Trying to sneak anything past my mother is incredibly hard. Even when I call my dad’s phone nine times out of ten she will pick it up to say hi or stand over his shoulder till he gives the phone up. I asked him to on the stealth mode scan me some throwback pictures as a surprise…..I can only imagine the scene my dad trying to go through photo albums without my mother inquiring why. Maybe he was able to accomplish the plan while she was at the gym. I’ll have to ask him about that.
I did realize one thing with these throw back pictures…..clearly as Mark pointed out I was a friendly looking child. I definitely wasn’t happy about my Alice and Wonderland costume probably because I wanted to wear it all day long and not take it off to bring home. Then with those fingers crossed brooding away look clearly I was up to something mischievous as always in the second pic. My mother as our Brownie’s leader because you know all that spare time with her six kids. She probably was sewing curtains while teaching us our core values. I wonder where I get my multitasking from.
I wanted to take a second and wish my mother a Happy Mother’s Day and a Happy Birthday today!! I know it is early but she is boarding a flight today to see my other sister “love the one you are with” in the words of my mother. So I wanted her to see this before she flew up with the Jerz.
Happy Mother’s Day and Birthday to my ultimate role model and moral compass. My mother who always sees the world through rose colored glasses…..like for instance yesterday when I was stuck in traffic and her response was “it’s a good time to reflect and just be with your thoughts”. Who is never a gossip because “it’s not my story to tell” and always pushing me to be fiercely independent and financially savvy. Who raised me by the motto “anyone can buy anything full price” see that is why I’m always scoping out the best deals for y’all. Side note I am cracking up….look at that car seat it looks like a glorified plastic bucket…..wow how we have come a long way hahahaha. I also hope I can remember lipstick and mascara while looking that fabulous on the way home from the hospital. Is that the van from this post?
I always said growing up I never needed a therapist because my mother was the best one around. I am the youngest of six and my mother has more wisdom than one can ever imagine. In her words “I raised 6 only children” and I can tell you that is a true statement. She is completely selfless and has devoted herself to raising 6 successful children and has been blessed with 5 beautiful grandchildren.
As my sister and I always say she is the original Martha Stewart (which is probably why I can’t sew a button on a shirt but that is besides the point). I love you so much Mom and I am beyond grateful to have you as my inspiration and role model. Happy Mother’s Day to the women who always kept me “cold and tired so I couldn’t get into that much trouble“. See she strapped those little blades on me when I could start walking and threw me onto the ice. At least she helped in the beginning ;-)
Love you mom! Happy Birthday!
I also wanted to wish an early Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there especially my sister! I wrote this post forever ago about how hard it is to be a mom! I hope everyone will be spoiled accordingly xoxoxo
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Yes! My mom was the brownie troop leader also! haha I still send things to my mom’s house for her to sew! That is awesome that she raised you all to be cautious with your finances. I bet she is amazing at time management. Ask her if she has any tips for me! lol xo
Aww so sweet! Your mom sounds awesome! And you already know how I feel about her in that fur coat at your wedding ;) Love that you skated when you were younger, I did too!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
This is such and incredibly sweet and fabulous post. Those throwback pictures are amazing and your wedding pictures with your mom are gorgeous, just gorgeous! Moms are pretty wonderful and yours sounds awesome <3!
I adore this post!! Who knew you had such dark hair as a baby!! The photo of your entire family at your wedding and your mom has a look of pure joy on her face!!! Your mom is a wise woman and it’s clear she raised one heck of a woman in you!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Look at those cute photos of Little Amanda, and her calm and patient mom! lol
I personally like the old newspaper photo of you two skating :) This is a very sweet post and a wonderful tribute to your mom. I’m sure she will be beaming with pride after reading it!
So so sweet!! Your mom is going to love this post :) I need to keep her mentality when I’m stuck in traffic too… that might help my road rage. ha!
So sweet! And I am laughing at how un-smiley you are in these pics! Haha, I love it. I feel like as I get older, family is everything and now that my sister is a new mom and I see my mom enjoy being a grandmother, it’s just been so amazing to witness ;)
Your mom is beautiful! I am terrible at putting together thoughtful gifts. I’m like a dude. I just send my mom gorgeous flowers. That’s all I am capable of HAHA! Plus the woman has anything and everything in the world. So that leaves me with nothing to get her.
Great post! 6 kids! Wow! I can barely handle 3. My youngest had a headful of dark hair at birth and now she is a blonde too. Have a great day!
Such a sweet post! Your mom must be an amazing woman to have raised six children (give her an award!) and they all turn out so well! That’s no easy task! You look so much like her and you’re so successful – such a testament to her!
oh my gosh your mom is a gem. so cute. love the throwback photos of you guys! and so funny re: the car seat or should we say bucket? ha. amazing how we all have gotten out alive with safety back in the day! :)
Awe, this was so sweet! It’s so nice to see that other women have as close a relationship with their mothers as I do mine. You are a lucky girl!
Love love love! Happy Birthday to your beautiful mother!!
This is the sweetest post!! Your mom sounds incredible and your whole family is beautiful! I totally see where you get it from ;) Happy Mother’s Day and Birthday to her :)
This is the sweetest! Your mom sounds like an amazing woman.
I love that bit about raising 6 only children. That’s kind of how I feel we grew up–all four of us, separate, even though we were one family. :)
I love your mom’s positive outlook on life! She sounds like a wonderful person. She had to be to raise 6 kids! That’s just insane! But I bet it’s fun during the holidays!
Awwww, happy birthday to your mama! Look at that car seat! Goodness they’ve come a long way. And your face in all the pics are priceless! Love these old photos!
What a beautiful post, Happy Birthday to your amazing mother!
So beautiful! And I especially love the pic of her breaking it down at your wedding, so fun! And has anyone ever told her she looks like Princess Diana? Beautiful mama :)
These pictures (and your mom – duh!) are everything!! Love, love, love this post! Happy birthday and mother’s day to an amazing mom – particularly who went with the Alice costume… because that’s the cutest thing ever. And how joyful was she on your wedding day?! LOVE.
What a wonderful sweet heartwarming post! Your mother is a very special lady and you are a very lucky gal. I hope your Mother has a wonderful birthday and a fantastic Mother’s Day. Beautiful pictures.
This post is too sweet! You look a lot like your Mom! Happy early Mother’s Day to her!
Your mom sounds amazing! My mother was an incredible role model as well. And even though I wish more than anything she hadn’t passed away 10 years ago, it did start me on a path to start my own business. It may have still happened if she were still alive but the passion and motivation would have been completely different. I know you can’t be with yours this Mother’s Day but if you want to think about her on Sunday, do what I do…have a cookie and smile :) http://bethblackercallmecrazy.com/2015/05/06/the-history-of-mothers-day-a-day-for-sentiment-and-smiles/
Love this! Your mom seems like a beautiful person! Love all her little sayings! It’s clear where you get your looks from too! No denying she’s your mom!!
this is so sweet! sounds like you have a wonderful mom :)
I love these pictures! Aren’t Mom’s the best? I’m cracking up at the plastic bucket comment hahah sooooo true! :)
xo, Jen
well if this isn’t the sweetest post i have ever read!! your mom sounds absolutely amazing, and you turned out fabulous so she must have done something right ;) seriously though girl, she is amazing and i love that you love her so much. so when can we expect you to be rocking the lipstick and the van on the way home from the hospital? just kidding ;)
Awe!!! Such a sweet post! Your mom sounds amazing, especially with 6 children!!!!
This is such a sweet post, Amanda! Happy Birthday to your mom! And that first wedding picture of you and her while she’s fixing your veil is absolutely beautiful!
Beautiful post lady! And oh my gosh, I had no idea that you were the youngest of six!! Love the old pictures too, they are so cute and so funny. You and your mom are beautiful ladies too!! :-)
What an incredible post! I loved it:) You look beyond stunning as a bride. so gorgeous.
Happy Friday!
What a sweet post Amanda. It sounds like you and your mom are really close. And 6 kids! Wow, she is a saint! :)
So cute! And I love how happy she looks in the family photo from your wedding! :D
What a great reflection of your mother’s love and attention. Such a beautiful and nostalgic post!! It’s sweet she has always been there and close and interested, and supportive… that’s what any child wants from their parents.
The newspaper picture of you ice skating with your mom is too darling!! Great photos all around!
All the Cute
Today’s Post: Cropped Top & High-Waisted Denim Shorts (Earrings giveaway post, too!)