When I leave my house in the morning, there are some days I don’t come home till 8 at night. In those over 12 hours, I wear a lot of hats. I pretty much have it down to a science how to get it all done in a day and I’m going to share a few of my tried and true tips with you.
Always Set Out Things the Night Before
The night before, usually right after dinner when I still have some energy left in me, I look at my planner and prepare for the next day. Work in the morning, teaching barre at night, and going to be in a satellite office with no access to outside food……that is pretty much the norm. So I pack my barre clothes (I’ve forgotten pants before, never a good thing to forget!) and put them in my workout bag. That way you aren’t running around like a crazy person the next morning. That bag goes right by the front door for an easy grab and go.
Wake up a Half Hour Earlier than Usual
I hate rushing out the door in the morning. I need time to have a cup of coffee, read a few emails/blogs and get ready for my day. That way I feel in control of my day instead of always running late to the next thing. I get the most done in my day in the morning before the day actually gets going. It’s like working out in the morning, before you have time to wake up, it’s already done.
Take the Screens Out of Your Sleep Space
Make your sleep space as free of distractions as possible. How many times have you gone to bed at a reasonable hour and then start scrolling on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook and before you know it, an hour has gone by of precious sleep? I keep my phone across the room which is two fold. When I head to bed it’s to pass out right away and maximize my sleep hours. Two, when my alarm goes off, I actually have to get out of the warm bed to turn it off. Seriously, try it. Then you get that extra 30 minutes of productivity instead of interrupted snooze sleep. Stop prolonging that morning, get up and take on the day.
Take At Least 10 Mins to Get Your Heart Rate Up
Even if it’s stretching, yoga or a quick HIIT workout, have a few minutes in the morning to get some type of exercise in. It really sets the tone for the whole day and forces you to make good choices throughout.
Make Sure You Have the Right Fuel
I always meal prep the night before. A lot of times I see patients out in satellite clinics and if I don’t bring food with me, I am at the mercy of delivery options which we all know are not healthy. The night before right after we are cleaning up dinner, I pack my lunch for the next day. The leftover chicken gets put over a salad, or the stir fry gets packed up and put over brown rice, it’s all about planning. I used to make overnight oats a lot but kept on forgetting to mix it all together for breakfast the next morning. I really like my greek yogurt with something in it. I stumbled upon the best of both worlds with Yoplait® Plenti™ Oatmeal Meets Greek Yogurt. They have combined two of my favorite foods in one ready to eat container that is a new part of my complete breakfast. This combines the whole grains from the oatmeal with the protein in Greek yogurt, and it’s under 200 calories per cup. Sometimes I even like having it around the 3pm mark as a snack where I’m hungry and just need something to give me that second wind before teaching class.
There are six flavors out, my favorite is the brown sugar but Mark like the strawberries and peach kind as well. If you are looking for a great breakfast option in the morning to help you start off your day right, definitely check out Plenti™ Oatmeal Meets Greek Yogurt. There is even a coupon out for it right now here.
I hope you try to incorporate some of these tips into your day to get you started on the right foot. Seriously, move you alarm clock. It really works! What’s your favorite fruit that you would pair with Yoplait® Plenti™ Yogurt to kick your morning off right? Check them out on their social media platforms and snag a coupon Plenti Coupon Plenti Facebook Plenti Twitter.
I hope you try to incorporate some of these tips into your day to get you started on the right foot. Seriously, move you alarm clock. It really works!
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Thank you for Plenti for sponsoring this post and for the readers who help back the brands who support Meet at the Barre.
Nice tips ;)
Ugh if I woke up 30 mins earlier I think I’d be a zombie all day! And I really wish I could workout before work, that always gets me in a goo mood! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
I get into work about an hour before anyone else to get stuff done before it gets crazy.. Similair to your getting up 30 mins before you really need to. It’s a great way to start the day!
Christina :: Simple and Delish
Love your tips for having a good day. Especially reducing screen time in the bedroom–so true!
These are all great helpful things that will make anyone have a good day :) Thanks for sharing !
Totally agree with you on packing lunch the night before AND packing workout bag. No excuse to skip the gym if your clothes are already in your car! And I always lay my outfit for the next day out the night before too because let’s be honest… in the morning I start in my closet and say “I have nothing to wear” a million times
You have some super busy days! Meal planning is definitely crucial for me if I want to avoid the unhealthy options. I usually make instant oatmeal and add in some peanut butter for protein at the office in the mornings, so I’ll have to check this out when it gets warmer out and I don’t want a hot meal! I’m all about convenience and healthy!
That yogurt is SO good!! I haven’t bought it in a long time but maybe I will this weekend. I do a lot of the same things that you do in the morning too. I HATE feeling rushed and not having enough time to eat and have coffee. Maybe read a blog or two. :-) Just makes the day a lot less stressful and my mood is better. On that note, I hope that you have an amazing day today!!! :-)
These are all great tips Amanda and I absolutely feel that my day goes a lot better when I do most of these things!! The oatmeal cups sound delicious, I wonder if I can find them in Canada :) I’ll look into it!
PS Gorgeous photos by the water in this post!!!
We do the same thing with our phones at night! It’s so nice to just crawl into bed and be technology free – now I do all of my social media stalking on the couch before I head upstairs ;)
I always lay my clothes out because it saves so much time and I make much better clothing choices! I have to start doing the phone across the room… I’m a serial snoozer. I got up 32 minutes later than I wanted to today, oops! These are awesome tips and I fully trust them from you because you have so much going on and you got it going on!
Such a good idea to put the phone across from the bed! I need to try that
These are such great tips! I totally keep my phone across my room so that I have to get up to shut it off. It really does make a difference. I don’t know how you do it all. It truly amazes me that you work full time, work part time, blog and are still able to live your life. It really is amazing. I totally need to find plenti at the grocery store. It sounds so yummie, perfect for breakfast.
I love your tips (and your plank workout!). Prepping the night before really is a lifesaver, and that oatmeal/yogurt cup looks so delish! I often make overnight oats with Greek yogurt, so this is right up my alley.
Before kids, I LOVED getting up at 5am for workouts! I felt great all day. Now I’m just trying to hold on with these 3am nursing sessions, lol! Can’t wait to get back to that routine because making yourself get up really does set you up right for the whole day.
I need to try these yummy Yoplait Plenti’s!
And I’m SO bad about having screens in my sleep space- need to fix that!
Le Stylo Rouge
I need to move my alarm (phone) somewhere else, i have been snoozing way too much and skipping usual morning barre class. Luckily I can always go later. I always pack lunch and barre bag and work stuff the night before, I would be lost without doing it! These are all great tips, and I need to check out that yogurt, sounds delish!
You’re so organized . . . I get it all done, but it would be nice to get up early and have a minute to relax before the day starts – I’m just not a get up before I have to kind of girl! And you’re right about the screens . . . everything keeps me awake except a cooking show . . . put on the Pioneer Woman and I”m out like a light. I love her . . . it just relaxes me. Weird.
I’m a habitual rusher in the morning so I really need to work on #2 and 3….but I just love my sleep too much. Oatmeal and greek yogurt sounds like a nice pick me up in the morning!
i do all of these………….. except perhaps the last one haha. on a good day, sure. on a bad day.. not so much ;) you definitely wear a lot of hats, and are super organised!
Getting up early totally changed my life. I feel so much more productive in the morning. And I love working out in the morning too. Haven’t tried this yogurt yet but it looks interesting. :)
Perfect tips. I love oatmeal and Greek yogurt. I usually get the Chobani kind, but I’ll have to try this one too!
I love the idea of getting up earlier than you have to so you’re not rushing in the morning! That means going to bed earlier for me, so I can actually get up earlier!
This is a great list! I always try and wake up a little earlier than needed so I don’t have to rush in the mornings. I love being able to sit and enjoy my coffee.
Such great tips! I really need to start keeping my phone away from my bedside table. I am a major culprit of late night scrolling!
Southern Style
I am a chronic snoozer and I hate it. Alarm across the room is a good idea!
I so need to get with the program on getting up earlier, putting the screens away, and working out in the morning. I kept thinking all weekend that this would be the week that I would get on board… and yet, I still haven’t done it. Thanks for being that thorn in my side. ;)
I so wish I was a morning person but I am just not! I need to try some of these and that tummy yogart!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
I’ve been under a lot of stress lately and I can say that doing as much as you possibly can the night before is the best way of staying level headed the following morning. Oh, and breakfast of course. (; I used to never ever eat breakfast, and a few months ago started forcing myself to try all different kinds of oatmeal. I’ll have to keep this one on my radar!
These all are great tips! I need to move my phone/alarm across the room because I like to hit the snooze button multiple times. :)
These are great tips! I’m always struggling in the morning to get moving and end up forgetting something! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
I started waking up at 5 am everyday and I cannot tell you how much of a difference that makes! I love your suggestions.
I’m pretty lucky in that I have a flexible work schedule, so I can avoid terrible Toronto rush hour traffic and leave for the office a little later that that means I’m usually not home until 8 PM either. I’m really trying to be more organized the night before so I can wake up and take things a little slower than my usual tornado mornings. Even at a bare minimum having my lunch, outfit & gym stuff ready to go means less mess I don’t have time to deal with and less work stuff to think about so I can relax and enjoy the quiet (which I LOVE). I can’t wait for it to warm up so I can spend some time outside in the mornings! That tip about planning right after dinner is SO key – definitely going to start doing that more regularly!
these are some great tips! I need to try moving my phone away from my bed so I can stop wasting sleep time on it and then scrolling first thing in the morning too. I haven’t tried the oatmeal ones yet I will have to check them out. How was the texture??