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How to Incorporate Fashion Posts in an Authentic Way
July 27, 2016Whenever I start to read up about the current “how to’s” of the blogging world, there is a common theme that seems to be what everyone is harping on right now. Your blog has to have a niche to be successful. You have to do one thing and do it well. So if that means you are a 20 something vegan who likes to run and you need to find good protein sources that don’t come from animals……then you need to be that vegan protein seeking runner. You can’t talk about a DIY project you just completed because that is not in your niche. I find that crazy. People come to your blog however many times a week because they want to check in with what YOU are up to. I’ve said this before in previous blogging tutorial posts but make people fall in love with you. Make people care what you have to say.
With that said, I get daily emails from bloggers asking about how to start to incorporate fashion posts into their blogs. Here is my first caveat about that. If you want to start doing fashion blogging because you think it will just lead to tons of free clothes and Nordstrom sponsoring you…..
You will be very disappointed.
If you want to incorporate fashion into your blog because you love it and you feel like you have something to say about it. Then do it. I personally feel you should blog about what you are passionate about. Who cares about that “niche“. If you are passionate about something, you will create amazing quality content that people are going to be drawn to. Then, they will look forward to those posts from you and you can incorporate them in an authentic way. Does that make sense? With that said here are a few points that I would like to interject on how to incorporate fashion blogging into your blog.
Mara Hoffman Fractals Dress find it here, here, (on major sale!!! limited sizes) and fully stocked Shopbop here.
Bring Something to the Table
Fashion and beauty blogging are the two most overly saturated markets right now in the blogging world. What can you do differently to make yourself stand out? What I have tried to do with my fashion posts is to make sure I appeal to all price points. If I am linking something high end, I always try to find a very similar dupe that is “budget friendly“. I try to give sizing info, talk about the quality of the product or how you could incorporate a piece like this into your daily life. If you just throw up a top and go “I love this top, it fits me perfectly and I got it on sale“.
And……….that gives me zero real information.
I’m sorry to be so harsh but you have to make yourself stand out. What makes your opinion count? Why are you an authority or go to for fashion posts? Are you really good at finding designer pieces on sale at TJMaxx? Can you find a dupe of a high end trend at an affordable price? Can you find pieces at the local Goodwill, sew them, and repurpose? Think about an angle that makes you an authority on this specific reason. Does that make sense? This will allow you to incorporate fashion posts authentically and in a believable way.
Take High Quality Pictures
Lace romper by J.O.A on sale with limited sizes here. Espadrilles Marc Fisher here.
I know I am a total broken record on this matter, only because it is that important. If you want to start incorporating true fashion posts into your blog, a selfie in front of your full length is not going to cut it for longevity. Now if there is a flash sale and you want to show me something quickly, then by all means. However, people are not going to be able to see the details of the pieces enough to feel comfortable with buying them sight unseen. You don’t need a DSLR camera but it will come in handy. If you are skilled with your iPhone, especially with editing, go for it! Just public service announcement…..please make sure all your pictures are taken in the same uniform size. I would strongly urge you though, if you want to incorporate fashion in a serious way on your blog….you need to get a good camera. Then learn how to use it. Check my tutorials here. I promise you, they are extremely user friendly.
Enlist Your Go to Person
It may be your significant other, your roommate, your parent, your friend, or another local blogger but you need to have a consistent schedule of someone who shoots with you. Luckily, my husband is very patient and takes my pictures. However, I have also enrolled one of my girlfriends who helps me as well. Find other local bloggers and shoot with them. Contact your local university and get a photography student who wants experience. Team up with a local photographer who wants exposure. Bribe people with Starbucks. Do what you have to do to start having a consistent shooting schedule because if you try to take pictures “on the way” to something…..it will never happen.
Don’t Worry…..You Can Always Cut Your Head Out
That was me being funny. Isn’t fashion blogging so odd? Half of the pictures have no heads. I get it, you want to see the clothes and details. Half the time Mark just snaps 50 pictures in a row of me walking, twirling, sitting, standing, and whatever else random. There will be at least 10 pictures that will work and the rest get deleted. Don’t worry or take it too seriously. When you force the shots….it looks painfully obvious. Just try to relax and shooting with the right person is half the battle.
Don’t Be Afraid to Say No
Eyelet skirt find here (runs small, if in-between sizes go up) ||| Fringe sandals under $35 here
I have a clause under my sponsorship tab that states not every product a brand sends will be featured on this space. Do not feel pressured to post some random water proof sandal that is the most uncomfortable thing in the world just because someone sent it to you. Especially if it was sent for free. Remember, we don’t work for free. Be true to your own style. If you are that vegan runner why are you posting a picture of yourself with a leather messenger bag? Once again bringing it back to the beginning of this post. Why do you want to add fashion posts to your blog? What makes you passionate about it? If you are that vegan runner and you want to share your favorite running shorts that are from a new up and coming company that only makes cruelty free products in California….then yes that totally fits. It allows you to incorporate fashion in an authentic way and something that you are passionate about.
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So there you have it. My advice for incorporating fashion posts into your blog in an authentic way. When people ask me what my blog is, I usually respond with Life + Style. That way I don’t pigeon hold myself into too narrow of a focus. My mother always raised me under the motto of “anybody can pay full price” and I’m always on a mission to find that great look for you at all price points. Have you tried to incorporate fashion posts? What have you found challenging about it? What are your blogging questions? If you liked this blogging tutorial check out my blogging freebies tab here. Also, I’d love if you would pin or save it on Bloglovin if you found it helpful!
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I completely agree with your frustration over the “niche” concept Amanda! I have been hearing that left and right but don’t fully buy into it because, like you, I think if someone is coming to your site it means they are interested in the content you’re providing, however varied it may be. This was a super useful post for me because, while I’m not a fashion or beauty blogger, I have been trying to learn about how best to incorporate actual useful information into that type of posts. Also, I LOVE that motto of your mom’s!
I love this post so much! I’m working on trying to give my blog a unique identity and offer value that is unique to me. It’s a work in progress, but I slowly think I’m getting there. :)
I definitely agree on not showcasing something that doesn’t feel right to you – turning something down is easier than having to post about it and give a negative review!! Thankfully we have two very patient husbands! xo, biana –BlovedBoston
This is such great advice my friend!! You totally hit the nail on the head with all your points!
I just adore you! Always keeping it real :) You are most certainly one of the most, if not the most, most relate able, authentic “fashion bloggers.” I used to follow a billion fashion blogger and now the list is verrrry slim because if I don’t actually care about you as a person then I really don’t care what you are wearing.
these are great tips! I only recently started adding more of fashion into my editorial and I’m loving the extra element of creativity! x
Good post, and I agree with you on the whole “niche” thing. I find that I don’t really care for a lot of fashion/outfit posts. I like when the pictures are more about the clothes than about the model. Kendi Everyday does a great job of this. Yes, there are several pictures of the same outfit in each post, but they are different angles, focus on different accessories, maybe show a slightly different styling (i.e. half tucking a shirt vs. untucked, etc.) and are just beautiful to look at so they don’t feel repetitive.
You always give the best advice…and useful tips. I love that. I enjoy seeing all the cut off head posts, because it’s so true…it’s more about the clothes than your face! Your pictures are always so beautiful and I love the way you incorporate it all!
I hate reading everywhere that you have to have a niche and can blog about one thing only. That just seems so boring to me and those are never the blogs I follow. Who wants to read about the same topic over and over? I like to see a mix of everything and actually feel like I’m getting to know the blogger behind the blog.
This is such great advice! Heck yes to not needing a niche – it’s much more freeing and I think you attract more of an audience with a variety of topics (all within reason, of course). Since I’m not the best at talking about fashion, I’m glad that I’ve still been able to incorporate those types of photos but with a topic that I’m passionate about. It makes me much more comfortable in front of the camera, too!
This is such great advice, Amanda! I love posts like this. And how true about cutting your head off HA! Side note: totally obsessed with the stripe skirt and black ruffle top up at the top. So on point!!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde’s Moment
Such great advice. I started in a niche of just food, but whenever i branch out I seem to get more hits. I always appreciate your lower cost dupes and sizing info. And I cannot get enough of the target fringe heels!
I love all your tips. Your fashion posts are my favorite of anyone’s because you are just you in them. I unfollowed most blogs that focus mostly on fashion because it gets boring every day to come to their page and see a bunch of stuff I could never wear or afford. I like that some of your pieces are high end and some are from places I shop regularly and you always are wearing something I think is totally adorable, even if I wouldn’t wear it myself. I dont believe in niche blogging for most people. It really limits you. Some people can pull it off just fine but most of us need some variety and personality to keep people coming back!
This is such a well-written post. Awesome tips. And you can always cut your head out….thank goodness hahah bc god knows we all have bad face days haha
All great tips! It is an over saturated market and you really have to love it and be willing to work for it to succeed. Having a support person and good photos has been essential for me.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thanks for the great advice that works not only for fashion but other types of blog posts!
Great post, girl! I’m always down to cut my head off if I’m not wearing any eye makeup or forget my sunglasses :)
xo, Kristina
Amanda, I love this post!! it is so spot on! thanks so much for sharing :)
Yes yes and YES! These are all so spot on and true! Don’t be afraid to say no and don’t sell yourself short! Per usual, you nailed it!
I agree with so much of this — especially with the it’s OK to say no! We can’t feature everything aand still be authentic.
As always, you’re keeping it real and I applaud you so much for it! I recently read something that told me if I wanted to be a serious blogger, I’d have to find my own niche. That kind of put a sour taste in my mouth. I “have” to label my blog? I don’t think so. I like my random here, there, and everywhere blog style. Actually that post inspired me to write something and I’ve been working on it for a week now. I have done a fashion post recently and it was one of those all in good fun posts. I think I’ll do more in the future, but I know next to nothing about fashion, and those posts will more along the lines me, showing my personal style. These tips are awesome though! I can attest to learning from your camera how-tos!
Yes yes yes to this post! I’m so sick of blogging needing to fit some perfect little box/niche of what others think it should be. Our blogs our own personal space, and my favorite blogs are the ones where the blogger’s true voice really shines through and they’re not wasting time and energy trying to be something they’re not. I also am a huge fan of fashion bloggers who post affordable/attainable items and don’t link to several items that make up an outfit that will set me back the same amount I’d spend on my mortgage payment. Beautiful pictures, true voice, and affordable options are where it’s at <3
Green Fashionista
You are always so spot on with these types of posts. I have fashion bloggers who post like 10 words and that’s it. Not authentic at all. Probably why you’re the only fashion blogger I follow anymore. :)
You are awesome as always. Fashion will never be my passion but I love to see others who “rock the runway” (or background wall)!!!
I know this post is about fashion, but I think it’s true for whatever people blog about. If it’s something you’re passionate about, people will come and read what you have to say! If you’re doing it for the money or the perks, it shows because you produce garbage content. I do agree that you have to niche down though. It doesn’t mean you can’t write about DIY or fashion, but do it from the angle of your niche. So if I did a fashion post, it’d be about functional clothes with kids, not high end Nordstom style I’d never wear in real life. A low cut evening dress would look ridic on my blog, but jeans, boots and a cute graphic tee fits perfectly. That’s my take on “niching down” anyway!
I love this so much and couldn’t agree more! I actually get tired of really driven niche blogs and I’m more inclined to spend time on one that I can relate to and find interesting. This was very helpful as I’ve been exploring the fashion side more and would love to incorporate more of it into my blogging. Sharing this :)
Beautifully Candid
I could care less about having a “niche.” People are complex and their blogs should be a reflection of that complexity. I love the tip to include sizing and fit information. I think that is something that is seriously lacking in most fashion posts and that’s the information that I need most to determine whether or not something will work for me!
Thank you for the great tips! Always love hearing what has worked for others and how to incorporate that for me!
Amanda I loved this article! And I think it’s so true that you don’t have to have a niche. I struggled so long for what I thought my niche is, and in the end I just started posting stuff that I liked and hopefully that is my niche. I’ve only started blogging this year and learn so much every day and this was really helpful. thank you!
Xx Madeleine
fabulous post girl… my thing is, i don’t follow any niche bloggers. good for them, but i like to get to know the person behind the blog and i struggle with that when it’s a specific niche. that being said, i google and pinterest the crap out of certain things, like travel or food or fashion, and the blogs i visit when searching for those things are almost always niche blogs.. you know? so they have their place and i love them when i want them, but as for everyday bloggers i follow to feel like they are my friends, the less nichey the better ;)
Love reading this! That is also exactly why I love to read you nowadays! I hate it when I find big time fashion bloggers who don’t even make an effort to write content at all… they just leave the photos there and send you outfit links. Ugh
Abby | Life in the Fash Lane