How to Stay Organized in the New Year With the Container Store
January 3, 2018
Happy New Year’s! Doesn’t it feel so odd writing 2018?! With the start of the New Year are you a resolutions kind of person or more of a goal setter? One of my goals is to be more efficient with my time especially since I want to spend every moment with my new addition. I want to stop wasting time on social media and use those precious minutes for creating content. The New Year is also a great time to get organized, refresh, and get rid of the clutter. I am so excited to be working with The Container Store to give you some ideas about how to organize for the New Year. Right now they have a HUGE sale with their Elfa custom closets. I had a custom closet put into Patrick’s nursery and I am over the moon excited about it. The entire process was seamless. I am lucky to have a Container Store nearby but it is just as easy to design a closet with an online specialist.
I made an appointment with a designer and came into the store to view all the options. I was immediately drawn to this color scheme.
Here is an available Elfa option. Talk about closet goals right? Dreams right here.
I had my installation date a a few days after the closet was designed. The installer who came was extremly professional and walked me through the whole process. From start to finish, it was completed in under two hours.
Talk about the finished product! I am in love with the functionality, design, and the mesh breathable pull drawers. This closet is extremely functional now and capabable of so much storage. Here it is with Patrick’s digs inside.
You may think the hangers are a splurge but they really complete the closet and it keeps like outfits together. The no slip grip on them are the best. The boxes give additional storage for loose items and outgrown clothes. I also use them for the next stage of sizes.
If you are in the market for organization and closet solutions, I highly recommend checking out The Container Store. Take advantage of the 30% off Elfa storage solutions. This is a sale that does not happen often!
Elfa closet here ||| Matching baskets here ||| storage bin here ||| hangers here
Thank you to the Container Store for sponsoring this post and to my readers who support the brands that work with Meet at the Barre!
It turned out beautifully and I love how everything has it’s own little place. When we did my closet I was most excited about everything being NEAT!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Love all blog posts with Patrick in them! Our kids all have Elfa closets and they are the BEST! They make cleaning up even easier for them when they get older, too!
We have a few stores here and I’ve never been in one. I’m intimidated and excited at the same time. I feel like I’d spend a million dollars. I need to just go!!!
The pull out drawers are great. Almost eliminates the need for additional dressers in a smaller space. Looks like the unit is adjustable to grow with your baby. Will pay for itself in time saved for being organized
He’s so stinking cute! Ah, Container Store I love you. We do not have one here but I bought a ton there when I lived in Austin and it makes my life so much better! I have a tiny closet for the whole house and would love to do this, but alas I rent and cannot. Love how organized everything is! Happy New Year my dear!
It’s hard to say what I love more, your happy photos of you and your baby OR the gorgeous closet. Look at all the space you still have on upper shelves. The installation looked pretty straight forward and neat. I must look on the website for garage help to organize the stuff of life! Such a great way to start the new year, all organized.
Those pull out drawers are so awesome! I wish we had a Container Store- I’m sure I would browse there for hours! How sweet is Patrick?!
We’re actually in the middle of making our closet more functional. I’ve been wanting to do it ever since I moved into my house almost three years ago. So I think I’ll be heading to The Container Store to finally get it done. Love the way yours turned out.
The closet looks amazing! So perfectly organized. Great job lady!!
xo Laura Leigh
Oh my gosh I loved how the closet turned out!! I am in love with every single thing at the Container Store!!
Oh my gosh thank you for sharing! I need an elfa closet in my life asap!
OMG, I love how this turned out! I’ve been asking David to help me organize my closet, but this seems like a better option! Totally saving this for when we tackle this project. Also, y’all are the sweetest! xx, I’m Fixin’ To
Being organized is a wonderful time saver. Good New Year’s resolution. Yiu are off to a GREAT start with a super product line!
It turned out amazing!! I need to do this to my closet!
Looks amazing!!!! His clothes and shoes are SOOO cute and tiny!! I love it. :-)
Awww those two last picture with you and Patrick are so sweet!!! His closet looks amazing!!! I so miss having a Container Store near me, the closest is Atlanta. Those are closet goals for real! My next house will most definitely have some kind of awesome system like this.
Ummm… Can I have his closet please?! I need to do this to all of our closets! You look amazing btw and he is just too precious!!
OMG!!! This closet looks amazing! I need all the things!!
It turned out beautiful! I love the Container Store, I organize half of my home with their systems. Xo, nelli
It looks amazing Amanda! It makes such a big difference in every day life. Happy New Year!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
That turned out so good! Reese’s closet is so tiny I am struggling with finding some good organization for her room.
When I get married this fall and need help organizing in apartment living, I’m seriously going to swear by the Container Store, I just know it! This closet organization is amazing!
OMGGGGG I needed this post! I need to reorganize my whole home! Yours looks amazingggg
Xo Mindy amxiofmin.com
The finished closet looks amazing! Those mesh pull-out bins look like lifesavers!
xx, Danielle | Pineapple & Prosecco
This came out so well. I need a solution for our master closet because our original contractor didn’t finish it, nor did the one who came in after him to clean up his mess. As a result, I have THE WORST non-functioning master closet. (insert all the eyerolls.) I have no idea what this should run cost-wise, but it looks like it’s worth every penny!
Your closet looks fantastic, I’m inspired to go tackle Mt. Cheri that’s been growing in the corner of MY room!
The closet looks amazing! I love a pretty organized closet. I had no idea The Container Store had designers. I’m going to keep them in mind in case I ever move and need a functional but pretty closet designed!
We’re in a rental right now but I am absolutely putting these designed closets in when we get a house this year/next year. They look amazing!
xo, Amanda
Organizing baby anything is so addicting! It’s certainly on my list of to- dos to get my kiddos rooms in check this year. So much stuff and no where to put it! lol Sounds like purging is the first to do on my list. haha.