Happy Monday y’all. I feel like I will be playing some catch up this week after the party that was this weekend. SEC football is no joke. I will tell you what, Saturday was a long day but 100% worth it. Plus, my brother got to experience his first Gator game and I think it was a memorable one for sure. Linking up with Biana for some Weekending catch up.
Let’s start a little before the Weekend. Thursday night we headed over to the sushi battle in Ybor. It would have been such a great event. If they didn’t over sell it by hundreds. Even the early admission has crazy lines.
Friday night was low key because we were up bright and early for the trek to Gainesville. Mark and I met at a Gator game in the early Fall. I always get warm and fuzzy feelings every time we make the drive up there together.
I was talking with one of my girlfriends Lauren. Her and her husband (who was in our wedding) both went to UF and now get to bring their son with them to the game. How special is that? We start them young here in the Swamp.
I was hit up throughout the day about my Gator outfit. Hasn’t game day gear really come a long way? I remember being in school and my only options were boxy Gator shirts or crazy expensive custom dresses from my dress maker. Since we were playing Tennessee, it was a “blue out“. This would be a great Gator blue home dress. I found this Tory Burch mini Robinson on major sale. It adds that perfect pop of orange and fits all you need for game day. Here are a few Gator (or Auburn) game day options.
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The tailgate snaps looked like a ton of fun! Who was the girl doing the back flips? lol Your outfit was Gator perfection :)
So glad you had a good weekend!
College football is my fave, simply for the atmosphere, and friends! I had to miss out on the sushi battle…we had a work conference M-Thu, with a dinner on Thu night that no one told me about. womp. Sorry I missed you!
YESSSS GO GATORS!!! What a game! I was actually able to get tickets, and I’m SO MAD that my boyfriend and I left before the game got crazy haha. We just weren’t in the mood to stand through that heat and crazy students behind us. I guess that’s when you know you’re getting old? ;P you look so cute! I wore a blue dress, as well.
A sushi battle – I would go to that event 100 times if you would let me lol!! Woo hoo for a barely there gator win and for you and mark getting to go to the game with your brother – so fun!! Your gameday outfit was perfect…I’ll be stealing it for LSU lol! Happy Monday love! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Go Gators!!! Such a nerve wracking game but so exciting!!
Loved following along with your day on snapchat! That game was crazy but very fun to watch! My favorite is the Amanda Uprichard blue dress #love
Linds @ Not A Mom
There’s nothing better than an SEC tailgate + game day! Seriously though, where were the cute tailgating options a while back?? Your’s looks perfect for an all day game!
There’s just something about sec football that is so exciting! Love your blue dress, perfect for the game! Looks like such a fun weekend! Go Dawgs!
Whitney & Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
OMG I want all of these blue dresses they are so pretty! Blue is a great color on you!
You two are adorable in your matching gator gear!! I totally love it!! And yesssss that blue is a power color for you!!
Freddie refers to any sports team for which he cheers as “we.” “We scored.” “We fumbled.” But he uses this pronoun for about five different teams so come football weekends I get quite confused as to which team he is actually talking about.
Fun fact over ;)
Sake tasting?! Amazing and makes me want to do….sake bombs!
Shocker. My team lost again :( It’s going to be a rough season this year for us. So glad you guys were able to pull out a win and that it didn’t rain on you!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
A sushi battle?! Now I’m sure that was a sight to see. It looks like you had so much fun at the game, too – I never knew you could dress so chic for football until I met all you southern girls!
Loving your game day outfit and the outfits really have come a long way! My sister would have loved the Sushi event! Have a great week!
I’m a TN fan so I can’t say I’m glad you ended up having a good weekend (only because y’all won) but you look adorable so I can’t hold a grudge lol. Also I love me some good ole Southern Football with people actually dressin up for the game.
I love the tradition of football games and think it’s fun when the next generation starts cheering. I’d say congrats on the win, but my mom’s side of the family is from Knoxville. Yeah, that game sucked! ;)
Yay for fall football weekends!!! Your game day outfit is so cute!!! I finally got a real jersey this year – not as cute, but still festive!!
Glad you guys had fun at the game! It was a close one!! I hate when events over sell tickets. We noticed way more people at our event that we went to this weekend than last and the first hour it was nearly impossible to get anything. It thankfully started to thin out some after the first hour so it became much more tolerable but I wanted to be like…stop eating all my food! Hahahaha!
Such a great tradition. One day you and Mark will take your kiddos and tell them the story of how you met. Love the dress btw!
I thought sushi battle seemed like it would be so fun! Bummer it was overly packed, that can seriously ruin an event!
Love all the blue! I can use it for UK appropriate looks and just leave out the orange ;)
Looks like a fun weekend! Love that royal blue dress — what a perfect look for the game! Happy Monday!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde’s Moment
You look so pretty! And that’s my biggest fear with those kind of festival things…just standing in lines all day without actually getting much of a chance to try anything!
Sounds like a fun Saturday! The sushi looks delish but too bad the even was overcrowded. Love your outfit for the game!
Love so much about this!! Game days are my favorite but it always takes me until about Tuesday or Wednesday to catch back up then it’s almost time to do it over again. So cute that you guys met at a game – we got engaged the night before the biggest game of the year so I definitely understand all those sweet memories coming back! Such a cute outfit – there really is so much you can do to add to game day looks now a days!
The first SEC game I’ll make it to this year will be mid-November so hopefully the weather is great for my maroon dress options, or this is a great excuse to find a gameday dress with sleeves!! I’m glad you had a fun weekend!
Fall is when Michael and I started dating and I get the warm fuzzies too! it’s just such a fun time!! and just subscribed to your newsletter!
SEC football for the win. Football weekends are the absolute BEST weekends, aren’t they? You look adorable.
Congrats on the win! That was a crazy game. I love the idea of a sushi battle, but only if I know I don’t have to fight lines for me sushi.
Looks like fun! Oh tailgating, I remember thee… Next year. Next year. SMU had their homecoming here this weekend and it was a madhouse! We tried to go to brunch semi-near that campus and were rudely awakened – that wasn’t happening! So glad you got to go have a little fun this weekend!
I’m not a football fan but Troy is a Gator’s fan. I should invest in that dress and purse and shoes and impress him like I’m a fan too LOL. I’m down for tailgating but it’s all boring after that for me. Trish – tales from trish
Loving my Tigers winning and watching our Heisman hopeful! Love the outfit! I need to upgrade my purple and gold from just a t shirt. Glad you had a great weekend!
That game was incredible – awesome win!! And loving all that gator-blue inspiration <3
Green Fashionista
What a fun weekend! And I love that color blue!
Her Heartland Soul
I didn’t realize you guys met at a game – that makes it even more special!! Congrats on your win! Loved your snaps, too – glad you were able to keep your bag dry ;)
We too watched the Gator game this weekend! I love the Gator blue dresses; perfect game day dresses! Glad you had a wonderful weekend!
looks like a really awesome weekend!!!!
I love your game day outfit! I am so jealous of all the tailgaiting I am seeing in the South this past weekend!
ok i totally appreciate that outfit you put together even if i’m not a gator fan :) super cute! and looks like a fun time for sure – great weather too!
xoxo cheshire kat
I fully support the colors if that blue were a little bit more navy for Syracuse ;)
You guys are so cute :) I understand the warm fuzzy feelings about football season hehe- Jared and I totally met because of our bond over the Bengals. Who by the way, are now 3-0! SO YES, I had a solid football weekend ;)
Ahh go Gators! It looks like you had so much fun at the game. Love your orange and blue! And thanks for sharing your pictures of the Sushi Battle! It sounded like so much fun.
So sorry to be commenting on this so late, I didn’t get to it this morning. Anyway!! That sushi event sounds like a lot of fun and cute picture of you and Mark. :-) I’m glad that you had a nice weekend lady!! :-)
There is seriously nothing like college football!! Hubs and I met at UNC so we get all the feelings when we go back together :) loved keeping up with you on snapchat, as always. Xoxo
I’m one of the couldn’t care less about football people. But I’m all for tailgating! :D ;P
What a fun weekend! Definitely an awesome game and yum! That sushi looks amazing!!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
I love this and I love Brandon’s blog debut!!! so fun to hang out with you guys this weekend!!!
YES, my team won! In OT! I was almost a heart-stopper. Like you said, SEC football is no joke :) We start young too. My dad had football season tickets before I was born. I took my niece to a game when she was four. She’s now a freshman! I love those family collegiate traditions.
I love you even more now that I know you’re a Gator fan! HOLLA!
damn straight you were hit up all day about your outfit, it’s adorable! love it.