Happy Monday. You are not seeing things. This space of mine is getting a big upgrade/update! I have switched over to wordpress. Please bear with me as the OCD person in me continues to tweak and change the design….it is still in the very early stages. I love all the plugins that is such a huge difference with wordpress that I have already noticed and I think the pictures look a lot crisper and brighter! If you still land here with my old blogspot page make sure to update to https://meetat-thebarre.com Linking up with Biana and Meghan!
Mark and I were off again this weekend! This time we actually stayed in the state of Florida. We headed over to his parents house on the other coast to get some visiting in and some work done on my baby car. On the way down we stopped by Cakes by Ron who made our wedding cake and cupcakes. Since Mark’s dad did not get get a chance go try the cake the night, of we got his own for him.
After we dropped off my car we headed over to Morton’s for happy hour. I just got these shoes up in New York and I am obsessed. They go with everything and no lie the most comfortable heels I have ever worn. The leather is so soft and the foot area has great padding.
Dress Charlie Jade old similar here + here | heels (on sale!) here obsessed with this pair! | Purse LV Neverfull here | Mirror Sunnies here |
Trust me I needed one of these after this week.
Got to take this badboy for a swing. My father in law said this could be our child’s car when they turned 16. Even though it doesn’t have airbags. 70’s Corvette for a 16 year old? Clearly he never read this story. I paired those above shoes with a vintage 70’s leather suede skirt from Mark’s mom and the end result was fantastic.
Eat way too much this weekend. Salads and water all week long I’m telling you!
The rest of the weekend was spent trying to figure out how to install lots of new plugins and making a running list for my blog designer (sorry girl!) plus trying to get ahead for this week. Also tried my hand at finally baking chickpeas (recipe to follow this week). So good!
I hope you had a fabulous weekend! xoxoxoxo
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Yeeeah WordPress! The new design is SO SO pretty girl! Glad you had a feb weekend!
Love the new blog design! You’re making me want to switch over to WordPress! I’m doing good posting 3 blog posts a week so let’s not get ahead of ourselves! Those pics of you in they sports car look like they came from a magazine! Total model!
woo hoo on making the switch and looks like it was an easy transition for you!! The weekend looks like a blast and I can’t wait to see how you roasted those chickpeas…I want some now!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Congrats on the new space and making the big move!!
Looks like you had a great time this weekend–I think it’s so nice that you guys picked up a cake for Mark’s dad–so thoughtful! :)
Love you and that car–talk about a throwback! I’d definitely say to stay away from the airbagless car for a 16 year old tho lol
Hope your Monday is off to a good start!!
YAY WORDPRESS! So excited for you girl. It’s looking great! Adding your new link to my reader now :)
Congrats on the site upgrade…it looks great! I’m looking forward to hearing how your baked chickpeas turned out, I always love snacking on them but haven’t made my own yet!
what a fun weekend! and congrats on the move to wordpress! FYI you can set up a redirect so your old url forwards to the new one. This is especially helpful with any old pins etc.
YES TO WORDPRESS!! Finally website soul mates haha. I am LOVING the new design!! Also looks like you had a fab weekend girl! Cheers to having fun while staying in town. Also can’t wait for that recipe! xo
YAY!!! So glad the move is complete. I remember you telling me about it and girl it looks amazing. I love the colors [le duh] and your pictures look amazing!!! Hope the OCD in you gets everything the way you want it soon. I know how that goes, haha.
Looks like a lovely weekend! xoxo
ps.com I think that car is amazing!
First of all, you’re right- those shoes are adorable. I also really love the leather skirt! Sounds like a good weekend and I hope you got your car all fixed up!
What a fun weekend!
I have been SO curious about baking chickpeas–I cannot wait for your recipe!
What an awesome car! And yeah… first car for a teenager? Uhh… no. Haha
Have a great week, lady!
Yay for the blog facelift! Love it! You kinda make me want to make the move to WordPress… then I remember what a pain in the butt it would be and how expensive it is to do it and then I realize, I’m just going to stick with Blogger haha! Glad you had an awesome weekend with the in-laws and by the way, now I want a mojito! Happy Monday love!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
LOVE the new site!! I’ve been tossing the idea of switching over, too and you may have just given me the motivation that I need! So glad you guys had a great weekend – I hear you on salads and water now for this week, I ate alllll of the food!
Love the new look!! WordPress may be the new way to go! I love your weekends – you always do so much fun stuff and look so chic while doing it all!
Great job on the WP move!
Lovely vintage skirt from Mark’s mom.
The new site looks fantastic, girl! I’ll be anxious to hear about the whole transition. Looks like you had another great weekend – those shoes definitely look perfect for any outfit.
Love the new look, it looks fantastic! Congrats on the update. Looks like it was a fab weekend.
Love those shoes and that printed dress!! I’m glad that you had a nice weekend with your in-laws. :-) I hope that you have a fab day today too!! Oh and love the new look of the blog too!! :-)
Oh my – when did you change your blog layout? Super FANCY!
And those shoes are so pretty!
Hey – baked chickpeas! I had some of those on my Duck Confit Salad at 54 Below – SO TASTY!!!
Yay!!! Welcome to WordPress!!!!! I hope you love it as much as I do. It is so fun getting to learn all of the things. Looks like you had a great weekend, those shoes are fabulous! Happy Monday!
Looks like a fun weekend!! Love that CAR!!!
The new site looks great!! Definitely has a different feel to it but I like it :)
Such a clean look …
but I’m not sure if it will automatically work on Bloglovin’ but I don’t see your new address over there.. it just takes me back to the blogger site link.
Loving the new look gurlie! I’ve thought about wordpress for a while now, but am so afraid to make the switch :-P
Love the new site! It is amazing and what a weekend you had!! xoxo
Yayyy so exciting!! I love this new blog look and your whole new space :) That Corvette is awesome – my husband would LOVE it! Have a great week.
I LOVE the new look. It is perfect. We are doing our business site/blog on wordpress. Which will hopefully be up and running in the next couple months! xo
That’s amazing you all booked it to NYC recently just for fun! Love that. Your new site is looking awesome, girl. As is that profile pic! Excited to see the final looks!
The new site is looking so good! Selfishly I’d love to see a rundown of the plugins you use and love sometime in the future – it would make things a heck of a lot easier for if/when the transition happens for me! I was so jealous of all your outings during the winter – the weather is finally nice enough to enjoy time outside here, so I’m looking forward to get out of hibernation!! P.S. You are looking AMAZING in your sidebar photo!
Your new design looks awesome along with all your weekend happenings and lovely outfits!
New blog designs are so exciting!!! But super stressful. lol It looks great so far! And how awesome was the Florida weather this weekend?! Even with a little rain it was gorgeous.
Yay for new blog designs! Making the switch from Blogger to WP last year was the best blog decision, ever!
I hope you have a smooth transition to WordPress. I switched about a year ago and while I love the functionality of WordPress, it was hard to get used to! I’m still learning new things every day but glad to have other bloggers I can chat with about it! The new design is so classy and pretty!
Whoohoo! I’m likely making the switch later this year… It’s just so daunting! But Blogger has really been driving me nuts lately – so limited with what I can do! And the plugin situation is awful. Anyway, your weekend looks like a blast! I’m right there with you on the salads and water diet…
Those shoes are fabulous! Baked Chickpeas, sounds really good. Congrats on moving to WordPress!!
LOVING the new design, girlfriend! It’s so chic and clean.
Also loving this post – those pictures are incredible and you look GORGEOUS as always and with all the ways you styled your gorge heels. That is hysterical about the car! Totally sounds like something my dad would say (he offered to teach me to drive stick on his M5, which was too much pressure for my anxious self). You look great in it! :)
Happy start of the week – I’m with you on the salads and water after a food filled weekend :)
Love the new look lady! Hahaha… the seventies corvette reminds me of growing up in the Motor City when everyone drove Corvettes, Trans-Ams, Camaros and Mustangs! Vintage clothing yes please!!!
I love the new look! Those shoes are to die for!
congrats on the wordpress change girly, moving up in the world ;) those shoes look amazing on you, and yeah i should think maybe any child of yours should stay away from cars until 21? haha jk!
i love the new blog design! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Sounds like a great weekend. That’s so sweet that you got his dad his own cake since he couldn’t try any of yours.
I loveee your new design! Especially your photo on the side, it’s gorgeous!
OK, so tell me (or please do a post about) your switch to WordPress! Are you happy? Who did it for you?
Love love the new update! I have been thinking about moving over, but I’m too lazy to do it. Haha. Those shoes are to die for, friend! You’ve paired them up so perfectly with your outfits!
Love the new design! And yay for WordPress! Looks like such a fun weekend! I’m loving your Charlie Jade dress. :)
Yay for making the switch! It looks fantastic!! You will be so happy you did! Sounds like a fantastic weekend. That car is awesome!
What a fun weekend! You have me wanting to go on vacation :)
Hey girl! so sorry I’ve been MIA. Sometimes life gets nutty. Anyway, the blog looks amazing, you look amazing. I adore your dress and hat!
Can’t wait to catch up on your posts.
Your new design looks amazing! What a great weekend! Those shoes are awesome. And so are those vintage pieces! Hope you are having a great week! xo
I really love the new look. Did you have someone design it or did you do it yourself? It looks amazing!!
that car is so fun!!
Looks like a fabulous weekend! How thoughtful of you to get your FIL a cake from the same place as your wedding since he missed out on it! I would die if my child was given that vehicle for his 16th birthday! :)