Rescued Is Something To Purr About Large Wristlet
[…] ve a gym in my office building). i sign up for classes and it is the BEST stress […]
Make Sure You Have Found Something That You Enjoy Doing
There is nothing worse when you have to dread going to the gym. I hated thinking about running on a treadmill for 45 minutes with some sweaty guy to one side and an overly perfumed girl on the other. So you know what ended up happening? You guessed it! I wouldn’t go. Then I discovered my love for Barre and Spin classes. It doesn’t feel like a chore…I look forward to going (well 95% of the time let’s be honest!) So if you have started working out and aren’t feeling it….time to switch it up and find something else to try. Otherwise I guarantee you will not enjoy it and burn out. Ask a friend what they do. Or try a new class at the gym. Find something that gives you that amazing feeling when you are done that makes you want to come back for more.
Sign Up For a Challenge
My Barre studio has a challenge where you complete 20 classes in 30 days and at the end you are rewarded with discounts and other fun prices. We have a challenge board up that tracks everyone’s name and holds you accountable. You better believe a Type A person like me likes a challenge! Having a goal that you can meet is rewarding and helps drive you into make these weekly workouts part of a routine. See if your local gym or studio has a challenge. If they don’t have one….help them make one! Wouldn’t that be fun to be in charge of? ;-)
Track Your Progress
My two favorite apps for tracking workouts and daily intake are My Fitness Pal and iFit. My Fitness Pal is a great way to keep track of your daily calories, water intake and exercise. It gives you a nice overall estimate of your daily intake vs expenditure. It has a very easy to use app for Iphone and Androids. iFit is an online community where you can track your workouts and within your group join challenges to help you stay on track.
Share Your Success
You’ve been working hard put that after shot on Facebook or blast out an email to your friends and family. You will be surprised how much their positive feedback will help drive you to continue. See if your gym or studio has a person of the week or a working hard shout out. Showing your journey of success will motivate others and help you stay committed. Take that selfie shot (make sure not to do any of these selfies…oh my #3 I am still laughing about) or show those pants that don’t fit anymore! Nothing makes me more excited then to see a client’s positive results!
Go Ahead and Reward Yourself
So you’ve been sticking with spin now….go an splurge and get those spin shoes! Or you’ve been staying loyal with your Barre and Pilates class….time for a new pair of stickie socks or those leggings you’ve been eyeing. I mean it only makes sense since it is part of your routine know you need the digs to go along with it! Plus when you are looking good you know you are feeling good.
Make a New Set of Goals and Enroll a Friend
You’ve breezed through January. Now here is your chance to think about your next set of goals. Now is the time to sign up for that 10k or the Spin Marathon Event. Having a long term goal will help you stay on track. I signed up for the 30 day yoga challenge after I saw it on Jen’s Blog. The challenge is 30 days of yoga but each exercise is only 20 minutes long and the videos are emailed daily. I am 5 days in and still going strong! Who wants to try it with me??? Which brings me to my next point, try signing up with a friend so you have someone else to hold you accountable and vice versa. Especially to help you motivate when it comes to those early morning classes.
Reflect on Your Journey
Take some time to reflect on your progress. See what things have been working for you and what hasn’t. From there see what you need to change or continue with to allow you to continue to be successful with your exercise and healthy living goals. Sometimes I will sit down with my planner and look at my past workouts and see if there were any gaps in time and see the reasoning behind it. Did I over schedule myself that day? Did I try to make a 430 class when I was on the other side of town? What teachers classes did I really enjoy and maybe I can try to coordinate more with those times. Take this time to applaud yourself for your hard work and plan for a successful continued future.
I hope these helped! How do you motivate and push yourself to continue with your workouts and healthy lifestyles past the Near Year? Here is my last motivational push for you to make it past January.
Hope you have a great day!
Rescued Is Something To Purr About Large Wristlet
[…] ve a gym in my office building). i sign up for classes and it is the BEST stress […]
100% yes to all of this! when i started running, i’ll admit that i started because everyone was raving about it. so i did it and while it was ok and i used a program to learn how to run, i actually ended up HATING road running. to me, it was so boring and the 5 or 10K seemed to just go on forever. then i switched things up and started doing trails…THAT’S where the magic is for me — trails. i can run on trails all day long. i ran a 13K trail and it felt like 2K because i was so into it and when the run came to an end, i wanted to do it again!
so find what you love to do and it won’t feel like work!!
Vodka and Soda
This post was so needed in my life right now! I need to get back on the ball wth the working out. Of course I was great the first week of January and then I fell off the wagon :/ Thanks for motivationg me! xoxo, Lindsay
great tips!! those selfies were hi-larious!!!! haha
but yah back to working out.. i totally agree with finding something that works for you, it makes a HUGE difference! i think it also helps to figure out what works for your schedule, for me i like working out at noon (im am so thankful to have a gym in my office building). i sign up for classes and it is the BEST stress reliever (and it makes me want to go to work!!) xo
ps that pug selfie?! W.T.F. im crying im laughing so hard.
My PB studio is doing the 21 day challenge too and the classes have been insanely packed! I’m almost looking forward to the lower class sizes in the upcoming months. Those leggings I love!
This is awesome – but I have to say…I’m secretly happy those people that have “go to the gym” as their new years resolution are tapering off…It’s just so busy with them all there haha!! But in reality I always reward myself when I hit a goal!! :)
Thank for all the inspiration! Love that challenge. I’ll have to challenge myself at 20 classes in 30 days. I’m also excited to check out those progress apps!
Fabulous post, my fit friend:) Don’t even get me started about the packed gym the first week of January and the dwindling every day thereafter. Funny! I love your fitspo and those leggings and ombre top are fabulous. I just stocked up on gym gear and leggings are my current go to.
Hey, have you tried hot power yoga? I think you’d love it!
XO, Gina
This is such a good list with so many reminders! Sadly I think my biggest motivator is always rewards :)
YES YES YES. I love rewarding myself with new workout gear because having new cute stuff to wear is always a fun motivator to get my butt up and at it! It’s a positive cycle. Workout –> buy new workout clothes –> feel motivated to hit the gym. Repeat!
i did that same challenge at my local pure barre a couple years ago!
Great post Amanda! I couldn’t agree with you more about finding something that you love to do. Unfortunately my barre studio is far away from my new house which makes it so hard to go to every-day after work so I’ve joined a gym and hope to go to barre on weekends.
Another thing that has kept me motivated in the past is having a gym buddy. Once again, unfortunately I’m new to Louisville and left my gym buddies back in Cincinnati but I hope to make new ones soon!
PS GREAT options for rewarding ourselves :)
I’m with you, buying new workout clothes inspires me to get out there and get fit. Thanks for the helpful hints, girl!
Love this! The results that I see is what keeps me going!
Thanks for the tips and the inspiration! Having a friend hold me accountable has definitely helped me as I work to achieve my fitness goals. Even when we can’t attend a class together, we always let each other know our planned workout schedule so that we can keep each other on track!
This is a much better list than I have yet to see in regards to keep New Year resolutions! I like the idea of doing a challenge definitely more motivation there!
Clothes & Quotes
Good tips!! I definitely agree with finding something you love to do as a workout really helps. That, and buying new workout gear. Now if only I could get off work on time to get to my yoga classes!
I think I would die if I took 20 barre classes in 30 days. I could barely make it through my first and last class :) But shoot, if I looked like Beyonce afterwards it would be worth it!
I’m still trying to find something I love. I know I hate cardio. I just can’t do it. It’s not appealing to me whatsoever. I’ve tried to do it before because people always say you learn to love it. I don’t think that’s true for everyone! It just discouraged me because I felt like I was a failure.
These are some great tips! Finding something you enjoy is so important. I know I’d want to pack it in if it was workout’s based around burpee’s haha! Torture.