Seriously where did July go? Can you believe August will be here tomorrow? We have another rainy weekend on the horizon for us Floridians. Hopefully the event we are going to on Saturday it will hold out for some of it! This week was so crazy. Definitely looking forward to unwinding this weekend for sure. Let’s get right into these favorites!
Favorite Song
I am in love with everything Kygo. This song is just so Summertime chill. “Stole the Show”.
Favorite Recipe
These Vietnamese Chicken Wings with Lemongrass Brown Rice can’t wait for our next shipment to see what next week brings! Check out the full post here.
Favorite Workout
At home barre workouts with gifs to help with movements, check it here.
Favorite Purchase
My Frye Boots arrived and they are so beautiful. I even devoted a snap feed to them are you following me?? @meetatthebarre on snapchat. I also just picked up these beauties such a great price and they will go with everything! Only a few days left for the Nordstrom sale! Make sure you check my complete Nordstrom sale shopping guide here.

Favorite Funnies
At every single after hours work function
If Mark asks if tonight is an ice cream night for me
When people start talking about the latest newsworthy crisis
When a certain somebody won’t play with my hair
Speaking of…I’m off to get my hair done today. Can’t wait!
Finally….I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend…..just not this fabulous
Alright now it’s your turn! Tell me your favorites from the week! What are your plans for this weekend?
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Oh my goodness, I love those boots!!
I will gladly borrow them until the winter weather ends down here. haha
Loving that Kygos song right now as well.
Hope you have a great weekend Amanda!
Those boots are amazing! I cannot wait to dye my hair. I’m glad that it’s still summer, & I love that my hair is light for summer, but I’m ready to go dark so BRING ON FALL!
What amazing boots, lady! I have some booties coming in and I can’t wait to wear them! Your funnies crack me up like always. Boomshakalaka, it’s FRIDAY!!! xoxo
Love love love those new boots! Haha love that we both bought new boots an can’t wear them for months! I got my hair done last night, it’s such a wonderful feeling having fresh hair! Can’t wait to see how yours turns out! One more weekend until vacation!!!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
I feel really bad for all my florida ladies that just can’t wear the boots soon enough – just come to boston since we’ll probably be in boots in like a month wahhhh!!! Hope you have a great time at the event this friday :) xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
frye boots are the best. i hate it when you buy something for the winter or fall and it’s way too hot to wear it!
Haha, is that a sheep in the backseat?! What?!!! Yay for getting your hair done, but boo for more rain!! Make it stop. Have a great weekend and a happy Friday!
Aww the cat getting its head scratched is so cute! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Bahaha the gifs are on point! Love the beautiful Frye boots!
ice cream and a fresh hair cut?! sounds like an amazing friday!
trish – tales from trish
LOVE your boots! I have them and basically live in them in the Fall/Winter. I am dying for a pair in black now!
love that song! so great. and looking forward to my blue apron delivery! yay for not having to think about grocery shopping as much! and it’s like double the food since it’s just me. rant – why is there not a single person’s option for the blue apron? ha. #discrimination lol anyway happy friday love! i’ll be inside if it’s gonna be as rainy as you say. stupid florida summer.
I saw boots out in the store for sale & was like FALL IS COMING!!!!!
Love your boots!
Those boots – yes girl!!! Love your funnies :) Happy weekend!
Loving those boots. I loved all of your snaps about them, particularly the song and your mom laughing at you in the background lol
Hope you have a great weekend and the rain holds off for you!
Can’t wait to see how your hair comes out! I’m waaaay overdue to get my hair done, my hairdresser was on maternity leave and should finally be back! Whoo hoo! And loving those boot, your snaps were killin’ me last night of them. Perfectly fabulous <3
Happy Friday gurlie!
Hahaha what even is happening in that last gif?? LOVE those boots, so pretty! I’m already starting to eye all my Fall clothes when I walk in my closet but I know it’s going to be a while, lol! Happy Friday!
LOVE your boots!!! The worst part about all the fall clothes is I feel like I’m dying of heat stroke trying on all these sweaters, coats and boots!!!
Love that gif of mad & Kourtney… I’m such a home body too nowadays! Cute boots too lady!
Those chicken wings sound soooo good!!! And my mom is getting her hair done right before you today lol! She will keep Jesse’s chair warm for you! Hahaha!!! Have an awesome Friday!!!! Xoxoxo
Is that a SHEEP in the back of that car with those guys?! LOL!!!! How did you find that?! I’m totally with you on the after work events.. I don’t really like going out during the week. Like sorry gotta watch the 9:00 news… haha. Love your new boots and those wings look good!! Have a fabulous weekend lady!! :-)
Nooooo, how can birthday month almost be over?! This calls for lots of ice cream and wine tonight! ;)
YAY you got your Frye boots!! Aren’t they fabulous?! I literally sent the exact same snapchat this week – just in a North Face parka, ha! Off to follow you now :)
Those Vietnamese chicken wings look so good! And that work out looks like something we could definitely do. We’ll have to check it out. Boot season will be here before we know it! Have a great weekend :) Winks and Eyerolls
You have the best music taste! I love that song! And those boots are beautiful! Happy weekend!
Her Heartland Soul
Those boots are gorgeous! Hopefully you will be able to wear them soon!
The weather has been horrible the week in FL but i’ll enjoy it for sleeping in tomorrow! That monkey is hilarious! Happy weekend!
Oh my gosh … that .gif of the kitty wanting her head rubbed is SO me and Ryan, and Finely does it to me, too the minute I stop petting him! Ha, that totally made my day. Your Frye boots are a sight to behold – I’m so jealous! Have a great weekend, friend!
Are you as over the lion as I am?
Enjoy your weekend friend! I’ve had a crazy week too and I’m definitely looking forward to some downtime over the next couple of days. Totally feel you on the after-hours work events- get me outta’ there!!!
I am digging this song!!! And those boots!!!!!!!! And that last gif!!! That last gif has me laughing so damn hard this morning!!!! I actually hope my weekend is that fabulous! Have a great one, I hope you get to chill a little!!!!!
lol every night is an ice cream night, right?! those boots. GORGEOUS.
Loving those boots, how about I just borrow them from you during the summer since Chicago doesn’t get the summer memo until later. Yay for getting your hair done, I’m totally overdue. Have a great weekend missy!
The cats! Give me all those cats. I was dying over the little groomed monkey when I saw that earlier in the week. He’s so damn serious haha. Yay for getting groomed yourself tonight ;) Happy weekend, lovely!
I ADORE those boots- but you’re right- just too hot! and kygo is the coolest :)
I thought I lost it at the Mariah gif…. then the sheep happened. Seriously, who makes these? haha. Those boots are a beaut! Can’t wait to see them in action! (: Have a great weekend!
Those frye boots are so fantastic!! You will get so much use out of them. I am loving the Barre workouts at home, thanks for posting them. Have a wonderful weekend.
Love the boots!! I wish they would fit my giant calves! I’m trying to figure out Snapchat, what is wrong with me that I cannot figure it out?!?!