Dress from Rahi find here ||| DVF heels find here ||| Black tote from Clare V back in stock finally here
Happy Wednesday dolls. This post was meant to go up on Monday but I was so exhausted watching the Superbowl. That was the longest game ever right? I’m so excited my Patriots pulled out that win but it was kind of boring till the last quarter, right? I am such a sucker for a good red dress. I can’t really call this a look for Valentine’s Day because most likely I’ll be in sweats eating steak at home but if you have plans here are some pretty options for you! Our Anniversary is this month and we have so many weddings to go to. It kind of got in the way of making our own plans but we are going to make the best of it. We have some travel plans in the Spring that I’m definitely looking forward to! For the mommas out there. How old were your little ones when you first left them? I still haven’t left little man yet but let me tell you this momma needs a full night sleep over here. I am so tempted with this upcoming wedding to leave him with my inlaws and get a full 8 hours of sleep. Total side note. This red dress from Rahi is pretty much the most flattering dress I’ve ever owned. I love long sleeves on a dress but the slit up the side gives it that little bit of sass. I highly recommend checking it out. Here are a few other options that I have my eye on.
I hope everyone is having a great week!
i think red is just the most vibrant color and I love the pattern on yours! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
This dress is just gorgeous on you!! But sweats & steak sound just as nice :) Enjoy celebrating!
Gorgeous dress, perfect for weddings and anniversary celebrations! Leaving the little ones is hard, BUT that sleep will be life changing I promise you!
I love the dress you are wearing, perfect for work and transitioning to fun after!