Happy Friday dolls. I’m not going to lie. I have felt like I’ve been just surviving for the past two weeks. Sleep deprivation is no joke. My little one has pretty much been waking up every two hours and it has really caught up to me. Trying to work full-time running on minimal sleep has been really hard. I have been totally zapped of energy and all creativity. Plus, continuing to breastfeed and pump is a full-time job itself. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love it and it has been a great journey it’s just that going back to work with it has created what feels like another job to remember. Thank goodness I’ve stuffed my pump bag with extras of everything because I’ve gone to pump at work and realized I’ve forgotten a bottle cap or a little suction thing. I am also still teaching nursing classes……so life has not really lightened up much and lack of sleep just makes everything so much harder. My in-laws were actually in town this week and I had one day off. I got to sleep in an extra two hours and I honestly feel like I can run a marathon now. I never knew how much I would value every second of sleep before I had a child. If I can get an extra twenty minutes here or ten minutes there….it’s like pure gold. I have all these exciting ideas for blog posts and then I sit down to write them and my brain just turns to a foggy glaze. I feel like I have so much information to share with you especially all my new mommy to be’s but I just can’t get my act together. Thank you for sticking with me on this random train of thought. I don’t want to feel like I’m complaining, I just want to say that motherhood is seriously the toughest job out there and I applaud all my rock star mommas out there. Rasing a tiny human takes every ounce of energy out of you and sometimes you just need to say how hard it is. With that let’s talk about some favorites of mine this week!
These slides look so comfy and would jazz up any outfit.
A perfect staple tshirt that is such a great price point! This is a great work dress and it’s under $40.
I just got this Dwingular play mat for Patrick’s play area and it’s amazing. It definitely is a little more on the pricey side but we have wood floors and he is rolling around like crazy. It’s very squishy and wipes clean very easily. I love that it is reversible as well. I am so happy with it! It even has a gate that can go around it that I’m eyeing next when he starts crawling.
How delicious and easy to make this recipe looks? We’ve definitely been in a dinner rut and these look so good.
Give me all the baskets to throw random stuff into and get things off of the floor. Babies have so many toys, blankets, etc.
These have been my favorite go to work out pants. They are so soft, are high waisted, and feel like a second skin.
I could spend hours watching how to edit videos in lightroom. I had all these plans on my maternity leave to take a course and then it didn’t happen. For now I’ll try to educate myself with these video snippets.
Alright now it’s your turn! Link up and tell me your favorites from the week and what your plans are for the weekend.
I’m sorry about the sleep regression and hope that you catch up on a little bit of sleep this weekend! xo, Biana- BlovedBoston
Hang in there, mama!! It is SO HARD but it WILL get easier and you will be a stronger person because of it! I swear, one day I woke up and was just like, “wow, I actually feel like I have my brain back to myself” because I didn’t have to think of Cam every SINGLE second of the day! Time for another! ;) You got this, girl!!
That skirt is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I love it! I am here to tell you, Patrick will eventually sleep through the night!!!! I never thought I would get enough sleep again after having Zoe, but she sleeps a solid 12 hours now and it is so glorious. It is so tough, but hang in there mama! I hope you have a great weekend! And that you get in some extra zzzzzzs!
I hope you get some sleep this weekend! It will get easier and less exhausting in a few months, hang in there friend. I need that dress and it would look great with those slides!
Isn’t it nuts how one littler person can take so much out of you? But, SO worth it! You have a TON on your plate mama and you’re doing so great!
How gorgeous is that skirt! So sorry about the sleep deprivation, and breastfeeding/pumping is no joke. It also zaps the energy out of you as you live according to a strict schedule. Hang in there momma, I promise the sleeping will get better – much better <3
Green Fashionista
Yes, to that whole first paragraph. My little is still pretty much sleeping through the night but a month ago when she wasnt was brutal. I cant even imagine how mama’s do that every night and then get up and go to an 8-5 job. I’m so thankful to be able to work from home. Its still really really hard trying to juggle getting work done and keeping her entertained. Crazy hard.
Your outfit is super cute! I’m glad you got to sleep in an extra couple of hours! I hope you’re able to start getting more sleep more often soon!