Happy Monday back to the work week. Where did that weekend go?? So many things crammed into two days right? Let’s do a quick recap shall we? This weekend seemed to involve a good amount of eating, Hyde Park moseying around, Barre Classes, and a crazy bridal expo to cap off the weekend with my girlfriend Abbey. Pump the Brakes…..have you been to a bridal expo???? That was crazy…lots of women screaming and waving their arms for free pink “bride” tshirts. I needed some advil and a glass of wine when I came home. I didn’t win the free Honeymoon but I did win a long weekend stay at the Hilton on the water here in Tampa. Who wants to come and visit me????
Anyone….Anyone….I like 80’s party where I can crimp my hair and wear sunglasses at night…..
Well that was awkward….
Okay moving on. We bought like 5 LivingSocial deals to a newly opened Sushi place in Tampa. It is called Kelp and the best part is it is BYOB. There are like no places in Tampa or at least places we go to that are BYOB. There is no corking fee, so we bring a nice bottle of white and use our LivingSocial deals. It is a really affordable nice night out. Local Tampa peeps have you tried Kelp? Our family sushi spots are so far away!!! Sushi Alive in North Tampa and Nori Thai on the beach in St. Pete. What are your favorite spots?
Nori Thai in St. Pete Beach is our absolute favorite but it is a drive from Tampa. I’ll do a full review for you especially for everyone who lives in St. Pete.
Went to our favorite brunch spot Piquant in Hyde Park you can read my full review here with Mark’s parents. Then we walked around Hyde Park into a few stores.
I made chicken tacos in a crock-pot. My crock-pot is my mother’s from I think when I was born in the 80’s. It has that pastel flower design around the outside and it weighs 20 lbs. Do you know what I’m talking about? I took frozen chicken breasts threw some salsa over the top of it, let it cook on high for 3 hours, shredded the chicken and put in back in. Then we put it over some tacos. I actually got a “this is really good babe” from Mark…..I will make a 2 hour recipe from scratch and get comments but a no fuss crock-pot meal got a positive review…..sticking with the crock-pot. What recipes do you love in the crock-pot?
still loving my winter candles
Alright moving onto the crazies. My girlfriend Abbey signed us up for the bridal expo in downtown Tampa. It was something like I had never seen before…..I felt like I was on the Price Is Right but imagine that crowd entirely comprised of women…and instead of the crowd getting all fired up about winning “A NEW CAR”….they were getting fired up about “$50 off a bridal updo” cue the screaming.
They even had a “Wobble Dance Off”
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In all seriousness it was a very well put together event where I got to taste lots of delicious cakes, sweets and cupcakes.
It was held at the Hilton in Downtown Tampa which was absolutely beautiful.

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Am I right???? Moving on…..
My other favorite part was the Brides Against Breast Cancer Foundation were there selling dresses. The proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research. I have someone very close in my life that has been in my prayers recently, this foundation is very near and dear to my heart. If you want to check out their website here is the link and they also have a place where you can donate your dress to the cause.
Finally because I didn’t want to end with all wedding talk…here is some pics taken at the beach by my parents house in Sarasota. These were taken over the Christmas holiday when my sister and her kiddos were down. No filter…it was such a gorgeous night….in December at the beach….you sure you don’t want to come and visit?
One more because I think my niece aka my Mini Me is so darn cute. Double I love you :-)
What were you up to this weekend? Have you ever been to a bridal expo? Did you have a similar experience? Have a great week!!!! xoxoxoxoxo
Oh my gosh such a fun weekend! Wedding stuff is so much fun!
Looks like a great weekend! That sushi looks delish! I love the byob spots we have in Dublin.
What an awesome weekend! I’ve never heard of the Brides against breast cancer organization but it sounds amazing! Heading over to read more on it now (even though I’m not married, it sounds really cool!)
Miche from Buttons and Birdcages
All the wedding dresses are beautiful! And that food looks scrumptious!!
xo TJ
sushi and BYOB- sign me up! and i did not liek the bridal expo when i went. overwhelming. those tacos look amazing! that’s so cool about brides against breast cancer- what a great cause!
BYOB at a restaurant!? Ummm that sounds AMAZING!! I need to go there!
I’ve heard bridal expo’s are absolute chaos. I think that would totally overwhelm me and result in many glasses of wine. BYOB restaurants are always the best. We need more in Atlanta!
Sounds like a fun weekend! I’m completely digging the 80’s style (love the bow in your hair). Also, your niece is precious! I’m jealous of that curly hair!
britney bhahahha.
seriously, chicken tacos in a crock pot!!!! Sounds like heaven!
I will for sure be your plus one for a romantically weekend in Tampa hah!! Those tacos looks amaze-balls…I have a pretty great Crockpot Meatloaf recipe and also a phenomenal chili we made a week ago!! Your niece is too cute!!
hyde park moseying around..sounds lovely! XO
i go through these sushi kicks where that’s all i want for weeks and then i can’t stand it. that’s making me want some…and it’s not even 9 am!