To be completely transparent, this week has been a little batty around these parts. Monday I was getting login errors and fatal background codes when trying to load my site. I was getting texts and emails from all of you telling me that it looked like you had been commenting but it wasn’t really you. I immediately thought someone was wrong with my theme and since the developer has fallen off the face of the earth, I scoured over Creative Market and bought a new theme. I had that butterfly/anxiety feeling in my chest all day thinking that my site was corrupt or had been hacked. I begged my friend and developer Mandy to help me install it. If you guys ever need help with blogger to WordPress conversions, she is your gal! I spent hours playing around with the new theme and honestly it’s still not even where I want it to be. Then the other night I couldn’t even login to my site. I wanted to scream. I just spent all this time and money……what was going on?!?!?! I took to Twitter and noticed that people were ripping Godaddy. I started going through the tweets and realized all the problems I was having were identical. It hadn’t been a problem with my theme at all. It was with my hosting platform. Instead of letting people know they had rolled out a new update that was messing things up, they kept quiet and doomsday girl over here thought my blog was going to be lost forever.
There was a moment when I was watching a youtube video on the error code that I found and how to install new themes on WordPress that I had a thought rush over me. What really is the point of all of it? Like what if I something happened to my site and I wouldn’t be able to get back into it? I mean I would wake up tomorrow and go to work just like any other day right? However, everything that I’ve been for the past three years what happens to that? When you are passionate about something it doesn’t feel like work. That is what blogging is to me. I could spend hours on writing posts, researching web design, looking for the newest fashion content, and the time just flies by. I know I’m getting all serious over here but I think it all started with this post. Okay, let’s get into these favorites from the week!
Sweater c/o Design History ||| Sunnies Diff Eyewear ||| Moto jacket under $30 here ||| Faux leather leggings the best!! Finally restocked here and here ||| Booties Jeffrey Campbell sold out ||| Similar here
I’m all about those booty exercises and this one is a burner.
Trying to make my own header…..this might be extremely helpful.
These metallic heels are so dreamy! For this price point, though, I need to find a dupe.
Tutorial on how to shoot backlit pictures. I’m all about learning how to shoot in different kinds of light.
I uploaded these pink heels on my Insta Stories and was flooded with messages. Ladies, grab them. They are insanely comfy and make your legs look stick thin and a mile long. I also picked up this gorgeous off the shoulder top. How fab are the sleeves on it?!?
Now it’s your turn! Link up and tell me your favorites from the week and what your weekend plans are.
Ugh! How frustrating. I’m sorry you had to deal with all that. Blogging is such a nice break from all the other things we have to do each day, it’s a good place to come :) your hair is amazing in this picture- flowing in the wind- love it and those pink shoes!
Sorry to hear you’ve been having technical difficulties! Loved reading your blogging story – thanks for sharing – love your blog! Thanks for hosting and Happy Friday!
Sarah Bell
Trendy & Tidy
Oh man that is not fun at all and puts a lot of unneeded stress and pressure on you! I am loving your new theme tho! You already know how much I love those shoes – all the heart eyes!! Happy weekend girl! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I think it must be something in the water, because my blog has been having issues too and only showing up on Bloglovin, not when I type my blog into the web address bar. SO frustrating!! I’m always game for a new booty exercise!
Oh girl, that’s so stressful! I do like the new updates though and I FINALLY bought my WP migration service yesterday so hopefully I’ll be getting a face-lift in a few days!! Hope you have a great weekend!
xo, Kristina
Omg, lady- how scary! (And frustrating.) I’ve been there- Bluehost went down (or, rather, some of Bluehost’s servers got bombarded by a ddos attack) over Black Friday weekend and I went NUTS. They didn’t communicate what was happening; just vague “We’re working on it, we’ll get it resolved soon.” Soon = 4 days. Suuuuuuper maddening.
But I’m digging the new theme! I know what you mean about tweaks- I’m still tweaking my new look!
Hope you have a relaxing weekend to make up for all that blog stress! :)
Le Stylo Rouge
So sorry you had to deal with all of that my dear. Hopefully it is all fixed and you get everything to your liking this weekend. I love those pink shoes so much! Comfy is getting to be a necessity the older I get! Have an excellent weekend!
Amanda! I am having the same problem with my site! It’s been going on since last Friday! Every time I try to log in to WordPress it kicks me back out. I have a call into GoDaddy now and I am waiting for a return call. Jerks. Did you wind up getting it rectified?
Ohhh that shirt!!! Those shoes! Love it! Sorry you were having issues! I remember having a hosting issue about a year ago and I thought my life was over for about two days, Haha! I hate how they leave you hanging. I am totally behind on blogging this week, so off to read your blogging post. Hope you have a great weekend!
Sorry that you were having blog issues! Honestly, I would’ve done the same thing – I would’ve immediately started panicking and thinking that someone had hacked my website! But I’m glad that wasn’t the case and I’m glad that everything is good now! :) I’m going to have to try that booty workout, I’m trying to get mine all shaped up for summer haha!
Have a great weekend! :)
-Chelsea | http://www.chelseamakeup14.com/
Sorry that you had to deal with all that girl, sounds terrible of GoDaddy, but I’ve heard of people having some serious problems with them! Hope it’s all gotten squared away now and no more glitches for you! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Ugh, how frustrating! At least it looks great and everything seems to be working smoothly now?!
Love those pink heels! Hope you have a great weekend lady! xx
That sounds super stressful & frustrating!! I use go daddy but have been thinking about switching because it sounds like lots of people have issues with it. Also, considering the switch to WordPress, is it worth it?
So sorry you went through that. It’s frustrating when things don’t work right – and terrifying when you think you may have been hacked! Glad it all worked out.
Girl, is there anything you can’t do?? Love that new header! Have a great weekend! xx, http://imfixintoblog.com/2017/01/10-restaurants-try-north-carolina.html
Gahhh. I definitely had that blog update/change/frustration Sunday night but mine was self induced. LOL Glad that you figured it out though!! That’s so frustrating!!
Ok, just reading that gave me so much anxiety for you! I’m so glad you figured it out, but UGH! Also, the new tweaks are looking amazing!!!!!
Oh man, I’m glad your content wasn’t lost forever. I actually really enjoy this new design as it seems a little more inviting. Plus, the last one, a weird hovering box always popped up and it would take several click to rid your page of it.
SO sorry about all the hassle with your site/theme. That’s so dumb that GoDaddy didn’t make it a known issue. However, I think your new theme looks great even if it’s not quite where you want it yet. Let me know if you need any help with your header – I’ve done quite a few over the years, so I might be able to help!