Happy Monday. Was it sunny for you this weekend? There was so much rain in Florida this weekend that the streets by my old condo were completely flooded and people were taking kayaks out to the streets. Isn’t that a smart idea? With the intermittent break in the rain we actually got out and had a really fun weekend! Linking up with Biana who I will be seeing in just a few days!
So I know I’ve said it before but snapchat is so addicting. Anyone interested in a little tutorial? It took me a little bit to figure it out but now I feel like instagram is so last season. Here is some quick snaps from my weekend. Follow me @meetatthebarre
Saturday I was up bright and early to barre and then running errands in between the showers. Then we headed over to Wazoo. It is one of the top 10 beer fest in the USA. The VIP tickets were the way to go.
Thank goodness for these bad boys that is all I have to say.
Wore my new watch. Obsessed with the face on it and how lightweight it is!
Did some late night sushi eating
Highlight of the weekend was opening my new favorite Amanda Uprichard piece. Can’t wait to bring this to Charleston. Perfect print for the South right?
The rest of the week was spent doing the usual, cleaning, writing, and grading. How was your weekend? Did you have dry weather? Have you seen the Counting Crows live before? Make sure you check back on Wednesday I have a blogging tutorial post about the number one thing you need to grow your blog traffic that you do not want to miss!
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What a fun weekend! I just added you on Snapchat! I’m @erin.fairchild
Her Heartland Soul
i would even argue that late night sushi is the best kind of sushi. :)
I’m convinced it’s never going to be sunny here again. Which is sad. But at least we’re off to Charleston in a few days! Glad you had a great weekend love!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
My sisters and friends have been trying to get me on snap chat for the past year+ but I just haven’t gotten into it. Your snaps are pretty fun though, free tickets are fabulous! So is your watch and sushi, yummmmmmmmy! I hope the sunshines for you soon! Rock it out this Monday, xoxo!
Yes please do a snapchat tutorial – I just can’t figure it out for the life of me LOL!! I can’t wait to see your new dress in person girl! And a weekend that has sushi in it is my favorite!! Happy Monday :) xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Pretty dress! I saw the flooding pics and whoa that looked intense.
That sushi looks so good and it’s only 7:15 AM. That dress will be perfect for CHS!
Girl. I am so done with this rain. It literally won’t stop. And it’ll continue to rain allllllllll week long. GAH!!!!!
That dress is gorgeous! Love it!
My post said the same thing about the rain and here we are again this morning!! I have no idea what I’m doing with snapchat and how to get the stories I think they’re called. #clueless
My neighbor is OBSESSED with Adam from the Counting Crows, and they went to go see them up in St. Augustine this weekend. How awesome that you got free tickets! And yay for snapchat! It took me a little while to get the hang of it too, and now I’m totally addicted :-D
Cheers to a fabulous week gurlie and hopefully some sunshine <3
I feel like I already know about your whole weekend because of Snapchat lol. Looks like you all made the best of the rainy weekend and still had an awesome time! I hope that you got up and danced to that song you had on your do not play list ;) lol
This rain is out of control! I definitely don’t mind the cooler weather, but this dreary morning has not been a great way to start my Monday. Your Trader Joe’s snaps have me wanting to go ASAP! I absolutely love their coconut oil body butter. That stuff is amazing!
this weather is just the worst. i get it! loving the watch you have going on there and that new outfit for charleston looks cute! you guys are gonna have the best time! too exciting! xoxo
I’ve heard the Counting Crows are only mediocre in concert… But if I could go to a show where they’d play all their old hits, I’d be there in a hot minute, singing along to all of them! Such a bummer your weather has been gross for the last two weekends! This spring we had like 40 days straight of rain and it was so depressing! At least your boots are cute and you’re still getting out and about :)
I am not down with snapchat. Maybe I have to join. I am beginning to get into Periscope lately though. And I’m totally loving the live feed ability. Although I’m not brave enough to post on my own account just yet. I guess I’m waiting for something interesting to post about.
Counting Crows is my sister’s FAVORITE band (I like them too). ;)
I was so jealous when I saw your snap that you were there! So fun.
I am all about snapchat too. It has been so much fun to use!
It’s been so dry here in SC. Last night, we actually saw some grass on fire. EEK! I guess I’m WAY behind the time because I didn’t even know you video on Snapchat. I’d love a tutorial on it!
What a fun weekend! My husband would love that beer fest – he’s what I like to call a beer snob. That piece from AU is gorgeous – love the colors!
Pretty sure you sent all your rain to NC today… thanks for that -_- Looks like a great weekend! I loved following along via snapchat. DYING over your Amanda Uprichard dress, ugh why do they have to be so expensive??
Snapchat is the best! I did a Snapchat for bloggers post and I think EVERYONE should get on it – especially bloggers. Can you send some of that rain to Texas?!
Looks like you made the most out of a rainy weekend! I stayed home and organized all the things and did a lot of DIY projects. Hoping this rain clears up soon! xx
Audrey Adair | http://www.happilyaudrey.com
I don’t have a snapchat yet! I never really felt like I needed one, but now I’m starting to feel like I’m missing out haha!
Stinks about the rain. We had that in June here. That beer fest looks like it was still fun though. Your video was so cute too. It is so nice to hear your voice! :-) LOVE your new top too!!! :-)
the beer fest sounds so fun, and the sushi looks delish. Was the late night sushi after the beer fest? Yep, Hunter Wellies are such a life saver. Finally, can’t wait to see you in that gorgeous dress!
We actually, for once, had really dry air this weekend!! It was marvelous and it makes me totally jealous of the parts of the country that get to enjoy the warm air without all that disgusting humidity! I love Counting Crows!! So awesome you got to go to a concert, and a brewfest too?!?! I still haven’t gotten in to Snapchat. I was hoping it would just go away, but I guess not huh?
So. Much. Rain.
Nice score with the free concert tickets!! We got rained out to but sounds like you were able to get a lot done outside. Beer festivals are always a good time!
That dress will be perfect for Charleston! And yes to snapchat! So great! Hope the sun comes out for ya soon!!
charleston! how fun, bet you’re so excited :)
following you on snapchat now girlfran!
can’t believe all the rain you all got, for once we had a nice weekend here lol
I downloaded Snapchat a little while ago and I feel like I’m just now beginning to get the hang of it, even though I have barely posted a thing. I had a ridiculously embarrassing moment where I had to ask a 16-year-old about it and I wanted to straight up die. I am not old enough to need that kind of technological help…
So jelly of your sushi eating! I would die for a good roll right about now!!!!
We had mostly a sunny weekend. We attempted our County Fair Friday night, and we got caught in the pouring rain and then it poured again Saturday morning but we ended up making it out Saturday night. It was quite muddy though! I have seen those Jord wooden watches all over blog land and I have decided I MUST have one!!
I’m not on snap chat but I see a lot of people in my industry (real estate/multi family) use snap chat to do apartment tours. it’s so interesting! I don’t know if I’ll get on that bandwagon though. I still love my instagram.
trish – tales from trish
How do you fit it all in?! That’s a packed weekend, lady!!
I heard about all the flooding and crazy weather down there! Hope it clears up soon! I have never even tried Snapchat, I am so clueless, lol! LOVE that dress!
Ya what the heck is up with all of this crazy rain?! Love your Jord watch and I cant wait to see how you style your new dress!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
it rained like a mofo here on sunday night – hail and everything. in some parts, trees were down, cars smashed to bits (because of the downed trees and hail) and streets were flooded. crazy!
That sushi looks divine! I am seriously drooling. Can’t wait to see what you pack for Charleston! xo
We’re going to Counting Crows tomorrow night – I need to Spotify their newest stuff, I’m only slightly familiar.
that dress looks gorgeous!! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Yes Snap chat! I keep telling people it’s the best app out there. If I could only keep one, that would be the winner. Totally added you btw. (;
Concerts and late night sushi sound like my kind of weekend. Unfortunately there was none of that. But I did manage to get some good fall shopping in!
Fun weekend girl! Rain boots mean ain’t no downpour gonna spoil a good concert or beer fest ;)
Counting Crows are the shit, yo!