Happy Friday y’all. Fall is definitely upon us in blogger world. I can’t wait to see everyone bust out their blanket scarves and Starbucks cups, then the season will officially start. We will just be down here sweating it out in Florida praying for the days it stays in the 70’s all day, instead of blistering 90’s by mid day. It will be here at some point right? This weekend I am heading to the Gator game. I am nervous, I don’t want to be a pessimist but they did not look good against Kentucky. At least it will be a fun trip catching up with my friends who are also heading there. My local peeps are you heading up to Gville? Hit me up if you are! Let’s get right into these favorites!
Favorite Song
You can add this one to the running list. Ryos ft. Allisa Rose “Eclipse”.
Favorite Recipe
This will be made this weekend. Overnight Pumpkin Pie Oats full recipe here.
Favorite Workout
No equipment, do anywhere printable workout.
Favorite Purchase
After this post, I couldn’t get this beauty out of my head. It is the perfect weekend bag at a great price point.
Favorite Funnies
When Uber suddenly refreshes and the driver that was 12 minutes away is suddenly out front
Making a brunch suggestion that gets vetoed
Any child’s birthday party/baby shower/bridal shower/engagement party/football tailgate that doesn’t involve adults bevs
My feelings when told I need a computer inservice training in the middle of a busy clinic
Pretty much my signature dance moves
Finally. Trying to sound cool to my younger patients.
Alright now it’s your turn! Tell me your favorites from the week! What games are you looking forward to this weekend? xoxoxo
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Hahaha. I love the vetoed brunch opinion.
That’s pretty much how it goes huh? Sure you can make the decision as long as it’s _____! :)
Have fun in Gainesville.
Holly from Dance Moms…that’s one of my favorite gifs ever!!! I like it so much, I haven’t used it yet. I’m saving it for the perfect use. Ha! I’m actually having the game I want to see televised live in Australia (that does NOT happen often for me). Now, let’s just hope I am not disappointed. Texas A&M vs. Arkansas – pull for the Aggies for me!
That purse is gorgeous! Have a great time at the game, and hopefully the weather will cool off for you soon :).
Yay! You got the bag!
Dying over that adult beverage funny…. I mean really, when you get an invitation to a dry wedding. Thanks but no thanks #sorrynotsorry
That bag is gorgeous. Perfect for a weekend! Enjoy your time with friends this weekend. Thanks for hosting.
Great bag! And no excuses: I’m doing that workout Today!! Yeah, we do I always out my arms up when I dance? Ha! Have an amazing weekend beauty full of fun, laughter and LOVE!! :)
I really need to move. I’d rather be in your shoes enjoying the heat, than taking all of my fall clothes out. Don’t get me wrong I love a good scarf but it gets so cold! Happy Friday!
OMG the uber thing totally happened to me on Tuesday it said he was 2 min away and then I get a call that he’s there LOL!! Have so much fun at the gator game this weekend – a little jealous but I’ll see you in a few weeks! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
There are really events that don’t serve adult bevies? Whaaaat? I can totally relate to your tech problems, girl haha
Love the bag that you got! The color os super pretty. Another ox blood? lol
I am so ready for cooler weather here in Texas! Yesterday it was 96 and I was pretty pissed lol. Have a great weekend!!
I need to make those overnight pumpkin oats, they look amazing! Hope you have fun at the game and get a win!
Your videos always crack me up! Send some FL heat up north – I’m not ready for fall yet! Have a great time at the game!
Have fun at the game! We thought about going this weekend but it’s supposed to rain and I’ve already been caught in two rain storms this season so I vetoed it haha! Love your new bag! Such a pretty color! That brunch suggestion gif is so true haha! Happy Friday girl!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
Yes, someday the weather will cooperate down here and it’ll be cool enough for a jacket all day. I’m looking forward to it! Totally adding those overnight oats to my list of Fall things to try! Have a great weekend at the game!
You’re entitled to your wrong opinion. LOL!!! Those pumpkin pie oats look delicious!!!!! I hope you have fun at your Gators game! Half of our state is nervous about their game this weekend too….Auburn looked disastrous last weekend and I can’t really say I am too sad about that. hahaha! I just hope my team pulls their crap together this week before we start playing real teams again next week. Happy Weekend!!!!
Hmmmm pumpkin pie oats? Yes please! I love your funnies. Happy Friday! Trish – tales from trish
Don’t even get me started when people want Bachelorette parties with no alcohol. Then it’s just a…not Bachelorette party…
How is it a football tailgate or a bachelorette party without alcohol? And those pumpkin pie oats look DELISH! Hang in there on the weather gurlie, remember when everyone is freezing up north we’ll get that beautiful fall weather <3
Happy Friday!
Green Fashionista
Girl, at least your days start cool! Ours are mid 90’s by 10am! And my Insta feed is all “look at my hot coffee” and I’m like do they make that iced…? I know you feel me :) What is the deal with people not having adult bevvies at “boring” functions? No, seriously. I had them at ever baby shower I had for H and his first birthday; all my bridal events; and I will have be fully stocked at Otto’s sip n’ see this winter. I mean, just because I had to be sober doesn’t mean I should bore the heck out of everyone else! I do NOT understand people/parents (especially when we’re in our late 20’s to early 30’s) who think people want to watch their child smear cake all over themselves without a beer or glass of wine. Heck, I don’t even want to do that, and I love my child. Can you tell I’d just really like a glass of wine (ok, whole bottle) at this point in my pregnancy?! Rant done.
^^^ broken English. Sorry. Typing on an iPhone with a toddler in my lap. The struggle is real.
that bag is so pretty!!! have a great weekend!
Yay for that new Sole Society bag! Love that pretty fall color!
Yes to overnight pumpkin pie oats! Love the color of that bag. And of course, loving your GIFs! Have a great weekend!
Love the funny about the Uber driver and the color of your new purchase! Have fun at the Gators game!
those overnight oats have me intrigued! i’ve never tried them before, but the addition of pumpkin sounds great! have a great weekend, amanda!!
No fun weekend activity should ever be without adult bevs! Ha! Happy weekend! :)
those overnight oats look so good! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Those overnight oats look so good!! Yumm! And it’s still hot as hades here too. I might wear leggings today only because it’s overcast but I’ll probably burn up! Have a good weekend!
I’m always looking for new overnight oats recipes! Going to have t otry that one!!
That first picture is so gorgeous!!! What a sunset! I’m off to Raleigh for the weekend. I could so use that gorgeous new weekender of yours haha!
hahaha we have the same dance move. #awkward
Have a blast at the game! And I feel for you guys and your hot temps. When it gets into the 90s in Seattle we melt. I can’t imagine doing it every day for almost the whole year.
And Amen to adult bevs and functions! What are people thinking? I’ve even been to 2 dry weddings. We obviously didn’t stay long and headed to the bar when we left.
Have a great weekend!
Love your new bag, so pretty!! That Taylor gif and the one about adult beverages is great too. I’m sorry but adult beverages should be a requirement at those events. My older sister had champagne at her baby shower and we had it at my bridal shower. Sidenote: I only drink on the weekends. Except I did have a glass of rose last night….Anyway!! I hope that you have fun this weekend at the game and that you enjoy the rest of your weekend!! :-)
I’m SO used to scarves and boots in September, but I don’t even dare think about them while highs are still in the 90’s in Tennessee. I forgot how hilarious the Uber-shuffle is! The fastest you’ve ever put shoes on in your life!
Oooooo that pumpkin dessert. Or breakfast. (; I mean, there’s oats in it? hahaha My oh my what a weekend bag. If only I actually did things on the weekend that required a weekend bag. (; Have a wonderful weekend Amanda!
I’m still trying to figure out what a griffindor or gryffendor is! Did I even spell that right?
Those Overnight Pumpkin Oats look divine. I think I may have to make them this weekend as well. I love the hot recipes for it as well. That bag seems perfect for a weekend away. As always, you nailed it with the funnies. :-)
I have got to try that recipe!! jamming out to this song!
Loving that song, I remember it from your snap and loved it! That bag, heart eyes!! All those Gif’s, LOL!
Hope you have fun at the Florida game and that they win for you! :)
Bahahaha! I am dying at that Dance Moms funny! Love it! Also, love that bag and I cannot wait to try out that recipe! Thanks for hosting this awesome linkup :)
Happy Friday! Looking forward to the early LSU game that I was supposed to be making the trip up to New York for but lost in the breakup. Still his loss ;) Loving that bag, I am obsessed with that color now!
Haha throwing the computer is when I have to call Tech Connect effers because no one can figure out what’s wrong with my computer. Again. Loving that pretty travel bag!
Bahahaha that Uber gif is spot on! Story of my life!
That oxblood bag is just beautiful! Great find!
Wow I totally missed Taylor Swift on the Voice! I need to google that!
Those Gifs had me laughing out loud – thanks for sharing!
Yay for fall!! Hope you get some slightly cooler weather soon :)
Loved all your Friday favourites
I hadn’t seen a pumpkin pie oats before today but the recipe is something I’m gonna check out immediately.
I liked the not equipment workout schedule. It’s something that anyone can try!
That bag Is super cute!
I like that purse and I love its color!
Thanks for hosting! Hope you are having a great weekend!
Those overnight oats look delicious, I am loving everything (and anything) pumpkin right now! Love that purse too! Xo, Stephanie
That Dance Mom quote made me laugh out loud. I love it!!!
hope you had fun at the game! i am majorly loving that bag too girl! hope you got it!
bahahahahaha that last gif though. and seriously, i totally dance like taylor as well, no shame in my awkward game.