Scenes From The Weekend With Major Target Haul
May 12, 2014Case in point.

Saturday morning stopped by my happy place and took a class (I love pics of me teaching they always crack me up…this one I’m like walking an imaginary catwalk or something).
Did a quick stop by Target. Remember this fabulous maxi dress from my Spring dress post?
Well Target has brought it back again. The pattern isn’t exact but the cut is and I’m telling you I have been living in the dress. You can dress it up with jewelry and heels to make it fancy or pair it with some flat sandals for more casual. I bought the dress in both colors.
which btw is super slimming with the pattern.
They wear and wash extremely well and don’t wrinkle. I am pretty much obsessed. Just like my other Target dress find I’d tell you to snag it before it sells out like everything I seem to recommend does. Also the online deal is when you spend $75 you get 20% off plus free shipping. You need a little help getting to $75? No problem you could add this adorable black maxi coverup.
Sounds like an absolutely perfect weekend!! Our sushi restaurants must be owned by the same people – we went on Saturday night and they just started to bring out random roll creations haha!! I love the new bathing suit so pretty!! And am I seeing blonder locks?! Love it!! Happy Monday doll!
OMG girl, I am LOVING your Target haul! I had the worst Target experience on Thursday but I’m sure I’ll be back to my normal shopping habits there in a few days! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend! And I agree with Biana, did you go blonder??
<3, Pamela
love that maxi dress in red!!
looks like a great weekend :) :) xo jillian – cornflake dreams
You’re right – that dress is too cute! And I am super impressed by your braiding skills. I’m also pretty sure I need those sparkly sandals, especially since a stranger at the mall broke my go to ones last week!! Happy Monday!
That sushi looks amazing, now I”m craving some :)!
Looks like a wonderful weekend of fun….and cupcakes ;)
Love all the swimming suits!! Soooo cute!
You had a great weekend! Sushi, family, shopping!!
I also love that you said “Did a quick stop by Target”. Such a thing has never happened. My Target trips are at least 45 minutes!
Sounds like an amazing weekend! Maybe there was something in the air, because I had the best weekend I’ve had in a while too {which also included a liiiiittle bit of Target shopping ;)}. Props on those French braiding skills, lady! I still can’t get it, even on someone else, so I’m pretty jealous of that over here :)
um hi gorgeous!! you really rock the heck out of those maxi’s!
I cannot be tempted by amazing Target finds right now! I need those maxi dresses stat … and some of those sandals … and maybe a bathing suit (or two). That’s basically what happens to my mind when I go into Target. :) Looks like you had a great weekend!
Those cupcakes look divine. And those sandals? I need all of them.
Target online has the BEST deals! I kinda like that black cover up as an actual DRESS… is that weird??? haha!
Love those bikinis with the fringe on them!!!!
Sounds like you had a much better weekend than I did! I was nursing a sick pup and a sick boyfriend. BTW I love that maxi dress. You pretty much rock it! :D
Love your new maxi dress!! While I love Maxi dress, I only wear them to the beach. We aren’t allowed to wear them to work as they have been deemed too casual. My jobs have strict dress codes which makes dressing for the summer difficult. Sounds like a good weekend. I went down to the Cape. it was so nice down there.
Best, Mree
ok now i want sushi again. no, im trying to be good. stop it.
you work that catwalk girly! haha. did you do the video you were gonna do?
that dress is gorgeous! i am done buying maxi dresses online, i am gonna go to target today to check them out, and also another dress i saw on this morning.
that cover up is adorable.
i want all of those shoes. that + sign thing is fancy girly.
that bathing suit!!! I WANT IT.
stop buying cute things i am trying to be good!
aw how cute are they. french braid my hair?
that pic of you and your mom is too cute. you should be a model lady.
um cupcakes? gimmie.
no, stop it.
Those suits are so cute! And I am definitely wanting some of that sushi, followed by those cupcakes!
The very first date I went on after my divorce was with a guy to his fave sushi place where they knew him and he never ordered off the menu. The chef just kept sending amazing stuff out and I felt like a celeb. But I think he was gay, too bad because I can eat some sushi!!! Great deals too… dang. I need to reign in the spending for a minute!
Love the presentation of the sushi and I love Target! Your so tall and lean – I feel Maxi dresses were made for you!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
You’re killing me with the Target stuff, that black & white fringe bikini, oh my gosh!! Sounds like a great weekend. I definitely ate too much food haha, especially chocolate cake!
I love love love that purple patterned bikini!
Sweet Target haul! I meant to go there yesterday on my way home from my Mom’s but I didn’t. I’m going Thursday night.
I can’t french braid my hair or anyone else’s. That is not in my tool box.
What a fun weekend!! Love that bathing suit- so cute!
That sushi looks amazing!!!!! Target has a dress that I want to purchase in three colors right now…..and umm….now I need that dress you have too!!! You have some explaining to do to my husband who is going to wonder why I am ordering 5 dresses from Target…..
Looks like such a fun weekend! I love that the owner of the sushi restaurant brings you whatever she wants…that really did look delicious. I LOVE that red maxi dress from Target. And I really need some summer wedges. And were those cupcakes?! Yum!
Okay, cupcakes please. I need to get to a target and grab a maxi dress. I had a dress for the wedding we have this coming weekend–but now I need a maxi dress instead because I’m in a freaking boot–and I’m family so I’ll be in the freaking pictures. I love the picture of you teaching!! I need to get out to FL and take a class from you for realsy!!!
that pic makes me miss PB so much! if i’m close to the one in back bay, i am joining!!! and that pic makes me want to go work on my triceps. love all the bikini finds!
The view from that porch – I can’t even! Love the bathing suits from Target and that dress!
Yummy cupcakes! I love that bikini with the feathers! I may be hitting up Target soon and copying you!
Uh, I pretty much love target!!! Ours is being remodeled as we speak which kinda sucks because its a mess right now. Is it weird that I’ve never had sushi?!!
I totally love how you justified buying more to save! My kinda thinking! I really need new sandals so i will be checking those out/buying a few. ;) Those cupcakes look to good to eat, well not really I mean I’d eat them anyways!
Oh Target. They have been killing it in all areas lately.
Monday would be just perfect if I was (1) eating that sushie while (2) wearing your new tribal print dress and (3) sitting on a porch, or really anywhere else, than my desk. Sigh. Great weekend – and Target finds! :)
Mmmm that sushi looks ah-mazing!! Holy Target haul!! Those maxis are so cute! I’ve been eyeing a ton of bathing suits from there! Obsessed with those fringe ones!!
<3 Shannon
I just got a major Target haul this weekend, too! They have crazy coupons on cartwheel, I love it. I found skinny pants that feel as soft as pajamas. And I can wear them to work, what a trick. Those dresses are gorgeous. I got a couple swimsuits from there this year, too.
TARGET – SO ADDICTING!!! It’s always a win if you spend less $100 bucks in my book. And yes, I may have to pick up one of those dresses!
I love your sandal picks!! Love the ones with the gold sparkle. The suits are cute and your braiding skills are pretty impressive! Lol
Target is killiiiinnnnggggg it in the shoe department right now. It’s almost painful how perfect everything is!
Ohh those Target finds have me tempted!! I think I may need to run some “errands” after work.
That Target dress is awesome!
I used to hate bathing suits with fringe – now I’m digging them.
Target has the best bathing suits. Too bad I am boycotting buying new ones til I get my butt in shape!
You can never ever have to many bathing suits in my world so yayyyy for bathing suits, those cupcakes look sooo good!!!
That sushi looks amazing! I miss Target so much, I am living through your Target shopping trips.
i am trying to stay away from target but you’re making this extra hard on me!
Looks like you had an amazing weekend! Good thing I’m broke, or I would have probably had to make a Target haul, as well ;)
XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass
umm this stuff is too cute from Target!!!!!! I just love that you had such a fun weekend! Cheers to a great week!
Seriously, I am craving sushi now!
gotta love target, they always manage to have the cutest things for the best prices. what’s not to love!?
xx Ani
Super cute clothes!!
Your weekend looks fab, but I’m even more obsessed with your Target haul! xo
Ahhh Target is killing it right now! I loooove their swimsuits.. I’m all about spending $30/piece and getting a ton of them! Yay for a good weekend!
Um looks like someone had an awesome weekend! That dress from Target is ahhhmazing :) And you look so stinkin cute walkin that runway at your Barre class!
Great job on the braids! That can be so difficult. Love the pictures of you teaching how fun, you look just amazing!
6 children?! WOW. I am impressed to say the least.
I want to live where you live please! I’m also going to be mauling the Target website now!!!
Mmmmmm cupcakes! U so sweet to clean m’s porch! Btw, my blogged moved to
LOVE the Target dresses… I wore the floral one on my blog last week! Absolute perfection. Will definitely have to check out those swimsuits. So glad I found your blog! Thanks for stopping by P&P! Would love to keep up with one another :) Jealous of your Florida views… I’m from St. Pete and miss the water desperately.
xo, Bekka
Palm and Peachtree, A Fashion and Lifestyle Blog
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Swooning over those maxi dresses! I was at Target today and didn’t notice them…I will have to go back… poor me! :-)
Looks like a great weekend. I like the tribal dress more than even the original print! Also … all those shoes please!
In love with those Target maxi dresses and thanks to you telling me about that sale, I will now be doing some online shopping. Thanks…thanks a lot….haha!
i love both dresses! the weather in miami was IN-FREAKING-CREDIBLE and i was really sad to come back because it’s raining and sucky here and i swear, my tan fell off as soon as i landed in toronto :(
Vodka and Soda
Sounds like you had a great weekend! You got some great target purchases too!
Looks like a great weekend! I am so in need of some summer dresses, time to shop!
Oh man I love that tribal and coral suit. I’m on it. Need it! I love going to sushi places where the chefs just make you things that are amazing. Which reminds me Its been awhile since I’ve had sushi. Date night this week will include sushi. ;)
Those dresses are too cute and would be perfect for a tropical vacation!
Bahahha! I love how you had the target items all tallied up and suggested more items to get to the $75! Hilarious! :) true bargain shopper there! I’m totally going to target this week because I’ll be down in the city and I have a few other things I need! Although I don’t know if I can do that strapless dress because my saggy titobitty’s ruin everrrrrything cute and strapless! Oiiivey! Anyways, sounds like you had a great weekend! Oh and yes I love your pose teaching the class! Your invisible crown was totally on point too! ;) Have a great rest of the week!
Wow, that was an action packed weekend! I’m quite impressed with your braiding skills, I’ve never been able to do one in my life! Although not on the beach, we became friendly with the owners of the sushi place we frequent, and reap the benefits whenever we go!
I have those glitter sandals in gold & black from last year and they are my favorite things ever! That first bathing suit is awesome, I haven’t seen it at my Targets yet, but I will keep my eye out!
I SO wish I liked sushi because it always looks so pretty & fun! So awesome that you guys have such a great restaurant- I want to be a regular like that somewhere someday :) I can’t believe all of those shoes are from Target! I feel like I’m living under a rock or something! Love both of those maxi dresses too and what great swimsuit finds! Also, is your hair lighter again??! Or am I just late on this? Either way you look gorgeous!
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