I have been blogging for over six years now. Isn’t that absolutely crazy? When I am asked to classify my genre of blogging, I usually say lifestyle because it allows me to talk about whatever is going on with my life. When I would read blogs back in the day most of the people I would follow wouldn’t even live in the same state as me. I just loved reading about their weekends, what they were currently shopping/eating, and favorite products. It all was pretty “real” and you felt like you knew them without ever meeting them. This past...
Search Results for: thank you cards
Hello my loves! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. We spent it as a family of three since Patrick is too little to travel. We watched terrible Netflix Christmas romance movies and Mark cooked up a fabulous dinner. It was a nice calm and peaceful day where I got to really reflect and be thankful of all of my blessings. I still look at that face so many times during the day and I cannot believe he is mine. He is still the sweetest baby. We are working on our nighttime feedings, I am definitely a walking...
Y’all know that I love introducing you to new products that I am digging lately and have made their way to the top of my drugstore of a bathroom. I am also a firm believer in the amount of money that is saved with at home manicures and pedicures. Don’t get me wrong, there is no better feeling than a fresh mani/pedi from the salon but I can never fully relax while I’m getting it done because I’m thinking of the ten other things I should be doing with that two hours. I have the full gamut of tools to...
It only seems fit that I write this type of post sitting in the Centurion Lounge in Vegas prior to taking off back to Tampa. Which btw Sting was sitting right next to me! Total star struck moment! Trip number two of three in a two-week span. Surprisingly, I am feeling pretty good with all this cross country travel. I am back to work on Monday for a few days before we leave for New York for a long weekend. Then we will be back in FL for a few weeks until more travels arise. Since I’ve been living...
Here is a happy way to start the beginning of your week. How about a fab sale from SHOPBOP? This is not a tiered spend more get more, this is an across the board 25% off the entire site plus sale merchandise. This is the SHOPBOP Friends and Family Sale 2016. I will tell you a ton of my favorite Spring pieces have already gone on sale so here is your chance to scoop them up at a hefty discount. Okay now pay attention. The sale goes live today for previous SHOPBOP customers. So if you have bought in...
Is it just me or has life been really crazy lately? With the warmer gorgeous weather creeping back in, the weekends which were once reserved for hunkering down and getting ahead…..have been allotted to being outside and not even opening my macbook or planner. I am all about getting out and enjoying life but it doesn’t help alleviate the stress of a jam-packed week. I haven’t done a Digging Lately roundup post so thought now was a great time to talk about some of my favs on the radar. Ditch Your Clarisonic I have been faithfully using my FOREO...
We all know my love for all things Costco. When most people think about Costco, they think about buying toilet paper and paper towels in bulk. However, that is seriously just a fraction of what my favorite Costco buys are all about. I rank the powerhouses of the world, Amazon as number one and Costco as number two. Even though sometimes with Costco’s customer service, they can edge out Amazon on days. Here are a few of my favorite Costco buys, most of them you probably had no clues about but I’m going to introduce you to my favorite...
An interesting thing happened to me today. Well, first lets backtrack. I woke up Monday morning and looked at my to do list and started to get that butterflies fluttering in my chest, anxiety provoking feeling of never being able to get it all done. I had a crazy day at work, had to talk to one of the higher ups at the college about a problematic student and then headed off to teach my barre classes (yes plural). I was driving home and thinking how par for the course that crazy day way. That was just my Monday....