Welcome back to the work week my loves. I had a moment yesterday when I was putting away laundry, after I had finally just finished grading the last round of papers for my students and I was settling in for the night. I started getting that anxious feeling of another crazy week starting and I finally felt like I just relaxed from the much need break of the weekend. Do you get those Sunday blues? This was such a fun weekend. It was pretty jam packed but the majority of with fun things. A lot of the teachers from...
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If you have had your eye on some Spring pretties…..now is the time to jump on it. The Spring sales are on in full force right now. I decided to do some investigating and round them all up for you. Happy shopping my loves. Shopbop The Shopbop.com sale is ending tonight at 11:59 pm PST. I’m not going to lie…..I’ve had three separate shipments coming my way. I think I’m good and then I see someone else’s shopping guide and with that free shipping and free returns, add to cart. My Susana Monaco off the shoulder dress is still...
It has seriously been the most beautiful weather down here in Florida. I am in the process of switching over my closet back to all the warm weathers favs. The boots are being packed into their boxes and the bright colors are making their way back out. One of my favorite trends for the Spring that always comes back in a big way, is all the feminine floral prints. Whenever I think of florals for the Spring, I always envision that scene from the Devil Wears Prada. This floral dress by BB Dakota is such a great buy because it...
If I’m not in work clothes, you can pretty much guarantee that I will be in some sort of workout outfit. I am extremely picky and opinionated when it comes to my gear. I demand a lot out of it. There are sometimes that I am at the studio for a few hours between teaching and taking class. Therefore, I need quick drying and breathable pieces. Also, they need to stand up to lots of washing and use. These are my tried and true favorites for barre/yoga classes. These top 6 workout essentials are must haves for your closet....
Happy Friday y’all. This was a jam packed week for sure! I am so ready for this weekend, I know I sound like a broken record but I am so ready for some beach time and relaxation. I have a feeling this Fall is going to fly by. Football, long weekend getaways and then before you know it, the holidays will be upon us. I wanted to thank everyone for your sweet words yesterday. I am such an advocate for education and empowering of women. Did you have a chance to catch the Ellen clip? She donated $10,000 to...
So instead of trying to play around with the format coding of my blog, let’s get down to sharing some of the things on my radar lately that I’ve been digging. I got lots of feedback on yesterday’s post about what we were wearing, so I thought I’d share some recent fab finds. Have y’all heard of the company Aritzia before? I’m sure all the Canadian gals have but total new kid on the block for this one over here. Pretty impressed so far with the quality and minimalist multi purpose wear of it! This isn’t sponsored by them...
I haven’t done a good ole product haul update in a long time! As you know and I sound like a broken record but that closet space is prime real estate in my household. However, I am now proud to say I am a new owner of an entire half of a walk in closet. Like I have the top and…….I have the bottom! My clothes were so happy when I moved them down onto the lower rack. I could honestly hear them going “thanks Amanda we can breathe so much easier down here not crammed in between your...
This week definitely didn’t feel complete considering the fact I had some vacation days thrown in there. There really isn’t enough hours in the day is there? I usually try to get a ton of work done on the weekends but with being gone like I was……definitely felt like I was behind this whole week. I plan on catching up and maybe even getting a little sunshine on my skin. Who knows maybe it will actually happen…..some down time! What a concept. Let’s get right into these favorites! Favorite Song You know when you hear a song and...