I can’t even believe I am typing this post out. Seriously, can you believe I am 35 weeks already??? Basically we are talking about a month countdown till I get to meet my little man. I had the most lovely baby shower this weekend thrown by my amazing Mother and Aunt. I posted on Facebook but 3 years ago to the weekend I was having my bridal shower at my favorite local restaurant Pane Rustica and now I had my baby shower. Local peeps, they are the best when it comes to events like this. I HIGHLY recommend them. Seamless as always and the food is so so good. I want to thank my parents, family, friends, and coworkers for spoiling my little man. All I can say, he is going to be well clothed. The sweetest baby gear he has for sure. The nursery is really coming together! My chair from Babyletto arrived on Monday, we have a custom closet going in from the Container Store, and my plantation shutters are going in at the end of the month. Basically, this kiddo has the best room in the house. We haven’t picked out our master bedroom furniture but this kid has the complete package down to brand new custom hardwood floors. Of course he does. Let’s get into the bumpdate updates and a few pregnancy tried and true favorites!
Dress Bae the Label find here ||| Green handbag The Sake c/o find here ||| Earrings Baublebar find here ||| Sunnies find here ||| The best red for the Fall find here
How Far Along Now?
I am officially 35 weeks (well 35 weeks and one day) I “turn” on Tuesdays. I registered with the hospital and made my patient portal. I logged in and saw my blood HCG results from April 13th. That day seems like it was yesterday when I was driving to work talking to my sister and telling her about my what looked like an evaporation line on my cheapie but very effective HCG tests to which she responded “you work at a hospital just go and get a blood test“. I sat in my office afterwards refreshing the screen over and over but I already knew it was going to be positive. Straight tears of joy for this miracle babe from day one. There really is a higher plan I know that for sure. How long we tried and two weeks after we closed on our dream home, the worst month of trying, all my crazy temping, charting, etc and April 13th was the day it all changed. This really has been a dream pregnancy besides severe reflux and the usual aches and pains…..I have really enjoyed being pregnant. I totally see why my mother had 6 of us.
Baby Size?
He is over 5 lbs now. I can DEFINITELY feel every movement. I used to feel cute kicks, now I feel body rolls and sometimes it is a little uncomfortable. His head is already down and he likes to hook his foot right underneath my left ribcage, super comfortable. Actually he really loves the left side of my stomach in general. In the mornings it’s so crazy my right side is almost like flat and he’s all tucked into my left side. That has been his favorite side this entire pregnancy. It is still crazy to think I’m carrying around this 5 lbs bowling ball. Like there is a little human in there. I really want to savor this last month when it’s just the two of us before I have to share him ;-)
How I’m Feeling?
I really cannot complain this has been a great pregnancy. My reflux has gotten better but I am also avoiding all food triggers which has really helped. My poor feet are another story. I swear I check my blood pressure at work every day and it’s always super normal. My feet are incredibly swollen. Pretty much I have two pairs of shoes that fit me, thank goodness for the stretchy leather of Tieks and one pair of Sperry’s. My sister sent me medical grade compression socks which are UBER attractive but they do really help. I actually had this fab company Afton socks reach out to me and they sent me some of their stylish compression socks. They are super cute and a nice change up. I wear them to work and I feel a little less tragic in them because they are adorable. I am going to keep them after the pregnancy and use them for traveling as well. Look at all the cute patterns they come in here. On the weekends and when I wear dresses, I opt for these thigh high ones. Make sure to put them on first thing when you get out of bed, that is the easiest way to get them on.
Favorite Pregnancy Products
Top 5 pieces of clothing that I have been LIVING in. Pretty much I just rotate through these during the week. These black jeans have gotten me through work, this black dress works for everything, anything from BAE the label, I have been so impressed with their quality but specifically this short sleeved dress, and this long sleeved dress in black here and stripes here. These bras are the best! Thick comfy straps, no closure, expands with your growing assets, and incredibly soft. I bought no lie 4 of them in every color. These shorts I lived in this summer and these legging are great to throw on when you get home from work. I loved these jeans but you can also get the Target versions as well. The Lush tunics were great for transition and will work afterwards.
After tons of research (why are diaper bags sooo hard?!?!?) I decided on this leather bag from Lily & Jade. I love the size and organization inside. It really is the perfect size and looks very stylish. I got this backpack for Mark to keep in his car.
For prevention of stretch marks and to help with that belly itch, this belly oil from Amareta is no lie the holy grail. If you could buy one pregnancy product, this belly oil would be it. It absorbs super quick, doesn’t stay greasy, eliminates that itchy belly, smells so good, and I believe has prevented any thought of a stretch mark. I also have the face serum and have added it to my skin care regimen. I cannot gush enough over this product. It really is a must have. You will not regret scooping it up.
I got these 40 oz water bottles from Costco to make sure I’m getting all my fluids in. I make sure to drink two before I leave my office and then have a glass of water with dinner as well to get my 80-100 oz of water a day. It is getting a little harder at the end here just because I feel like I’m running out of space but the 40 oz bottles definitely make remembering a lot easier.
I plan on writing a post about all my favorite baby products but Graco sent me their new SnugRide® SnugLock™ 35 DLX Infant Car Seat and base. I really like how lightweight the actual car seat is and there is one push button on the front of the handle so you don’t have to lean over to push in both sides. The SnugRide click connect car seat and base is super user friendly and the secure clicking noise let’s you know it’s correctly in.
For comfort and support this belly band is so helpful especially towards the end when you are standing a lot. It helps take a lot of pressure off toting around your belly. This wrap if you are having back pain, I love that you can make the packs hot or cold.
There you have it! My 35 week bumpdate and some of my absolute favorite pregnancy products. Any questions definitely feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. Thank you to all your support and guidance during this time. xoxoxoxo
Can’t believe it’s already in the one month countdown!! I love the diaper bag that you picked – it looks more like a luxury bag than anything else!! Here’s hoping to an easy next few weeks and so glad your reflux has subsided! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston
Camden’s room was the first done in our house too. Then we were barely in there for 4ish months lol. I can not believe you are already 35 weeks! He is going to be here SO SOON!!!
I seriously can’t believe you’re only a few more weeks away! SO crazy! You look amazing and I’m glad to hear you’ve been feeling great throughout your pregnancy and the reflux is better. Enjoy these last few weeks girl! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Soo close, could even be less than 4 weeks! I am really happy for you. Glad your reflux finally has gotten under control. I know if you’re anything like my sis, that was NOT easy. Enjoy your last few baby-less weeks (though I know the baby weeks to come will be magical)
This has flown by – I can’t believe 35 weeks already! Ha, Tatum’s room is definitely the nicest in the house too – we also did a custom closet and at first I wasn’t sure it was worth it but it SO is!
Love that baby bag!!! I am sorry about your feet but you still look fantastic! :-) I hope that the last month goes really well for you too. :-)
Can’t believe it’s almost time for you to meet your little man! So happy for you that it has been a relatively good pregnancy and positive experience for you. xx
Wow he will be here before you know it! I am so happy for you and I know y’all will be awesome parents! I can’t wait to see the nicest room in the house!
You are so close! Sounds like you’ve had a great pregnancy so far except for the swelling and the reflux. Glad you found some socks that help. Enjoy the shower this weekend. Yay!!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
It has flownnnn by!! I want more pics of that adorable bump!
Your pregnancy really has flown but and the baby bump looks great on you!
This has flown by- I remember when you announced. Enjoy the last few weeks…I love what you said about this is the last time just the two of you before you have to share him. I remember the nights talking to my little one while she was still in my belly and now she’s here…those moments are precious. xo!
Ahh so soon!! If you BF those water bottles will be great because you’ll get so thirsty!
Exciting times ahead! Happy to hear your pregnancy has not been difficult. XX. ashieldannette.blogspot.com
Ella used to LOVE my right side and hooking her foot under my right rib. I know that feeling haha. So glad that little man has his space basically all done. Plantation shutters will be huge. My only advice is to make sure it blocks out ALL LIGHT. We are talking PITCH BLACK. Doesn’t matter so much in the beginning since he’ll likely be sleeping in your room, but light is your enemy for nighttimes and having baby sleep through the night (down the line)
I swear your pregnancy has flown by for me ;) I love that you are enjoying it so much, but I really hope you get some quick acid relief, because that pain in no joke!
That is awesome that Graco sent you a car seat!! We have the Britax B 35 infant carries and Zoe still fits in it, but I am looking at the Graco 4ever when we moved to a convertible car seat. The hours I have poured over research is ridiculous. What does that belly oil smell like? Just curious. I had the Burts Bees stuff but the smell of it made me so sick the first 6 months of my pregnancy I couldn’t use it :( I know a few other moms who didn’t like the smell of it either.