sun bathing and tanning beds (so bad!) when I was younger but no more. I’m always surprised that more people don’t realize how a bad diet can age you. Stress is what I struggle with but am really trying to work on. Great post lady!
Drinking more and more water is the thing I’m trying the hardest with right now! And being out in the sun all day with no lotion – no good. Eek – I wish I was smarter when younger!
Amen and amen, sistah. I practice almost all of these which makes me happy. I started my skin routine when I was right out of college and friends made fun of me. Guess who gets the last laugh now ;)!
These are all such well thought out, amazing tips! I absolutely love the Beauty Counter line, isn’t it the best?
Yes Yes Yes! My sister who is 16 years my senior got me started on daily and nightly moisturizer when I was in high school. I am SO thankful she did!
Great list!! I need to better at a lot of these things…skin care, sleeping, drinking more water! xx
Great, great, great post!!!! I totally agree on the laying out thing. I do enjoy to soak up some sun and relax, however it’s usually not for very long and I have sunscreen on rather than baby oil. Ha! I am a failure at a skin care regimin and that is one of my goals to step up my game! My biggeeeeest pet peeve about my husband is how much fast food he eats. Just thinking about it makes me cringe and puke in my mouth a little bit.
so many good things for me to comment on and share my thoughts lol.
i know i drink plenty of water, but the rubber band thing is brilliant – i lose track of how many bottles i’ve drank each day, whether its 4, 5 or 6, sometimes 3 if i am not paying attention, so i am definitely going to try the ribber band. i do drink diet soda at lunch, and at home.. i know, i know. but i don’t drink coffee.. or wine/alcohol during the week. in fact, i rarely drink alcohol at all…. but when i do, i ‘binge’. sometimes it’s 3 or 4 in a night, sometimes it’s 10. i sound like such an alcoholic! i justify it to myself because that happens 3-6 times a year, other than that, i just don’t like alcohol very much (i know, who am i?). but the fast food… i know. i know all of this and i am trying to be better! trying!
seriously with laying out though. i can’t understand people who lay out for no reason other than laying out. i mean, i’m gonna lay out by the pool with a book on our cruise, but i am going to slather on the SPF like its my job. but i have a friend who lays out – no book or pool or anything – every single day during the summer because she doesn’t work… she’s gonna look like a leather handbag in like 5 years.
i am really struggling to find a proper night time/eye cream routine. i have tried a few – cheap and expensive, and they make my skin break out with milia so i am still looking for the perfect one for me.
anyway. thanks for sharing this post! i think we all need to be more aware of the bad choices we are making (self included!)
Absolutely loved this! And all so true! I can see the sun damage in my friends . . . I’m so fair I don’t even bother to tan and I think it’s helping my skin age better! Skin care is no joke . . . I just started a new clinical skin care line . . . I’m fighting the wrinkles with a vengeance. Now to improve my eating . . . I’m a work in progress!
Great tips, girl! I really struggle with the stressing one. I agree with you on the awesomeness of BeautyCounter, though! I adore it! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
These are such good tips. I am seriously doing everything wrong!
Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Hey lady! I’m looking at revamping my skin care/cleanser routine, so I revisited some of your posts. Just curious how you compare the Beauty Counter line to the Lush Ultrabland cleanser you’d posted about awhile back. Let me know when you have a minute! I appreciate it!