Hello all my loves! How much do I love scheduling posts?!?! I am currently sitting in the Delta sky club at JFK, sipping on an adult bev, writing this post and admiring all my hard work of getting myself and Mark both in carry on bags for our entire trip. Do you believe me?? It happened. You know when I get back I’ll tell you all the details on how I did it. We are enjoying all the honeymoon perks of upgraded seats, lounge access and drink tickets. People just love people in love don’t they? I have lined up fabulous guest posts every day that we are gone so make sure to stop by and give all the girls some major love for me. Speaking of love, shout out to my brother and his wife who are house sitting for us. Y’all are the best, I hope you get a few rounds of golf in Bryan! Let’s get right into these favorites!
Favorite Song
Y’all know my love for songs that make you want to move. This one has been on repeat lately. Untouchable Tritonal & Cash Cash.
Favorite Recipe
True story. Mark makes this about once a month. It is so good but warning there is a healthy serving of butter. You can’t cut it out though because it really balances the heat. It is so worth it! I serve mine over brown rice…..it makes me feel a tiny bit better! New Orleans BBQ Shrimp recipe found here.
Favorite Workout
All about those arms! I mean I outlined it quite extensively in this post. It’s tank top and bathing suit season isn’t it! Original pin here.
Favorite Moment of the Week
When Bloglovin got their act together and decided to start publishing my posts again. I got so many emails from people asking where I went. I’ve been here! Just bloglovin was either not updating or updating like a day late. Thanks jerks. They have stellar customer service……only took like a week to respond. I think I may be changing over to Feedly! Who is with me! You can follow me here on feedly or have my latest posts sent to your email (my mom really digs it….how is that for advertising ;-)
Favorite Purchase
I got so many great recommendations on what to bring on our European travel and you know what the winner was? This bad boy. Like hello….why has it taken me this long to discover? Now you are not at the mercy of questionable faucet water or being charged $4 for a tiny bottle anymore. Thank you so much Audrey for that stellar rec! Also the clip is key because like hello yeah that is precious real estate inside my bag.
Favorite Funnies
When Mark tells me he got me a present and I immediately head to the freezer
If one of my girlfriends takes too long to get ready on a Friday and my couch ends up winning
My feelings of the unlimited tray of peanut butter cookies staring at me right now.
When Mark says that he’s grabbing food with the guys after softball but he’ll bring me a burger home.
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!!
On a total sappy side note….thank you everyone for all your well wishes and sweet words! I’m going to miss you guys this week! I promise I’ll have lots of exciting things to share with you when I get back! Make sure to stop by every day and see who my guest bloggers are! Alright it’s your turn tell me your favorites from the week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxoxo
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HAVE THE BEST TRIP!!! Carry on bags only?! You are totally my hero!!
Yay for honeymoon week finally being here! Your picture from the Delta Sky Club yesterday made me totally jealous! That adult beverage while I was sitting there in meetings… so not fair ;) Hope you guys have the most amazing time! And all of your Friday funnies are killing me! SO good! Can’t wait to hear ALL about your trip girl!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
Scheduled posts are the best! Have a blast, love!
Have a great time in Greece! I moved over to Feedly too, Bloglovin still hasn’t gotten their act together in over a week. Not cool!
Oh my gosh, that first pic of the sunset in Greece, I can’t even! You are going to have the best trip ever!
Have an amazing time away finally getting to spend some amazing married time! Make some memories!
Yes, the “yes I’m going out, yes I’m going out, yes I’m going out…. nope. Sorry, not feeling it any more” happens all the time!
Have an absolutely amazing and magical time gurlie! <3
And ughhh… Bloglovin has been awful for several weeks now. I've pretty much switched back to using GFC for my feed again, and typing in the URL's of my favorite blogs who don't have it. Everyone jumped ship with Google for Bloglovin and now Bloglovin looks like they're going to lose everyone unless they get their crap together :-P
Have a great trip!! I’ve also been having issues with bloglovin’. I guess to Feedly I go.
OMG So lucky! I’ve been wanting to go to Greece for so long! I hope you have fun! Also, I’ve totally made that shrimp dish! I love it! I found one that’s a little faster to make and it’s just as good! I’ll have to post it soon!
Have an amazing honeymoon!!! I can’t wait to hear all about it! I love the song you shared! So fun!
Her Heartland Soul
lol on those last two gifs. so great. and thanks for the arm workout – i need it for summer! have an amazing time there! i mean you’re already there but yay! can’t wait to hear all about it :) xoxoxo
My bloglovin hasn’t been updating either! Maybe Feedly really is the way to go! I hope you have the most amazing trip and cannot wait for all of the pictures and most importantly, how you got it all in carry ons! xoxoxo
Have the best time, girl! I know you will. :)
Happy Honeymooning!!!
I cannot wait to hear all about your trip. I’m so impressed that you just took a carry-on!! Looking forward to hearing how you accomplished that as well. Have a wonderful Honeymoon!!
Hope you have an amazing time! Can’t wait to read all about it! :)
I hope you have the most wonderful time ever!!!! Can’t wait to hear all about it! :)
I was wondering where you were!! Your posts weren’t showing up on my GFC! Happy to see that has changed :) HAVE A GREAT TRIP LADY!
Eek! So fun! I’m so happy for you! Ireland was my #1 destination to visit and now that I’ve been there, Greece is next on my list. I can’t wait to hear all about it! I hope you two lovebirds have so much fun and relaxation!!!!!!!!!!! <3
I am digging that song!!! And I just pinned that recipe. I have never cooked shrimp at home before but I really want to start and that looks delicious! Paula Dean said a little butter never hurt, right? Like dairy! :)
I hope you guys have the most amazing time!!!!!! xoxo
Hope you have the best trip ever! I’m so excited to hear about it when you get back!
I hope you’re having the absolute best time so far! Can’t wait to see all your pics on IG!
Have the BEST time girl, enjoy every single second and all of those fabulous upgrades :)
You always have the best funnies! Have a lovely time on your honey moon and be safe! Totally need to start doing those arm workouts. (; This flabby arms don’t look so sexy in my summer dresses. (;
Your blog redesign is really striking.
it could be because I just cleaned my computer screen (which I don’t do often enough) but your pictures are amazing. I don’t eat shrimp and that picture made me drool :-)
Enjoy Greece!
Have an absolutely amazing time!!! I can’t wait formally do your recaps because I know they’ll be so informative and just perfect! Enjoy your honeymoon!
yayyy carry on only! you go girl. can’t wait to hear all about your trip! have the best time :)
Bahah would totally allow the burger-exchange to occur as well. It’s the little things ;) have the most AMAZING TIME EVER in Greece!! Eek! Enjoy, love!
have fun! greece is on my travel bucket list!! can’t wait to see the pictures!
Hope you are having a wonderful Honeymoon in Greece!!!!
Enjoy your trip!! Can’t wait to read all about it when you get back.
What is with Bloglovin lately?! I just now got this post … I may have to join you in switching. I’m definitely looking at the arm workout post since I need all the help that I can get. I hope you’re having an amazing time!
Have an amazing time girl!
I can’t wait to hear all about the trip! Have a great time lady.