My goals for the next year is to continue to step up the photography game around here. I’ve been doing a lot of self learning but have also been try to scope out photography courses. I think the biggest takeaway point I have learned and can instill on others, shoot on manual mode and practice. There are three components of any DSLR camera, shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. For a good cheat sheet here you go. Take these three settings, play around with them and practice, practice, practice. I’ve tried to step up my instagram game. I really like...
Search Results for: photography

Thank you for all the feedback from this post. A lot of you told me you were digging the fashion and photography lately, so lets dive right into it. If I could summarize two trends that I consistently see over the blogland when it comes to fashion it would probably be stripes and plaids, for good reason. They are both extremely versatile and in my book are treated like neutrals that I pair with just about everything. I also like to wear them together. The weather in Florida lately has been blazing lately. Like I feel it is August...
These end of the year posts are my favorite ones to write because I am a big time reflector kind of person. So much has happened over this past year and I love being able to have the blog as one of the best ways to recall the brilliance of 2015. I can’t believe I have been blogging for only 2 years, I honestly feel like I have been with y’all for so much longer than that. When I started this blog, I was all “hi I’m Amanda, this is my boyfriend and my little condo in downtown….” Now...
Happy Friday! I hope y’all are seeing this since Bloglovin decided to stop updating my feed and clearly don’t like to answer their emails or tweets. I am officially moving over to Feedly. It’s not glamorous but at least I can see everyones current posts. Follow me here on feedly. Or you can have my newest post sent to your email. I know you want that :-) Check it here and you’ll get one email and nothing else I promise. That way you won’t miss all my shopping updates and things on major sale. Enough housekeeping, I hope everyone...
Trying to sneak anything past my mother is incredibly hard. Even when I call my dad’s phone nine times out of ten she will pick it up to say hi or stand over his shoulder till he gives the phone up. I asked him to on the stealth mode scan me some throwback pictures as a surprise…..I can only imagine the scene my dad trying to go through photo albums without my mother inquiring why. Maybe he was able to accomplish the plan while she was at the gym. I’ll have to ask him about that. I did realize...
One of the things I went back and forth throughout the wedding planning was if getting someone to do the Wedding Videography was going to be in the budget. While it can be pricey if you don’t go to the right company, it is probably the best way to capture your big day; even more so than photos I would argue. I had gotten some astronomical starting quotes with cinematography reels with the full-length video. It was something that I had wanted but it just wasn’t working out with the numbers. I had already picked out my photographer and...
I really like having Wedding Wednesdays in the middle of the week. Always puts me in a better mood after seeing how everything came together so beautifully! Photo credit to Sunglow Photography. I wanted to share with you today our amazing and totally different wedding photo booth. I said it before and I will say it again. I could not have planned my wedding and worked all my crazy amount of jobs without my Mother and Aunt. I cannot thank them enough for their incredible attention to detail and beautiful execution. Mark wasn’t super involved in the wedding process...
It’s so hard to get back into the swing of life after a vacation am I right? I pretty much got off the plane and right to teaching a full barre class, then home to grading papers and back to blog post inspiration. I thought I’d ease back into things with my happy place. Wedding pictures. If you missed my previous Wedding Wednesday posts you can check them here. All picture credit is to my amazing photographer at Sunglow Photography. The Estate in Sarasota where we got married was owned by Powel Crosley. He was an inventor and owner...